Recall that in order to obtain the Dragon Mark ring of Long Bufan’s right hand, the troll did not stop giant axe slashing. After cutting off his arm many times, the arm seemed to be With strong stickiness, it will be glued back soon.

For several days, that troll everyday all will come to this iron cage and do the same thing to Long Bufan, but every time he returns without success, this scene is seen by everyone in the iron cage. And at this moment, seeing this weird human being wake up, there is more or less a trace of fear in their hearts.

Aware of this, Long Bufan frowned and his biting gaze really scanned the surrounding environment.

Chapter 2098, my name is Longya

The candlelight is dim, but I can still see the all around scene clearly. Long Bufan looks around and clearly sees that the cages here are extremely dirty , And exudes a rotten smell, each iron cage imprisoned at least more than a hundred people, all of which were ragged, muddy humans, both young and old.

In such a crowded place, at this moment, Long Bufan has squeezed out an empty area about two zhang in diameter. It is not difficult to see how these people fear Long Bufan, an Outsider.

“Where is this place?” Long Bufan frowned, with a hint of doubt in his eyes. If this is Demon Race world, how can there be human existence?

“Big Brother, you seem to be hurt…”

Just as Long Bufan was full of doubts, the little girl in the arms of the middle-aged man opposite, did not know when to leave After getting out of the crowd, he ran to Long Bufan’s side, looked at him with scars and blood stains, and said softly.

The little girl’s eyes are round and big, very Spiritual Qi, she stretched out her dirty little hand, she grabbed a small bunch of hay from somewhere, and spread it cautiously on Long Bufan’s arm. One of the wounds, said softly: “When I was young, my mother often used this method to stop the bleeding, so that it doesn’t hurt.”

Long Bufan was slightly startled.

“Thank you.”

Immediately, he smiled indifferently and glanced at the wound on his arm. It should be the trace of the injury in the space turbulence. Because of Long Bufan’s strong body The power of qi and blood, the scars of the bones that were originally visible, have recovered only a shallow opening.

Just when Long Bufan was about to reach out to touch the little girl’s head, the middle-aged man opposite suddenly rushed over, pulled the little girl back quickly, and stared vigilantly. With Long Bufan.

Looking at the man with a vigilant face, Long Bufan’s mind moved slightly. He wanted to get some food from the storage bag, but suddenly he found that the storage bag on his body and the ink dust and the space ring of Princess Ziluo It’s gone.


Long Bufan’s heart sank suddenly, and his cold and severe eyes swept toward the crowd in the iron cage. At the same time, Spiritual Consciousness also radiated out. It was surprising to find that these people’s body not at all his things.

Seeing Long Bufan’s nervous look, the rest of the people also looked different, but no one dared to make a sound.

“This big brother, what is your name?”

Long Bufan walked to the middle-aged man holding the little girl and asked with a smile.

“My name is Qin Wu, Little Brother, what about you?” Qin Wu hugged the little girl tightly, his expression a little hesitant, and he didn’t know if he should ask Long Bufan where he came from.


Long Bufan suddenly startled, but his face was blank. After a few breaths, he suddenly hugged his head with his hands, his face felt a little bit of pain.

“Uh? Little…Little Brother, are you okay?” Qin Wu’s eyes were slightly startled, as if a little scared, he hurriedly took the little girl back a few steps.

After pondering for a while, the painful expression on Long Bufan’s face seemed to gradually calm down, lifts the head with a confused look, said solemnly: “I only remember my name is Longya, I can’t remember the past I can’t remember how I got here.”

After hearing this, Qin Wu was relaxed. It turns out that this guy has amnesia, but in this environment, he can live. It is already a very extravagant thing, and the amnesia is not too serious.

Perceiving that the guard on Qin Wu’s face has decreased a lot, a faint rays of light flashed in Long Bufan’s eyes.

Chapter 2099 Panic in the heart

“Brother Qin, why are we locked here, what is this place?”

Long Bufan seems unintentional When I asked, I directly asked the core of it. After all, only when I understand my current situation can I have the basic hope of escape from here.


Qin Wu was stunned, then gave a wry smile, and said sadly with his head lowered: “This is the dungeon, which is the site of the giant Demon Race, and we These human beings, young and strong will be dragged to do coolies, or fight to watch performances for the giant Fiend, as for children with tender skin and flesh, they will be treated as food.”

I want Long Bufan to understand the current situation, but without any concealment to tell the darkest side here.

hearing this, Long Bufan’s eyes darkened slightly. It seems that just as he had guessed, this place is the Demon Race World, and this World actually has humans, but humans are in this place. , It seems that the status is extremely low, like a beast to be slaughtered.

Long Bufan turned his gaze and looked towards the right side of the cage, and found that there was an iron pillar that was broken in half, and a gap was apparently visible. If he shrinks, he can barely get out. .

But with such an easy way to escape, the people in the iron cage would rather squeeze here and starve to death, or even gnaw on each other’s flesh, than act.

In this regard, Long Bufan could not help but frown and asked: “Why don’t everyone run away?”

“Run away?”

I heard the last two With words, Qin Wu’s body trembles visibly, and a sense of unconcealable fear appears in the depths of his eyes. He hugs the little girl next to him tightly. No matter what Long Bufan asks, he closes his mouth tightly and refuses to spit out any more. One word.

The kind of panic that Qin Wu showed made Long Bufan frown even more, feeling this place getting more and more weird.

“Is the giant Demon Race really terrifying?” Long Bufan eyes slightly narrowed, and immediately thought about it. Could it be that the storage bag and space ring he lost were all searched by those giant Demon Race? !

Thinking of this, Long Bufan became more convinced of his guess. He glanced at the gap in the iron cage, and after hesitating for a while, he chose to sit cross-legged in a corner and closed his eyes to recover his breath.

His injury within the body is very bad now, only about 10% of the strength before, if he breaks out, I am afraid the situation will only bode ill rather than well, so it is better to take advantage of this time to heal the injury , Waiting for the opportunity to regain your own things.

“fuck off!”

“Whoever dares to touch her hair, I will kill whoever!!”

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