Arena has been unable to carry their energy potential. After canceling the rules of the out-of-bounds, the power released is directly crushed into the ends of the Arena. Now the whole earth is their battlefield.

Son Goku and Cell were in the air, and the two arms collided and the layers fluctuated.

Then there is the phantom-like punching and kicking speeding. The naked eye is invisible. It can only be sensed to the baptism of the storm and the layered pressure of the layer. The sound of the thunderstorm is like the thunderstorm from the sky to the earth!

After repeated attacks, Son Goku and Cell played hard.

Bang bang bang ——

The fierce battles are leveling up in the confrontation, the speed of the two people is also faster, and the golden light in the air is like the sun.

Both people think fast, faster, and the fastest is Instant Transmission!

Son Goku unexpectedly flashed behind Cell, clasping his hands under heavy weight and hitting Cell’s back. However, Cell trembled, and he held up Goku’s slamming, slamming his teeth and swiping his arm across Goku’s cheek. The two people were separated in the air, each spit out a trace of blood.

In midair, the turbulent airflow is still tearing, swirling around the two people.

“Sure enough, name is not in vain, Son Goku.” Cell wiped the blood on his lips, revealing an excited expression.

“You are the same.” Goku praised, the opponent in front of him is the formidable opponent he has encountered strongest, and is the Body Transformation Full Power Form, still only a tie.

Cell’s defense is extremely strong, and the attack is also cold cold shivers down one’s spine, and as an Androids have an advantage in energy, if you play a long-term battle, Super Saiyan 1’s peak does not have a chance. In this light, Goku wants to win, you must seize the opportunity or break through yourself.

Son Goku is completely motivated, he is such a guy, strong and strong, and progress in the battle with expert.

Coincidentally, Cell thinks so too!

“This will be an even matched battle.” Piccolo finally said the first sentence since he arrived.

Vegeta blinked Piccolo, said solemnly: “Kakarot has played full strength.”

“But Cell is still unknown.” Raditz added.

He can see that Son Goku has saved the temptation, because he has already understood the true strength of Cell through the battle just now, and it is necessary to start spare no effort against Cell.

However, is there any under strength in Cell that does not make understood, and in ten days, Goku has improved the progress of Cell? impossible?

Vegeta frowned head, involuntarily raised a fist.

On the vast land, Goku and Cell suspended the midair, and the wind blew through them, and the dust was long.

“What you just made is Instant Transmission?”


“Raditz didn’t lie, and many of you would do this trick. It’s a tricky skill.” Cell said “thorny” on his mouth, but his face was not so scared.

Just as he was barely fell, the silhouette suddenly disappeared. Son Goku slammed startled, and the space around him seemed to be distorted, and the aura assaults the senses were overwhelming!

It is Cell! Son Goku slammed his fist and slammed back.

However, this time it was empty, the aura in front of it suddenly disappeared, but the gas behind it was soaring.

“Hurry!” Son Goku’s reflection in his head pierced the idea, and then the tearing pain hit his shoulders, and Cell’s elbows slammed down, making him miserable.


Expanding a giant pit of diameter 100 meters centered on Goku, the earth is deep and the surrounding land is directly broken.

Android 16 took Satan and others and flew further afield, far from seeing the faces of the two people, only to see the flashing golden light dots.

Several Earth Fighters also rushed wildly, this time no one has a stomachache, and it is still important to be fatal.

The photographer’s machine has broken down. The live broadcast continues through the camera on the plane, the picture is blurred and constantly shaking, but still faces the faces of Son Goku and Cell.

The audiences are Son Goku keep it up, and those who are struggling for the Martial Artists are going to convey their minds.

Even King was holding the TV with excitement, almost shouting on the screen.

“haha, Son Goku, how?” Cell landed with one hand on his hips. “My speed is also fast, even though it is not as good as Instant Transmission.”

“hehe, indeed, this way Instant Transmission is not valid for you.” Son Goku twitched his joint and jumped out of the pit. In the face of Cell, a high-speed enemy, it is difficult to catch aura. Except for Raditz’s ability, others can’t.

Son Goku’s face is full of smiles, the more powerful the opponent, the more excited he is, this is Wu Chi.

“Come on, you attack first.” Cell generously shhrugged.

“Yes, then I am impolite.”

Goku’s mouth twitched a smile, and a wave of mighty energy ejected from the palm of his hand, the air trembled fiercely, and the Energy Ball slid through the bright arc exploded towards Cell.

“Is this kind of attack?” Cell was disappointed and disdainful, with arms crossed to resist and easily withstand.

But just as he was about to dismantle his hand, the incoming Energy Ball followed, and Son Goku shot like a machine gun!

The Energy Ball of the same level may not be a problem after the next round, but continuous many of them are bombing like a storm, playing Cell’s hands and shaking, and the radiant radiance in the slits of both hands can hardly resist!

Son Goku seized the opportunity, increased the energy, and the speed of the palm push continued to speed up, bursting into a series of screams, “Aaah ahhhh ……”

The crazy Energy Ball bombing made Vegeta scornfully disdain, saying that Kakarot actually learned my Prince’s tactics. But Vegeta did not win when I made it. This time, Son Goku took advantage of it, but it caused the Cell to struggle.

“Aaah…” The strenuous Cell frowned and couldn’t help but scream.

a path of light transmitted through the arm, you can’t resist it!

“嗬Ah!” After all, Cell opened the protective cover, and the huge Energy Shield flashed the electric light to cover the Cell and engulf the earth.

The meteor-like Energy Ball hit the shield like throwing an egg at a rock, except for the endless dust, which didn’t help. After this bombardment, the earth has turned into scorched earth and is devastated.

“hu hu ……” “hu hu ……”

Two people at the same time gasp for breath, chest ups and downs. The continuous enhanced Energy Ball attack and shield are extremely consuming physical strength, the Cell hangs on the air side and slides down the sweat, and Son Goku is also a bit tired on the ground.

“This kind of attack is beyond my expectations. What more moves do you have next?” Cell gasp for breath asked.

Goku faintly smiled, actually wiped out the flame: “I admit defeat, you still have a hand, right, I feel that you have not exhausted full strength.”

Admit defeat? A Forfeit admit defeat, what the hell? Cell is in the midair.

“I can’t defeat to defeat you, but this battle has made me comprehend a lot, and I want to see how powerful Vegeta’s power is.”

“When are you a sparring?” Cell’s face was full of anger.

“Isn’t this the rule you set?” Goku asked innocently.

Cell took a sip of old blood, and his mouth twitched and it was speechless.

While Android 16 relayed their conversation to reporters, Satan immediately got nervous, played with me, and ended up with one. Wouldn’t it be my turn? Satan immediately hugged her stomach and once again played, but even the reporter didn’t care about him. She only stared at Warrior over there, waiting for their appearance.

“hmph, since Kakarot to deal with can’t, let me end!” Vegeta stepped forward and was excited and flushed.

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