In the Alien Demon Legion, the Demon General’s Alien is equivalent to the human star powerhouse, and the demon corpse at the moment, looking at its terrifying aura, is obviously an alien. One of the magician.

“Huanhuan, we have to withdraw quickly. Although this demon corpse has been suppressed for hundreds of years, although its strength has been reduced, it is at least the level of the Divine Sea 5th layer.” Mo Yuan flew into You Huanhuan’s body. Beside, hurriedly urged.

“Devil corpse?” You Huanhuan was taken aback. From the terrifying corpse, she also felt a strong smell of danger.

Mo Yuan’s facial expression grave was nodded, and he glanced unwillingly at the iron pieces scattered around the hall.

Although the Heavenly Fire furnaces have been exploded into pieces, the materials still exist. If they are collected and re-casted by the refiner master, they can still be restored intact, but they are facing the Divine Sea. The demons of the 5th layer, even if they can barely contend with the number of people, will still suffer heavy casualties, and they cannot afford the price.

Mo Yuan gritted his teeth, and immediately he was very reluctant to make a decisive decision, Shen shouted: “Demonic Yuan discipline, follow the order, go!”


You Huanhuan also waved his hand, and many purple Moon Sect disciple rushed up at the same time, and then flew away toward the tomb.

And the branch sect disciple of the Four Great Sects clan saw the demonic Yuan Zong and the Purple Moon Sect, the two great men and horses ran like this. They were all taken aback for a while, and then looked towards the front. Wang Yan.

“Let’s go too, this monster corpse, we can’t deal with it, damn it, how could it be such a bad luck, I thought there was some treasure in this ancient tomb, didn’t expect to meet such a tricky thing! “When Wang Yan saw this, he gritted his teeth, but he was also decisive, and as soon as he turned around, he immediately led people to retreat.

For a time, the people of Six Great Influences fled from the ground of the cemetery frantically.

“Want to run? It’s not that easy, jié jié…”

However, the demon corpse didn’t intend to let go of their delicious humans, with harsh laughter With a wave of his tattered sleeves, he saw one after another black light pattern bursting out from his withered palms, like poisonous snakes, fast as lightning catching up. The group of human martial artists fleeing.

The black light pattern permeated with the terrifying baleful qi quickly passed by them all around. Almost no one could resist any human being hit by directly penetrating the body guard vitality shield and entering The body was sucked into an adult in an instant.

For a time, in this vast tomb hall, corpses kept falling to the ground, and the withered body of the demon corpse absorbed the blood essence in this brutal slaughter, little by little The blood vessels under the skin were beating strangely, looking very shocked!

Chapter 474 Fight again

“Boss, why don’t you run away with them?”

Xiaobai asked suspiciously, because at this time Long Bufan was rushing to the hall exit in the opposite direction, not at all to join the fleeing team.

“Now we people are like a bunch of delicious food in the eyes of the demon corpse. Do you think the demon corpse will choose the bigger one or the smaller one?”

Long Bufan’s eyes flickered, and while rushing, he put the scattered pieces of the Heavenly Fire furnace into the storage bag. Fortunately, the fragments of the furnace are relatively large and obvious.

“That smelly brat!” Mo Yuan glanced back, his pupils couldn’t help shrinking, and he saw a silhouette. Taking advantage of the chaos, he was sneakily collecting Fen Heavenly in the hall. The fragments of the Fire furnace cast a gloomy look at the moment.

At this time, Long Bufan, who was in the other direction of the hall, with Xiaobai’s help, had already collected all the scattered pill furnace fragments, except that the furnace that was washed away by the black mist was covered. But there is no way to find its shadow everywhere.

Due to the critical situation, I must leave here as soon as possible. However, when Long Bufan broke up and gave up, Xiao Bai’s voice suddenly sounded in his mind: “Boss, the furnace cover is on top.”

hearing this, Long Bufan suddenly raised his head, his eyes condensed, and he saw the stone wall at the top of the hall, the stove cover about the size of a wok was sunken in it. Obviously it was too strong before , It is embedded in it.

However, the position of the stove cover is at several ten zhang behind. For Long Bufan’s speed, this distance can be reached in just a few breaths, but the same also means He was about to reach the exit of the passage to turn around and go back.

However, the Heavenly Fire furnace has the magic of being condensed into the Divine Pill, and it can be refined without the energy of the powerhouse of the stars. Such Divine Furnace, which will have great benefits for the future Divine Sea realm.


Long Bufan’s eyes flickered. After hesitating for a moment, he gritted his teeth, and a crazy rays of light emerged from his eyes.

For many years, he has been able to move from a small handyman in a small sect Huo Zhan Fang to where he is now. Which time is he not on the verge of life and death?

Long Bufan is very clear about his position. Unlike those rich second generations and Zong second generations who have strong background resources, he is just a nobody who has no background and no family status. , All the cultivation resources are the assets that he took his own life to fight for.

Martial Dao Road is destined to be dangerous. From the perspective of Long Bufan’s current aptitude, strength, and resources, the future breakthrough Divine Sea environment will not be a problem.

But how high is it? The Divine Sea 9th layer, the more it climbs to the next level, the more resources it requires.

So, this time, there is no exception!

“Xiaobai, wait for me outside first, and the boss will come as soon as he goes.”

Long Bufan preached in his heart, then raised his head and took a deep look at the massacre of in midair, and he immediately The shape suddenly rushed up, with a fierce and unafraid of death gesture, turned around and flew towards the furnace cover at the top of the hall, during which two instant movements were displayed one after another, shortening the time taken.

However, this consumes 2/3 of the Space Power within the body, and teleportation can only be used once.

In this regard, Long Bufan smiled helplessly in his heart, and decided to himself, when he returned from this experience, he must assiduous cultivation Space Rune to increase his energy.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Long Bufan arrived, stepped into the air and stood on top of the hall, and immediately flexed his five fingers slightly. The mighty Origin Force formed a suction force in his palm and quickly dented it in the stone wall. The furnace lid inside was torn out.

“It’s all done.”

Starting with my baby, a touch of ecstasy also emerged under Long Bufan’s face. He put the furnace cover directly into the storage bag, and then he looked very alert. Looking at the black light patterns projected from hiding the sky and covering the earth.

In the next instant, Long Bufan’s pupils suddenly shrank, because he noticed a black light, and he regarded him as a target, and shot straight at him.

Chapter 475 The Awakened Bones


Black light pattern, lightning strikes.

Looking at the black light coming from violently, Long Bufan’s eyes were filled with grave expression, and he immediately instinctively operated the Space Power within the body.

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