In an
instant, the invisible Space Rune instantly wrapped and swallowed Long Bufan’s body, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The next second, it appeared beyond more than 100 feet, and the black light pattern passed directly through the afterimage he left in midair.

However, the black light pattern seemed unwilling to give up, and after looking for the breath of Long Bufan, it burst again!


The black light came suddenly, and a terrifying smell of death permeated from it.

“Oops, Space Power is used up, and teleportation can no longer be used.”

Long Bufan secretly said in one’s heart is not good, his complexion has changed drastically, this kind of attack is fundamental Not what he can resist.

Because even he is not sure that he will be able to take the mark of the evil spirit with terrifying energy next, and dare not take out the mark of the blood evil to resist, in case he is defeated by this more High Rank evil spirit. If the reverse devouring of the evil seal is off, then you will have to thump your chest.

Long Bufan took a deep breath and the majestic Origin Force whizzed out. At this time, there was no way to care whether it could block this terrifying black light pattern.

However, when he was about to take a shot, the space in front of him suddenly twisted, follow closely from behind, a purple silhouette, appeared in front of Long Bufan very abruptly, with his bones holding back. , Directly tyrannically squeezed the mark of the evil spirit into pieces and turned into a black glow floating in the air.

The sudden change made Long Bufan stunned for a moment, and immediately looked at the purple shadow in front of him, and immediately his pupils shrank, because he found that this person was actually the same In the altar, the boneless body, that is, the remains of the powerhouse in the star realm, the Great Purple Eye!

“This guy is alive!!” Long Bufan had some cold sweat on the palms of his palms. For these Old Monsters more than five hundred years ago, even he had to be full of jealousy.

Long Bufan’s eyes were alert, and immediately cup one fist in the other hand gratefully said: “This Senior, many thanks to your life-saving grace, the junior has no intention of disturbing, so I leave quickly.”

Purple pupil bones blocked the black light, the pair of sunken eye sockets, purple glow surged, he ignored Long Bufan, he suddenly turned around, stepped in the air, and walked towards the corpse that was slaughtered in the tomb. .

“What is he going to do?” Long Bufan stared at this scene in astonishment. Seeing this situation, this purple eyed skeleton seemed to be about to attack the devil’s corpse!


And under the gaze of Long Bufan and the others, in midair, suddenly there was a monstrous purple lightning Origin Force swept out of the skeletal purple pupils, and then it directly formed a huge lightning web , Shrouded the demon corpse in it, preventing him from further slaughtering humans.

The demon corpse obviously also found the bones of the purple pupil. When even after taking back all the marks of the demon that were released, the black mist loomed around the body, and the scarlet eye sockets were directly locked by the purple that came out of the air. The skeleton of the pupil, the harsh voice said with a smile: “jié jié, Zitong kid, haven’t seen you for so many years, you look more embarrassed than me, but your purple pupils are still so annoying!”

Purple pupil bones raised his head, there was a trace of thunder and lightning in the purple pupil, and a deep and hoarse voice slowly sounded: “Before I died, I imprisoned my soul in the purple pupil, just to Prevent you this evil spirit from escaping from the burning Heavenly Fire furnace, and then completely wipe you out!”

Chapter 476 Purple Eye vs. Devil Corpse

“This guy actually died in lifespan At the end of the day, the tomb house that has imprisoned his soul for more than five hundred years, in order to deal with the suppressed corpse!”

Long Bufan was quite shocked in his heart, a little respectful, these hundreds of years The former human powerhouse guarding the sky continent, this selfless great mind, deserves his admiration.

When encountering a real crisis, some people will eventually give up a lot of grudges. In that world war, the entire sky continent was almost destroyed. In order to guard their homes, no one has any more selfishness.

Devil corpse said with contempt: “You humble creatures are just a bunch of food in the eyes of our Demon Race. If it wasn’t for the damn Martial God to burn Life Source and block Space Crack, you little The plane of, has long become the colony of our Demon Race, jié jié……”

The black mist surging, sharp and gloomy laughter, constantly echoing in the underground tomb.

“Master Martial God…” Zitong Bone Skeleton’s tone was hoarse, and in his deep eye sockets, there seemed to be an obscure color of grief passing by, the top man who had fought side by side with them. powerhouse, just fell away.

In order to defend the homeland of all human beings, he abandoned his pinnacle moment, and finally saved the sky continent at the cost of burning Life Source. Otherwise, the war of resistance may continue for countless years.

“jié jié, it would be fine if the guy who got in the way died. When he would go out and gather energy to open the Space Crack channel again, when our army of alien monsters swept over, it was yours in this world. The calamity of extinction.” The demon corpse said in a gloomy voice, and a wild smile appeared on that thin face.

“Don’t worry, I won’t let your evil spirit run out.”

Cangsang’s hoarse voice came from the bones of the purple pupil, and his palms slapped immediately. The purple thunder and lightning suddenly whizzed out and shot at the demon corpse.

“hmph, you weak creatures, dare to pretend to kill this general!”

The coldly snorted of the devil’s disdain, the black mist is also surging up at this moment, It was directly transformed into a huge palm, and one shot scattered the beam of thunder and lightning.

“xiu xiu!”

The palms of the purple pupil bones were shot continuously, and countless purple beams of light also burst out continuously from the palms of the bones at this moment, and the purple current was moving, It quickly turned into a terrifying Thunder Element Formation, and then directly enveloped the demon corpse.

“Devil flame devours!”

Looking at the huge thunder array that enveloped, the scarlet blood pupil of the demon corpse was also flashing rapidly, obviously also aware of some danger , An indescribable dark black flame suddenly spread in front of him, and then quickly spread out.

“chi chi ~!”

Under the erosion of the black flames, the stone hall of the tomb mansion unexpectedly began to shake, and dust flew up.


In the next moment, the thunder array and the black flames fiercely collided together in mid-air. Suddenly it was not only the stone hall, but also the entire stone tomb. Shaking violently at this moment, there were signs of collapse.

The horror generated by thunder and lightning and the black flames swept wildly, and the altar below, when touched, was crushed and collapsed.


Above the top of the tomb, a big hole was blasted out by the air wave, and the debris was flying. The destructive power was shocking.

In an instant, the dazzling sunlight came in through the gap in the top of the mountain.

But at this moment, a big dark hand suddenly appeared strangely, and then slapped the thin body of the purple pupil bones, “peng!” There was a loud noise, purple pupil The bones flew upside down, and the landing of the hong long long directly smashed a deep pit on the ground.

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