Long Bufan’s eyes flickered, and the hand interrupted the knife directly to let it out. His movements seemed awkward, but the severed knife smashed the air fiercely. The precise trajectory of Zheng Xiang’s head of the demon leopard .


Because the devil leopard is keeping a shit posture, his limbs are tight together, facing the rapid attack of the knife, just about to respond, but at this time, the stomach again There is a sound of gu lu.

Because of this delay, the knife had already struck abruptly, directly piercing its head.

Among Broken Blade, Long Bufan has a little bit of secret energy, but with his current strength, he can only use 5,000 Yuanjin vibrations, but this level of strength is also enough to kill The demon leopard was gone, and it directly blasted its skull, splashing blood.

Because Anjin is attacking the inside, from the surface, the devil leopard’s head is only a broken knife inserted, and it is impossible to see that the bones inside its skull have actually been shattered.


The demon leopard made a painful roar sound, and in a moment, it fell to the ground with a trembling body, causing a stench in the air The smell of, obviously the scar troll gave it a lot of medicine just now.

This sudden scene made all the trolls present in awe.

This kid… actually won again?

Fuck, how is it possible!

After two consecutive fluke wins, the trolls in the hall suddenly exploded? They all cast their eyes on Long Bufan, his face full of incredible color, I feel this Isn’t the guy possessed by the god of luck?

“The outcome is determined!”

The Scar Troll’s complexion pretended to be rigorous and shouted. He immediately raised his head and looked towards the troll leader standing on the top, nodded bowed. Said with a smile: “The boss is really Divine Vision, congratulations on winning this bet.”

The troll leader glanced at the Scar Troll indifferently, a trace of anger emerged in his eyes. If he can become the leader of a tribe, how can his IQ be lower than that of ordinary people, he naturally guessed that this demon leopard should be passive.

Chapter 2116 Go to the top

However, although it is known that the demon leopard may have been given a laxative, the troll leader did not expose it face-to-face in this arena, otherwise it would definitely make it. These money-losing trolls were furious, creating a chaotic scene.

So, instead of this, it’s better to follow the boat and accept the 1000 Demon Crystals from the Scar Troll. After all, in this small tribe, resources are lacking, and 1000 Demon Crystals is considered a considerable amount of wealth.

“Bring that slave up to see me!”

The indifferent voice sounded. After the troll leader finished speaking, he turned and walked into the back room.

“Finally, I can meet that guy privately.”

Hearing this, Long Bufan’s eyes have a cold glow passing by, and at the same time, his heart is also darkly relaxed, at least not Continue to stay in this disgusting arena.

Immediately, Long Bufan Spiritual Consciousness moved slightly, manipulating the troll man who was planted Spiritual Imprint by himself into the iron cage, bound him with a chain, took him away from here, and walked towards the stairs , Go straight to the top floor.

“Damn it, is this going away?”

“Fuck, there is another game, I don’t believe that his luck is so good, he can carry it The third game.”

“Forget it, the boss wants to see him, can you stop it?”

Seeing Long Bufan leaving like this, the giant present The demons suddenly became noisy, all of them looked extremely unwilling and angry, but only the scar troll was a bit cool, because of the two betting games, he can be said to have earned a lot of money from First Stage. Full, as for the second match, although the troll leader participated, there was almost no loss.

At this moment, Long Bufan was taken away, which happened to be the situation the Scar Troll wanted, because he could not guarantee that this guy really had such good luck and could win the third game by chance. Otherwise, when the time comes, he will really have to pay for it.

Because of the giant Fiend’s tall figure, the width of the stairs here is beyond Long Bufan’s imagination. As he reached the end and stepped into an arched giant door, he finally reached the top floor. This is where the troll leader lives.

Stepping into it, Long Bufan’s gaze also looked around. In his line of sight, it was an extremely large hall. The decorations were not luxurious. The tables, beds and chairs were all cast in stone, showing a Kind of gray solid feeling.

At this time, the troll leader is standing directly opposite the door, matching the tall and burly figure, which is extremely shocking. Compared with Long Bufan, his height can only reach The waist of the troll leader.

This angle of sight also made Long Bufan’s first glance when he noticed the storage bag hanging around the waist of the troll leader.

Long Bufan’s eyes darkened slightly, and he was secretly manipulating the troll man and said, “Master Chief, I brought this slave. What can I do?”

Troll The leader slightly hesitated, he said coarsely: “Untie.”

hearing this, the troll man, under the control of Long Bufan, immediately unchained his body quickly, and then stood in awe Arrived beside the troll leader.

The troll leader obviously did not realize that his subordinate was actually controlled by Long Bufan, so he ignored the troll man standing next to him. He stared at Long Bufan with scarlet eyes and said in a rough voice: ” What’s your name?”

Long Bufan responded without any delay: “Dragon Tooth.”

Chapter 2117 One Punch Test

“Longya ……”

The troll head also read it once in his mouth. In his mind, he was turning the amount of information over the years, whether there is a human martial artist called dragon tooth.

Although the status of human beings in the demon realm is extremely low, their talents in Martial Dao are not low. From time to time, some powerful human martial artists will suddenly appear to rescue those who are caught. The slave of humanity.

Otherwise, for so many years, the human beings living in the Demon Realm would have been extinct.

“Yes, Lord Chief.”

Long Bufan also quickly nodded when he heard the troll leader reciting the words Dragon Tooth, and his eyes pretended to be idle, pretending Don’t dare to look directly at the troll leader.

Seeing Long Bufan’s weak appearance, although the troll leader’s suspicion was weakened, in order to be sure that he was foolproof, he could only grasp his right fist, and his stature suddenly stepped out, directly punch towards Long Bufan.

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