
The shackles of the whole body were finally violently blown by Long Bufan at this moment, but the bloody giant fingers had already arrived. In this way, Jiang Wuchen was shocked. In his gaze, the bloody giant finger was finally firmly spotted on Long Bufan’s body.

Suddenly, the blood-colored giant finger suddenly turned into an extremely violent energy, which impacted Long Bufan’s body like a predatory beast, directly blasting it out.

“pu chi ~!”

Along the way, Long Bufan burst into blood, and the scales on his body burst open, like a broken blood cell, one after another The blood energy sprayed out, and in the end, Long Bufan hit the ground heavily, lying on his back covered in blood. The original tyrannical Life Aura was instantly weakened by half.

In such a severe damage, the six Winged Dragon blood Demon King form of Long Bufan’s body could no longer be maintained. Suddenly, it became a human again.


Long Bufan gasping for breath fell in a pool of blood, and the severe pain from within the body let him know that this time The injury completely caused him to lose all the battle strength, and he was completely in a tragic situation of being slaughtered.

At this moment, Long Bufan finally realized that the difference in strength between himself and the real powerhouse of the emperor was huge, but even so, Long Bufan’s eyes were faint Excitingly, this was his first battle with the powerhouse of the emperor realm. Even if he died, there was no humiliation.

As the battle ended, there was a brief silence in this area. The Sky Tower master looked at Long Bufan with a little surprise, and looked at the human youth covered with blood, feeling extremely incredible.

Because the Skyscraper Master knew very well that the target he had just attacked was the six Winged Dragon Blood Demon King of a royal family. How could it be a human? !

“How is it possible?!”

Not far away, Jiang Wuchen was also looking at Long Bufan in disbelief, and a thick look of shock emerged in his eyes, he tried hard. Rubbed his eyes, thinking that he had hallucinations.

But when I took a closer look, the scene remained unchanged. Obviously, the guy in front of me who was badly beaten by the master of the Sky Tower was really a human!


At this moment, the rune puppet suddenly broke free from the suppression of the blood palm, and the metal arm was directly punched out of the palm print, and immediately Fiercely tore apart the huge palm print that was pressing on the body.


The rune puppet roared violently, his body was filled with Ominous Fiend Qi, scarlet eyes, staring firmly on the body of the tower master, his eyes filled With a monstrous murderous aura!

“Blood spirit, stop!”

Long Bufan loudly shouted in his heart, and hurriedly stopped the rune puppet who was about to attack the tower master. Now that everyone knows the identity of the other party , Then, this bloody battle may be resolved.

“Boy, who are you?!”

The tower owner browses tightly knit and stares at Long Bufan and Shen shouted.

Chapter 2219 Floating Light Sweeping Shadow

in the sky, the main gaze of the Sky Tower is staring at Long Bufan, and the eyes filled with endless killing thoughts are mixed Somewhat puzzled.

From Long Bufan’s name of his hometown’s “Sky Continent”, to the ancient yin and yang formation of Martial Dao’s old friend, and finally to Long Bufan’s human form, these characteristics filled his heart Confused.

Jiang Wuchen, who has been on the sidelines, is also looking at Long Bufan who is riddled with scars in surprise. He can’t believe that Long Bufan, who is clearly a royal family, is actually a human being.

In this regard, he also released Spiritual Consciousness with suspicion, and extended to Long Bufan, wanting to find out whether there is Illusion Technique.


However, Jiang Wuchen’s Spiritual Consciousness has not yet touched Long Bufan, and it is the rune puppet guarded aside that shakes away directly, with a fierce look Murky looked towards Jiang Wuchen, and said in a cold and deep voice: “Although there is no command from the master, if you dare to think about anything, kill without mercy!” Hearing this, Jiang Wuchen’s heart trembled slightly. , He had heard Master say that Rune Puppets have independent consciousness, but now that they see it, it seems to be the case. Immediately, he stepped back in a hurry and was shocked, and propped up a defensive cover on his body.

Although Jiang Wuchen needs to rely on Spiritual Consciousness to distinguish the true from the false, the tower owner’s eyesight is far greater. He does not need to use the Spiritual Consciousness to see Long Bufan’s body structure. It is a human being.

“If you have the slightest lie, the owner of the tower will definitely make you want to die!” The owner of the skyscraper stared at Long Bufan with a gloomy look, but his old face was full of hostility. , Coldly shouted again: “Who are you?!”

The freezing atmosphere, not at all, lasts for a long time, after a few breaths of silence, Long Bufan, lying in a pool of blood, took a deep breath After that, he grinned and said slowly: “Senior, if I say that I am from the sky continent, would you believe it?”

When speaking, Long Bufan within the body is angry There was a surge of blood, and there was spit blood in his mouth. His current body injury is very bad, his whole body skeleton has been broken by nearly 70%, and the internal organs are also all internally bleeding. If it were not for him within the body, the power of blood and qi was coagulated. Thick, I am afraid that someone else is already dead.

In this regard, Long Bufan also secretly sighed that a guy at the level of the powerhouse of the emperor realm, really did not blow it out.

“What? Are you from the firmament continent?!”

Hearing what Long Bufan said, the sky’s eyes widened suddenly, and he shouted in surprise. The film space suddenly echoed.

Jiang Wuchen’s expression also changed drastically, staring at Long Bufan incredible, but he didn’t dare to speak out, lest he be attacked by the terrifying rune puppet.

Long Bufan was slightly nodded, and said in a weak and weak voice: “A while ago, I and many senior and junior brothers of the temple, I entered the plane of the deserted…”

“The temple Ge!”

However, before Long Bufan’s words were finished, he was interrupted by a shocked voice. The tower master’s body was too emotional and could not help shaking a little.

Even after more than five hundred years, the three words “Shendiange”, like germinated seeds, have long been entrenched in his heart and cannot be forgotten.

Because, at a time when he was also a disciple of the Temple Pavilion, he stood out from the Hundred Sects battlefield, and then climbed all the way to the Temple Pavilion, becoming a purple robe deacon. He can have the Martial Dao today. The achievements above are all based on the solid foundation of cultivation in the Temple Pavilion when he was young.

Here, there are his most righteous senior and junior brothers, respectable elders, and beloved women…

But all this is random With the invasion of the Demon Race army, it gradually disappeared in the bloody battle.

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