Two hours later, the City Lord Mansion of Setting Sun City.

At this time, in a luxuriously decorated palace room, a middle-aged man with four wings on his back was sitting silently on the main seat, his complexion seemed a little haggard, and the pain of losing his child made this A City Lord, in just ten days, the whole person looked thinner.

This person is undoubtedly Huo Chen’s father, Huo Lieyun.

Since learning that Huo Chen died halfway to Azure Dragon Military Mansion, Huo Lieyun was extremely furious, but when he saw the screen projected by Huo Chen’s Life Source jade slip, There is another sense of powerlessness.

Because, the assassin who killed Huo Chen was also a member of the royal family, and was in the form of four Winged Dragon blood demon generals. In terms of level, he was the same level.

However, in terms of the age difference, the killer has to look much younger. At this age, he can reach four Winged Dragon blood demon generals. It must be the imperial family nobles of the high caste of Demon Palace. .

As a Young City Lord, even if he knew that his son was killed, he could only submit to humiliation and did not dare to file a lawsuit at Demon Palace.

Even, he still doesn’t know the assassin, which Imperial Family aristocrat is, because the younger generation of the entire royal family does not seem to exist at all.

Furthermore, the rules of the Azure Dragon Military Mansion are strict. If the new student does not report before the start of school, the family will be punished. He must also arrive in Azure yesterday with the pain of losing his son. Dragon military mansion, relayed the news to palace lord You Lingzi, and would give the palace lord Huo Chen’s Life Source jade slip as evidence.

“Sir City Lord, do you think that Young Master’s killer of Life Source jade slip projection is like someone?” At this time, a dwarf guard next to him asked suspiciously.

“Stop talking nonsense, speak quickly!” Huo Lieyun’s eyes were cold and he asked sharply.

“It’s him.”

The dwarf guard body trembled, and hurriedly took out a piece of animal skin, but saw that there were two portraits on it, one of a human and one of a royal family Dragon form.

These two portraits are undoubtedly Long Bufan!

Chapter 2266 Clearing Obstacles

The two portraits on the animal skins are those of Princess Ziluo when she returned to Demon Palace from the plane of the desertion, deliberately following Long Bufan’s The features of the human facial features and the royal dragon form were drawn and copied in large numbers, spread throughout the empire, wanted and tracked down the whereabouts of Long Bufan.

Therefore, as the City Lord of Setting Sun City, he naturally received an animal skin portrait.

Seeing this, Huo Lieyun glared and stared at the two portraits of Long Bufan. In his mind, he recalled the picture of his son Life Source jade slip projection.的match.

At the moment, a strong resentment quickly condenses in his eyes, and his face is also distorted because of the hideousness.

“It turned out to be this nasty guy!”

In an instant, an extremely angry roar sounded in the vast hall, Huo Lieyun stood up abruptly, his body tolerated because of his anger Shaking uncontrollably, he immediately slapped his palm against the table beside him fiercely. Hearing a deep sound of’bang’, the table suddenly burst into powder.

Originally thought that his son had offended those Imperial Family younger generations. Due to the disparity in power, he could only submit to humiliation. However, now, the situation is not as expected, and he cannot think of his son. , Was actually killed by a wanted criminal, so how could Huo Lieyun endure this hatred if he was not reported.

“Send my order to send the news of the appearance of the wanted criminal to Demon Palace. I will use the power of Demon Palace to find this bastard, and then chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades!”

Huo Lieyun’s eyes were red, and his voice was filled with uncontrollable anger.

“Yes, Sir City Lord!” The dwarf guard startedled, and immediately expressed nodded and said in awe.

However, at the moment when the dwarf guard turned and was about to leave, a bloody light pattern, which swept as fast as lightning, shot into the center of his forehead.


As the bloody light pattern shot into the body, the dwarf guard’s body trembled, and then, the strong fleshy body exploded on the spot. And when it opened, a large amount of flesh and blood splashed and died instantly.

Seeing this scene, Huo Lieyun’s complexion changed drastically, and he immediately reacted from the rage. After being shocked in his heart, his figure quickly retreated. At the same time, a black long knife flashed in his hand, majestic The baleful qi also spread in an instant.

“Who is it, get out!”

Huo Lieyun held the black long knife, screamed, and his eyes swept all around vigilantly. He was very clear that he could In an instant, it was to kill a dwarf guard with a strength of 3rd-layer magic general level. Such a fierce and powerful method was obviously an expert.

Huo Lieyun glanced and turned his gaze to stare at a void in front of him. There, a purple silhouette appeared out of thin air, slowly from in the sky. Condensed, a suffocating energy wave exuded from the whole body.

However, this guy is wearing a Purple Gold mask on his face, and he can’t tell who it is.

The master of the Sky Tower looked at Huo Lieyun indifferently. There was no nonsense. The body moved, like a teleportation, suddenly flashed in front of Huo Lieyun, with his palm sticking out and pressing directly on On the latter’s head, the Soul Searching Technique was used.

Huo Lieyun’s eyes were full of horror. He didn’t expect him to dignified a four Winged Dragon blood demon general, and to the mysterious guy in front of him, he didn’t even have the power to resist, so he just watched. As he pressed his palm on his head,


For a time, Inside the City Lord Mansion, a tragic howl resounded. , But under the envelope of the energy domain, the guards of the City Lord outside could not hear any movement at all.


Long Bufan had just cleaned up the corpses in the dormitory towards the early morning, and he received You Lingzi’s sound transmission talisman again: “Everything is done, continue as planned Carry on.”

Hearing this, Long Bufan’s eyes flashed, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. With expert help, it was really refreshing to get things done!

Chapter 2267 Emergency Bell Sounds

“The efficiency of this Skyscraper Senior’s work is beyond my expectations.”

Received the sound of the Skyscraper Master Transmission talisman, Long Bufan couldn’t help but admire secretly in his heart. Unexpectedly, in just two hours, this old man has returned from Setting Sun City and eliminated all the guys who knew the inside story.

Without any worries, Long Bufan’s previously anxious mood suddenly became a little cheerful.

And Young Master, a small city like Huo Chen, has Life Source jade slip. You Lingzi don’t need to guess. There must be his Life Source jade slip in the royal family. For this, Long Bufan didn’t worry at all.

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