Floating Light Sweeping Shadow scenes from the past, and finally a sigh.

Chapter 2220 True Identity

Recalling the days in the temple pavilion before, the killing idea in the eyes of the Skyscraper Tower Master seemed to weaken a bit, and the vigorous face also became dimmed at this moment. .

Immediately, he took a deep breath slowly, calmed down the emotions in his heart, and then stared at Long Bufan, still asking suspiciously, “You said you were The discipline of the temple pavilion, how did you come to this demon realm?!”

Long Bufan smiled bitterly and said: “Actually, it’s a long story, although the Lord burned Life more than five hundred years ago. Source Blood Essence, using space martial arts to seal the Space Crack from the Demon Territory to the Sky Continent, but Hong Tianyun, the despicable guy, also hid a Space Transmission Array in the Sky Continent, so he took advantage of the opportunity opened by the left plane to enter it. , Trying to hand over the Space Teleportation coordinates to Demon Race, planning to open the Transmission Passage of the two worlds again, but…”

“Unexpectedly, this traitor is still alive!”

Hear With the name of Hong Tianyun, there was a flash of anger on the face of the tower master, but he did not interrupt Long Bufan, suppressed the anger in his heart, and continued to listen to his preach: “However, Hong Tianyun and Demon Race The conspiracy of collusion was discovered by me in the deserted plane, so I completely killed him and refining his space Primordial Spirit, and then led many senior and junior brothers from the temple to a bloody battle with the Demon Race team. The Space Teleportation coordinates were snatched over.”

Speaking of this, Long Bufan’s voice paused slightly, and he endured the severe pain in his body, and continued: “But at that time, the purple princess was in the hands of There is another copy. When she entered the Transmission Gate leading to the world of the magic world, I also snatched it in. I finally grabbed the copy in the space channel and used the space martial arts to tear it out in the channel. A Space Crack just escaped a catastrophe and was teleported to the Moda Grassland in the Demon Realm. Until now, counting the days, it should have been about ten days.”

After listening to Long Bufan In other words, the brows of the Skyscraper Master slowly frowned, thinking carefully about what Long Bufan had just said, feeling that there were several doubts in it.

The most obvious is the shape of Long Bufan’s six Winged Dragon blood Demon King.

Perceiving some changes in the complexion of the main tower of the Skyscraper, Long Bufan seems to see what the other person is thinking, lightly said with a smile: “Are you thinking now, if I were the temple discipline, but How can there be the bloodline characteristics of the Demon Race royal family?”

The tower owner remained silent, but his vigorous eyes kept staring at Long Bufan, wanting to see something from it, if it were not for Fu The spirit puppet was guarding him. He probably couldn’t bear it and rushed up to perform the Soul Searching Technique on Long Bufan.

“Actually…I am a hybrid of Demon Race and humans.” Long Bufan took a deep breath, just said slowly.

Although his identity is very likely to cause distrust of the tower owner, but at this point, it is no longer necessary to hide the identity, only the whole story should be relatively safe, even when Whether the time comes back to the sky continent, with the help of such a top powerhouse, the probability of success will be greater.

Sure enough, when he heard the true identity of Long Bufan, the master of the Skyscraper’s complexion sank, and his eyes suddenly became gloomy.


Hearing this, Jiang Wuchen, who was not far away, was surprised and couldn’t help being sucked in a cold breath. Soon, there was a sudden glance across his eyes. No wonder Long Bufan not only With the morphological characteristics of humans and the Demon Race royal family, it turned out to be the bloodline descendant of the two races!

Chapter 2221 Obtaining Trust

“So, you are also a Demon Race!”

The main face of the Sky Tower is gloomy, and his eyes are staring at Long surly. Bufan, with a murderous aura in his eyes, coldly said: “No matter what you say, the old man will not be fooled!”

Long Bufan can understand the vigilance of the tower owner, and immediately he After pondering for a while, he said calmly: “If you don’t believe me, then Master Bai Weng should believe him?”

