Vegeta finally went to the stage, he waited for this opportunity for a long time, he wants to defeat Cell, beyond Kakarot, to prove that he is genius in Saiyan!

Still wearing the old-fashioned battle-armor, Vegeta’s eyebrows are full of self-confidence, and the eyes are even brighter, forcing people to dare directly.

“Vegeta, keep it up.” Son Goku stretched the action palm and handed over to Vegeta.

The cold and proud Prince did not care, from brushing up against someone in passing, leaving a coldly snorted.

“Kakarot, I will beat him to prove that I am stronger than you.”

“Then I will wait and see.” Son Goku still smiles optimistically. His world is much wider than Vegeta. Although it is equally competitive, it is not as narrow and paranoid as Vegeta.

Cell suspension floats while waiting for Vegeta, while quietly stabilizing the mind and restoring physical strength, just a short battle time, can be consumed. Son Goku after all is Full Power Form, the amazing attack caused damage. At this moment, Cell has a scar on his body, and Aura has also declined a little.

Vegeta frowned head and shouted to everyone: “Senzu Bean?”

“The last few were taken to study and planted, and no new ones have been produced.” Raditz replied far away.

“Let me fight the Cell with insufficient physical strength? It won’t be a win!”

“Hahaha, you said you can win me? Did you forget the ending ten days ago?” Cell licked his nose and laughed scornfully. In his eyes, Vegeta and Son Goku were in a different grade. In the last fight, Cell only defeated Vegeta with less than half of the skill. The gap in this area is not to make up for it.

Vegeta has blue veins on his forehead, Ki flame suddenly bursts, golden light flashes, and aura rises quickly above Cell! It is almost the same as Son Goku just now!

Cell and others are inexplicably startled.

“Bei, Vegeta is also so strong!” Krillin’s throat agitated, complexion greatly changed.

“Father has been rigorously trained in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. He has been using Mr. Goku as an imaginary enemy and has been self-tempering for the current power.” Trunks explained to Krillin.

Raditz also raised his eyes: “It’s worth looking forward to.”

Under significant pressure, Vegeta finally broke through the self and achieved a higher level than ever before. At this moment, he shouted loudly and promoted his breath to the extreme, making Earth shake.

Cell also violently vibrates inside, this is trivial ten days of effort, Vegeta has made such progress, faster than his growth! Tightly clenching his teeth, Cell no longer hides his True Strength, his wrinkles burst out of his anger, and the volcanic swaying endless edge.

His Ki is also promoting! Although physical strength consumes a lot, Cell’s power is still the best, it is the astonic power of the horror, more powerful than the future of Cell!

“Sure enough, this guy is stronger than the future Cell. The transformation of Bondlers is effective, he Evolution.” Raditz mutter to oneself, the voice is not big, but was heard by Zangya.

“I also think that the grateful terrifying is very strong, can Vegeta do it?”

“It’s hard to say that Cell consumes a lot of physical strength.”

Raditz also frowned. Does not dare guess, after all, Cell is in a bad state at the moment, although power is better, but it is not easy to win Vegeta in a short time.

Vegeta has lived in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber for a long time, and the body is already familiar with the burden. The explosion at this moment is actually very burdensome and the body is much better than Cell.

The two people confronted each other and glanced at the opposite side with each other’s eyes. It seemed to be a common standing position, but they could not detect a trace of awkwardness. Any minor mistakes can be exploited by the opposite side to launch a violent attack.

So neither side rushed to attack, waiting for the best time.

It’s windy.

The sand was rolled up by the wind, as if a gray gauze was blocked between the two people, and the shackles blocked the line of sight. At this moment, the silhouette of Cell and Vegeta disappeared, and the air exploded.

They rushed from one end of the earth to the other, and countless mountains were shattered by Yu Wei, and the interface of the collision seemed to tear the sky apart.

Dong! dong! dong!

Vegeta CCell’s body, power rushes out and beats the hard body into the cave.

Fist to the flesh, this is the real fight!

The cell that suffered a heavy blow didn’t cry out, only groaned, and finally resisted the pain and grabbed Vegeta’s arm. “Don’t be too proud.” With his voice, Cell slammed Vegeta into the sky, and the palms accumulated blue. Energy, gathered into a perfect ball of light!

Kamehameha! Cell, who has almost everyone aura, will naturally use Kamehameha!

Kamehameha did not spray the power directly from the ground. From the ground to the sky, a large light beam was drawn, and Vegeta, who was taken out by him, could not dodge.

“You forgot this!” Vegeta was thrown out by the huge power, but he pressed his fingers to the forehead, found Cell’s gas, Instant Transmission.

The sound rang behind the Cell, and Vegeta unexpectedly flashed behind the Cell. In the next second, Vegeta launched a storm and spared no effort to vent the power on Cell.

“Ah…” Nearly frenzied explosive attacks like Cell Rain, and with Vegeta’s cry, Cell’s retreat in defeat, has been a lot of punching and kicking.

“嗬Ah!” Vegeta jerked up, condensing power and launching the last leg, swaying his legs like a machete and squatting away.


I got a solid knot, but Vegeta’s ankles came with the power of being imprisoned! The presumed attack was caught by Cell backhand!

“hmph, I said, don’t be too proud.” Cell looked cold and his eyes burned with anger. His power made Vegeta unable to break free, and directly smashed Vegeta and threw it on the ground.

Boom –

Every time I blasted a deep pit, I fell into a big hole.

Vegeta quickly waved to launch Energy-Wave, but Cell was one after another dodge at close range, but held down Vegeta’s head and violently released an energy attack.

The grand shock wave cuts the ground, as if a knife cuts the ground into two parts and spreads to the distance. The scars of 狰狞 horrible to see, Vegeta’s body is also in the bombing of the difficult situation.

Cell released Vegeta and confidently laughed: “Take me the trick, even if I don’t die, I have no ability to continue fighting.”

He saw his light beam aligning with the Vegeta launch, and formidable power was enough to beat Vegeta.

“hmph, isn’t it?” Just at his feet, Vegeta, who was slammed in, stood up again, and a golden aura exploded, and it was nothing to do with clothes other than dust and dirty situation. You are too small to look at Saiyan!”

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