Looking at the magic crystal in his hand, Long Bufan’s eyes flashed, and a touch of joy appeared on the young face.

After all, You Lingzi’s strength has reached Eight Wings. This magic crystal contains all of that guy’s cultivation base. If it absorbs all of it, it will be a great help for the eight Winged Dragon blood Demon King that has a stronger impact.

It’s just…

“dragon’s blood.”

Long Bufan’s eyes are dimmed, although he now has the power to attack the eight Winged Dragon blood Demon King The magic crystal energy, but the most important thing is the lack of the dragon’s blood essence as a tempering flesh.

The blood essence of the previous bloodwing bat dragon, after being absorbed, has made his fleshy body bloodline fused with nearly 50% of dragon’s blood, and to transform into the form of eight wings, the fleshy body needs to be fused To nearly 70% of the dragon’s blood essence.

“We must find a way to get some more dragon’s blood.”

Long Bufan clenched his fists. He knew his situation very well. With his current strength, even if he has It is also difficult for the rune puppets and the skyscraper master to break into the forbidden area of ​​the Demon Palace and open the Space Transmission Array.

After all, in the forbidden area of ​​Demon Palace, there are countless experts, and among them are hidden several terrifying guys who have reached the level of ten Winged Dragon Blood Demon Emperor.

Chapter 2264 No need to worry

In the dim room, there is silence, only a six-wing silhouette stands still.

Long Bufan lowered his head and looked at the headless body of You Lingzi on the ground. In the depths of his eyes, a somewhat thoughtful expression emerged. He knew that since You Lingzi could see his identity If it is a fake, then other people should already know it.

But when he killed Huo Chen, the area was remote, not at all. What’s more, his Appearance Changing Technique is extremely superb, even the powerhouse of the emperor state, it is difficult to detect, and Huo Chen is also Have half of the human bloodline.

Adding these things together, he pretended to be the city Young Master Huo Chen, and there was almost no loophole. Then, how did You Lingzi discover that he was a fake?

“Is it Life Source jade slip?”

Thinking of this, Long Bufan vision freezes suddenly became more determined, because only this possibility would reveal the death of Huo Chen Dropped messages.

If it is Life Source jade slip, then the first person to know should be Huo Chen’s father, which is the City Lord of Setting Sun City.

From the moment he entered the Azure Dragon military mansion, apart from the private attack by You Lingzi, the other royal family members seem to be unknown.

“Huo Chen originally received an admission letter from Azure Dragon Military Mansion and came here to study, but his father learned of his son’s death a few days ago, so he came here to avoid military punishment. I told the palace lord that he could not get there, so this You Lingzi only grasped the news…”

Long Bufan muttered to himself, constantly speculating about what happened. It was as close as he thought.

However, this is just a guess. Long Bufan cannot guarantee whether there are any crafty plots and machinations waiting for him to get the bait!

But now I have come to this step. If you give up, the previous plan will fail.

Long Bufan frowned, his eyes filled with hesitation, his eyes condensed, his face showed a firm expression, fiercely clenched the teeth: “Anyway, this time I have to gamble!”

After making a decisive choice, Long Bufan turned over the palm and took out a piece of red talisman paper from the storage ring. As the true yuan was poured in, the scarlet rune covered with it immediately radiated hot The energy was actually ignited directly in the hand.

This red talisman paper is exactly the sound transmission talisman.

Yesterday at the Tower of Braves, Long Bufan and the owner of the Skyscraper Tower exchanged sound transmission talisman with each other, and within a thousand miles, they could transmit their own secret voice to each other.

“My identity has been exposed. The lord of the Azure Dragon military mansion has just been killed by me, but there is nothing wrong for the time being, please go to Setting Sun City immediately, kill the City Lord, and use Soul Searching Technique, see who else knows the news of Huo Chen’s death.”

Sound transmission talisman burned up, Long Bufan lips slightly moving, the sound turned into a wave of true essence, and it was integrated into it. Among the sound transmission talisman.

But soon, when the sound transmission talisman burned out, Long Bufan heard an indifferent voice: “No need to worry.”

Although Just four simple words, the meaning of which is to make Long Bufan’s tense mood gradually settle down. He believes that with the powerful strength of the Skyscraper Tower Lord, killing a four-winged City Lord is like trampling to death. As simple as an ant.

As long as the owner of the Skyscraper takes the shot himself, Long Bufan can really worry about it.

Two portraits in Chapter 2265

At this time, on the top floor of the Tower of Brave, the Skyscraper Lord looked at the burning sound transmission talisman in his hands, and there was a trace of surprise in his eyes.

This kind of surprise is not the exposure of Long Bufan’s identity, but the news that the palace lord of the Azure Dragon army has been killed.

“This kid is really extraordinary, even You Lingzi died in his hands.”

The tower master secretly sighed, and there is a voice that is hard to hide. Appreciation, in those flashing eyes, as if to see a little hope, that is the hope of returning home!

“What? The lord of Azure Dragon military mansion was killed by Brother Long?!”

Jiang Wuchen on the side heard this, his face suddenly showed a touch of surprise. I felt extremely shocked.

As far as he knows, the strength of that Youlingzi has reached the level of the eight Winged Dragon Blood Demon King, the equivalent to human martial cultivator’s Emperor Realm Early-Stage, this level of powerhouse , It’s ever tricky to kill it, and it’s even more difficult in a place like the Azure Dragon military mansion.

However, for Long Bufan, he just went in less than a day before killing him!

How did he do it?

Jiang Wuchen was shocked and suspicious, and at the same time, a rush of excitement was also concentrated in the heart, because in this way, they could say that they lacked a powerful opponent among the enemies of the royal family.

The master of the Sky Tower was nodded indifferently, his eyes fell cold, staring at Jiang Wuchen, said solemnly: “The old man has urgent matters to deal with, and the tower of brave will be left to you for the time being.”

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Wuchen hadn’t asked what was going on. His silhouette was like a ghost, suddenly disappearing where he stood before, leaving Jiang Wuchen with a stunned look.


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