Speaking, Long Bufan Spiritual Consciousness moved slightly and took out a piece of purple from the storage bag. -Golden token, carved with Totem unique to the temple, faintly exuding an obscure energy wave.

The main gaze of the Skyscraper Tower is slightly condensed. He, who was also the deacon of the temple pavilion purple robe, naturally knows what this purple gold token means. It is a symbol of the identity of the temple pavilion purple robe deacon, and cannot be forged , Which contains its own Life Source Blood Essence, which is connected to the Life Source jade slip stored in the temple pavilion. Once lost or the person dies, this purple gold token will shatter on its own.

Now, this deacon token is held in Long Bufan’s hands, but it is not broken. Obviously, it is not the lost thing of the deacon of the Temple Pavilion, but the deacon token belonging to Long Bufan himself.

More importantly, the purple robe deacon in the deacon hall is not directly promoted due to its special status and is a high-level person. It must be reviewed by the deacon and Changbaiweng before it can take on this responsibility.

The master of the Sky Tower was slightly embarrassed, that is to say, Lord Bai Weng knew exactly where this guy came from, but still let him serve as the purple robe deacon of the temple pavilion, obviously trusting him extremely.

Thinking of this, most of the killing intent in the eyes of the Sky Tower owner disappeared. After all, with the powerful strength of Lord Bai Weng, it is not difficult to see that Long Bufan within the body has half the Demon Race bloodline.

“Bai Weng-sama, is he… okay?” The tower master slowly landed, and after a sigh, he asked, even now in Martial Dao, he is the emperor. Regarding the achievements of the realm, when talking about Bai Weng, his voice is still full of awe.

Seeing that the tower master finally believed in his own words, Long Bufan couldn’t help but relax secretly, and immediately replied with a faint smile: “It’s okay, now in charge of the temple, but the pressure is not small…”



In the middle of the speech, Long Bufan within the body suffered a strong injury, but he couldn’t help but make him cough softly, a mouthful of blood also Can’t help but squirt out of his mouth.

Seeing this, the tower master turned over the palm, took out a blood evil fruit from the storage ring, and handed it over, saying: “If you take this, you can recover from the injury in a short time. “

The rune puppet immediately reached out to catch the blood evil fruit, and with the permission of Long Bufan, he sent it to Long Bufan’s mouth.

A strong smell of blood-reeking qi suddenly puffed his nose. Long Bufan’s nose moved slightly. After sniffing twice, he opened his mouth and swallowed it. Two or three blows were the whole bloody fruit. Eat it in the belly.


Suddenly, a huge blood energy power burst into Long Bufan’s abdomen like a torrent, flowing turbulently to the limbs, repairing the damaged place.

Blood evil fruit is formed by the aggregation of countless Martial Dao blood essence and magic crystal baleful qi, which has the effect of condensing Qi Refinement blood and increasing life essence. In a short while, Long Bufan’s pale complexion has gradually become ruddy, and the wounds on the body surface are healed at an astonishing speed visible through naked eye.

Chapter 2222 The Past of the Skyscraper Lord

As the energy of the blood evil fruit is completely digested and absorbed within the body, Long Bufan was surprised to find that the physical injury was actually short In just a few dozen breaths of effort, it has recovered nearly 70%, and mobility is no longer a problem at all.

Immediately, Long Bufan stood up, his body was slightly shaken, which was to shake all the blood on the body surface, and at the same time took out a set of clothes from the storage bag and put it on him.

“The effect of this blood evil fruit is really amazing.”

Long Bufan clenched his fists, and he could clearly feel the blood within the body. The power is extremely surging, and I don’t know how many times it has increased compared to before.

The stronger the power of Qi and blood, the more life essence. According to the richness of Qi and blood contained in Long Bufan’s body today, he has at least 500 years of lifespan.

The journey of cultivating martial arts is to struggle against the Heavens. The ordinary person life essence is only a few decades. However, the cultivator can have a longer life span with the stronger the skill, and even maintain the young fleshy Body appearance, this is the benefit that Martial Dao brings.

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