Chapter 2096 Demon World

Demon World, 9619 Gregorian calendar, early winter.

At this moment in the afternoon, in the Forest of Illusion Mist in the northern part of the Demon Territory, the originally clear sky suddenly became gloomy, with dense clouds, the space even began to appear strangely rippled and twisted, gradually tearing apart a Space Crack.


A loud noise suddenly spread from the Space Crack. In the next moment, I saw one silhouette shooting out suddenly like a meteorite. At an extreme terrifying speed, it crashed into the forest below, suddenly bringing up a large amount of dust.

The terrifying air wave swept away, the vegetation of several ten zhang was razed to the ground in an instant, and the wild beast in the forest fled in shock!

At this time, if someone is here, you must be surprised, because the thing that falls is not a meteorite from outside, but a human being!

A black haired youth covered in blood and barely clothed!

However, what is even more incredible is that the youth’s chest faintly rises and falls with breathing.

Obviously, this guy is still alive!

Felling down from a high altitude, not only did not fall into the flesh, but was still alive. Is this still a human body? !

Yes, this guy is not a real human, but Long Bufan who owns half of the Demon Race bloodline.

In order to snatch the Space Teleportation coordinates from the purple princess, he rushed directly into the black vortex. Finally, when he was about to reach the teleportation exit, Long Bufan tore out a Space Crack from the side of the energy tunnel and drilled it. Going in, although he was injured and unconscious in the violent space turbulence, he was fortunately deviated from the trajectory, not at all, teleported to the altar of the Demon Race Imperial Palace, otherwise he should be imprisoned in a prison waiting for death.

In this way, after about ten minutes, Long Bufan still did not move at all. If it weren’t for his chest is still slightly undulating, I am afraid it is really no different from a corpse.

During this period, several hungry demon wolves came smelling blood. The beast’s eyes glowed and saw such a delicious food. They rushed to the front and opened their mouths to bite!


While leisurely, a black glow shot out from the Dragon Mark ring in Long Bufan’s left hand, instantly enveloping Long Bufan’s entire body, let it go How hard they bite, but the proud sharp teeth in the past are actually unable to bite Long Bufan’s body at this time, even if they bite through the outermost skin.


At this moment, a strong wind with a Dark-red Flame burst through the air!

The demon wolf at the front was swept by the hot sword energy, and in a blink of an eye it was split into two, blood splattered.


When the remaining two demon wolfs saw their companions killed, their eyes immediately became blood red. Contorts one’s face in agony was about to launch an offensive, but greeted They are also the shadows of two dark red blades, and the two low-level demon wolfs are over instantly!

“hmph, a few beasts also want to grab things from Lao Tzu.”

A rough voice sounded, and a’silhouette’ approaching 30 feet tall, his figure is extremely Strong, with red upper body, muscular entanglement, skin showing a purple-gray like metal, a pair of pointed ears as big as a palm, and a giant axe in his hand. At this time, he is showing disdain His eyes swept to the three demon wolf corpses.


He walked to the side of Long Bufan who was lying on the ground, his eyes flashed with surprise like a copper bell, and he kicked his feet and saw no movement. Holding Long Bufan’s right foot with one hand, he directly dragged Long Bufan away from here with a brutal behavior.

Chapter 2097 Underground Iron Cage

Never seen the daylight all year round, the underground is humid and dirty, sewage is spreading, and the air is full of a strong smell of excrement and urine. It is pungent and disgusting.

In the corner, a short white candle was lit. The faint rays of light were obviously the only gleam of light in the ground, faintly reflecting those huge iron cages.

In this iron cage, there are a lot of silhouettes, each with their faces dirty and ragged. They are shiver coldly together, and they seem to be taking each other’s body. A little bit of temperature, if you look closely, you can see the dead bones under their feet, which makes people palpitate.

In one of the iron cages deep underground, everyone looked at a young man who had crawled out of the bone pile with horror, shrinking back.

“Where is this?”

Long Bufan sat up, staring dullly at the dim surroundings, feeling a pain in his head and a flat abdomen, making him very hungry.

In this way, Long Bufan sat sluggishly for a while before he spirit slowly recovers. Recalling his previous experience, he hurriedly sank Spiritual Consciousness within the body, probed his body, and suddenly couldn’t help but smile to himself. .

Because he found that his body was very bad at this time. The tendons and veins within the body were damaged by 70-80%, unable to penetrate the true essence at all, and even the skeleton, bloodline, and internal organs were affected differently. Degree of damage.

And the worst thing is that he has signs of damage within the body dantian, and the Origin Force is almost exhausted, which makes the Primordial Spirit in his dantian a source of waterlessness and cannot be used at all. .

This kind of large-scale damage, even if Long Bufan’s recovery ability is strong, but the damaged dantian will take a long time to be able to recover.

“It’s really bad…”

Long Bufan’s heart is secretly sighed, shaking his head with a wry smile, damaged dantian, unable to perform any martial arts, and now he is equivalent to a better than ordinary Person is a bit stronger, that’s all.

“Big…Big Brother, do you have anything to eat? I’m so hungry…”

At this moment, a weak voice suddenly came, expecting There was a trace of fear, but the voice was weak, as if hungry for a long time.

Long Bufan looked up in amazement when he saw a little girl in the arms of a middle-aged man opposite, staring at him with big black eyes. The little girl was about eight-nine years old. Appearance, although his small face was dark, it was difficult to conceal his delicate features.

“Don’t make a noise!”

Seeing Long Bufan looking over, the middle-aged man hurriedly reached out and covered the little girl’s mouth, staring at Long Bufan in horror. , And the rest of the people have the same look as the middle-aged man.

In their perception, a guy who has been cut off his palm many times but still recovers magically is very strange!

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