Long Bufan’s eyes flashed and his thoughts turned sharply, but he couldn’t think of a better way.

“Since you want to pretend to be rubbish, I will play with you.” At the top fence, the troll leader stared at Long Bufan coldly, and a cruel smile slowly spread from the corner of his mouth, while at his waist. , Hung a black storage bag with the word’Dragon’ sewn with gold thread on it.

Obviously, this is undoubtedly the storage bag of Long Bufan.

Long Bufan’s eyes also noticed the storage bag on the waist of the troll leader. His heart sinks slightly. The storage bag contains his accumulation of resources over the years. As long as he can get it, he Then leave this place with absolute certainty.

About a few minutes later, the scar troll finally came in with a demon leopard.

Although this demon leopard’s body is not big, it is extremely strong, the muscles on its body are tight and full of strength, and its slightly grinning mouth, but two long fangs are exposed, shining sharply The cold glow, a pair of green beast eyes, are full of fierce and violent addiction to blood light.

“Go in.”

The scar troll slapped his palm on the back of the beast, and the demon leopard roared, exerting strength on all fours, and directly jumped into the iron cage, beastly How could it obey any rules of the arena for being ferocious. Before the Scar Troll could make a sound, it rushed towards Long Bufan.

Long Bufan

Chapter 2114 Beast in the Cage

Looking at the fierce leopard, Long Bufan stood still indifferent. In the next second, I saw that the demon leopard just saved three feet and was pulled back by a brutal force.

“Be honest!” The Scar Troll held the iron chain in his hand and shouted sharply.

The demon leopard, who was suddenly caught, looked a little dazed. Although he was still barking at Long Bufan, he knew that his neck was still bound by the iron ring, and he was a little more honest.

“Start! You guys want to bet as fast as possible.” The Scar Troll turned around and looked towards the surrounding trolls loudly shouted. Before that, he had already moved a little bit of his hands and feet in secret, what if he didn’t hurry up and get some back, after all, the 1,000 demon crystals in the troll leader are not a small number.

And just as the Scar Troll expected, the trolls present all placed their bets on the Leopard, even though Long Bufan won the last match. , But at most they think that the element of luck is relatively large.

And this time it was different. The opponent was a fierce and violent demon leopard, with extremely strong battle strength. Even if they fight alone, they may not be able to win, let alone this thin human.

“Squeeze me thirty demon crystals.”

“I have fifty demon crystals.”

“100 demon crystals, all It’s on that beast.”

One of the small tickets was issued, and seeing that the amount of injection was almost close to 1000 Demon Crystal, the Scar Troll was almost happy, because now on both sides The amount of is similar, that is, regardless of the final victory, he will not have any losses.

The troll leader of the top fence, condescendingly looked down at all of this. Although the process of betting is a bit time-consuming and consumes his patience, as the leader of a tribe, he must also wait for the tribe. Traditional rules.

“Okay, close!”

The Scar Troll took a large basket of Devil Crystals and placed it aside, and then under the gaze of many eyes, it finally unlocked it. The iron ring on the neck of the demon leopard was also thinking secretly: “According to the level of medicinal power, the time should be almost up, I hope this kid can hold on for a few rounds.”


As the restraint was removed, the demon leopard in the iron cage suddenly opened its mouth full of sharp teeth, let out an extremely excited beast roar, and then focused on Long in front of him Bufan, with a very healthy figure, pounced.

With the weight of the demon leopard hundreds of kilograms, if the human body is thrown, it will be overwhelmed in most cases. At that time, even if you want to hide, you can’t avoid it. Crazy bites with mouth wide open.

Long Bufan’s gaze is faintly focused. He possesses a thunder-spirit celestial body, and his speed is as fast as lightning. At this time, the movement of the magic leopard looks fierce, but this speed is as slow as a snail in front of him. And there are many weak spots, which can be easily beheaded with just one blow.

However, since it is installed, it must be installed to the end.

“Don’t come here!”

At the moment, Long Bufan screamed, and at the same time, he kept retreating. The long knife in his hand was also blocking his head pretending to be afraid.

This way of resisting seems to be subconsciously raising the knife because of fear, but it contains superb skills, because if the demon leopard rushes forward, it will inevitably hit the blade with its head. If the opponent didn’t hurt the enemy, he killed himself first.

Seeing this, the demon leopard’s intelligence is obviously not low, the forward stature suddenly stagnated, and at the same time, the sharp claw of the right limb swept away at the long knife.

Chapter 2115 won again


The claws of the magic leopard are as sharp as metal, and the long iron hand in Long Bufan’s hand The knife was caught in an instant, and there was a crisp sound.

Long Bufan’s body also took advantage of the momentum to roll back, and quickly distanced himself from the devil leopard.

Looking at the demon leopard, Long Bufan’s gaze narrowed slightly. It seems that this beast’s power is quite strong, and its strength has reached the seventh-order demonic beast level at least. This beast is compared to possessing a demon spirit. Although the Demonic beast is far away, it is definitely not an ordinary person that can compete with it.

Long Bufan right hand holds the broken knife, eyebrows slightly frowned, facing this demon leopard, he can’t figure out how to kill the opponent, but he can’t be seen by the troll leader.

“Never mind, I’m going to fight!”

Long Bufan flashed a cold glow in his eyes, apparently decided not to hide his strength anymore.

Since I can’t think of it, use true strength to make a bloody road. At worst, deal with the troll leader at that time, and sacrifice a Life Source talisman seal to call the rune puppet!

“pu ――!”

However, just as the killing intent was rising in Long Bufan’s heart, a loud fart suddenly came from the demon leopard, and then, It was to see its body bowing, making a roar sound, and immediately shit under so many surprised eyes!

“The laxative finally worked.” A faint rays of light flashed across the eyes of the Scar Troll, laughing in his heart.


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