On the country road, there are three people walking briskly.

The headed man has a long black hair, a scarf on his neck, and a casual dress. Women’s golden blond hair, black silk and denim skirt, full of cool temptation. Behind them is a tall, robust man, and the upper body seems to be bloated with a life jacket.

Android 17, Android 18, and Android 16.

They escaped from the Research Institute of Dr. Gero. In fact, they did not escape, but betrayed.

At that time, Dr. Gero only started Android 13 and others. In the original plan, Dr. Gero will use the 19 number to stir the sky and the earth turning upside down, and Android 13 and others will be responsible for the pursuit of Son Goku. Unexpectedly, Son Goku took the initiative to find the door and wiped out the group of Dr. Gero.

Android 17 and Android 18 were not used throughout the program, but after Dr. Gero died, they were unexpectedly launched.

The waking brothers and sisters were also confused, and there was no one around them, only the chips that were running in the glass cover. They did not manage that many, found an emergency control device and immediately destroyed it. After that, I left the nest with Android 16, which is also awkward and looks silly.

The three people are tired of flying, out of Dr. Gero’s control, in a good mood, enjoying a leisurely stroll.

“Hey, Android 16, why are you pure-bred mechanical Androids, Dr. Gero also wants you to sleep? He is afraid of your power, it looks like you are quite strong.” Android 18 is looking forward towards Silent big tall.

“I do not know.”

The expression of Android 16 is the most blunt. When you talk, you can only see your mouth moving, and there is no post after the words are spit out.

“Don’t cracking a joke, Android 18. We have Infinite Energy, how old can be more powerful than us.” Android 17 turned its head. “Right, Android 16, I am very interested in your strength, do you want it? Competition.”

“I refuse. I only fight for Son Goku.” Android 16 is still expressionless.

“It’s a weird guy.”

Android 17 and Android 18 look at each other shake one’s head, they are human transformation, self-identification and mechanical existence gap, but two people are not reluctant to Android 16, simply stopped the topic.

Unexpectedly, Android 16 actually took the initiative to start to talk: “You also made it to defeat Son Goku?”

“No.” The two people’s answer made Android 16 slightly dumbfounded. “We made it to defeat Raditz. Although I don’t know where Dr. Gero’s old bastard went, this order has always been in our minds.”

“Dr. Gero is dead.”

Android 16 said faintly.

“Dead? You can receive his signal, why not say it earlier?” Android 17 has a hint of surprise in the blue dice.

“You didn’t ask.”

Ok! Android 17 is only helpless in this way of speaking, but his inner happiness is still revealed. After all, the old man is dead, the emergency Shut Down Remote is also destroyed, and there is no thing to stop them in the future.

The only regret is that it is not yourself who slaughtered Dr. Gero.

“It seems that Android 13 should have been killed too.” Android 17 showed a sly smile. “But even if Dr. Gero is dead, we don’t find something to do and it’s boring, Son Goku seems to be with Raditz. It’s brother, just to deal with, what do you say?” He looked at older sister Android 18.

“Well, go find them?”

“Looking for a car, the journey is so interesting.”

Android 17 has become the leader of the three people, flying with the Android 16 and Android 18 along the country road to the nearest town.

The town is not prosperous, the houses are low, and the shops that operate are pitiful, and even the high-end flying cars cannot be seen. They were lucky and met a car parked on the side of the road, so the three people drove the driver directly and then went away.

If you say the level of driving, Android 17 is really not very good, he does not have training fear to fly in various road conditions, practice the drift of the skill, completely to meet his playful heart. In a short while, the car was driven to the countryside, and several sparsely populated houses and flat green fields came into view.

After a while, Android 17 finally calmed down and the body was much smoother.

“Android 16, can you know where they are?”

“It can detect… but there is an energy approaching in front.”

“In front? Is it Raditz or Son Goku?”

Android 17 complexion changed, is it to come to the door, then it would be better. He recognizes the Infinite Energy Model Androids invincible of infinite energy, and he is even more powerful than the older sister Android 18, saying that the person on the planet is also no problem.

“No, not them, it is another reaction.”

Android 16 expression is still dull, but the tone has changed. He looked at the blue large metal Lifeform flying in the distance and issued an alarm.

Android 17 and Android 18 have had a scare, something they have never seen before, and it seems to be a product of some kind of technology. Compared with Androids, these big irons are cumbersome and sloppy, but they are aggressive.

Not waiting for the encounter, these flying metal Lifeform showed a hot weapon, red fire snake, silver bullet, blue light beam launched from various parts of the metal Lifeform, for a time like a gun.

“It’s a violent guy, let me teach them.” Android 18 dialed his beautiful hair, opened the door and rushed toward the fire.

The flaming radiance illuminates her bright cheeks, the strong airflow blows off her golden blond hair, and the light beam shoots assaults the senses.

Android 18 volleyed and stretched out your left hand sideways. It instantly contained a yellow Energy Ball, which expanded from fifty centimeters to two meters!

As she screamed, the Energy Ball flew out, and the huge ball of light pushed all the bullets, swallowed the light beam, and threw it into the blue metal Lifeform. The mighty power 岂 was able to withstand these low level machines, and the Metal Lifeform was immediately bombarded by the Energy Ball, which exploded the ground.

The airflow was raging, Android 18 turned away, and the long fingers licked the beautiful hair and went back.

The Android 17 single-handed rack is on the window and is popular for Android 18.

“It’s amazing, just use it.”

“hmph, it’s just too weak.” Android 18 is not interested in compliments, after all, this opponent is really too weak, so she has no sense of victory.

“What are they Ah?”

“I don’t have it in my database.” Android 16 doesn’t know the details of these guys. “But similar reactions have occurred in many big cities, and there are also reactions from Son Goku.”

“Oh? Raditz?”

“There is also his reaction.”

Android 17 took a look at Android 16 and showed a smile: “I understand, Raditz and Son Goku are fighting this toy. Should we have a hand?”

“It’s best not to, my Scouter shows that there are at least three people on this planet who are more powerful than you.” Android 16 paused, added, “Not my opinion.”

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