“Mechanical soldiers are on the streets!” “Metal combat weapons are ravaged!” “Is the Judgment Day coming? Where is our Saviour?” “Where the defense forces are destroyed, how strong are their powers?”

At the time, all the radio reports became content about the metal Lifeform.

When the crisis broke out, countless reporters risked their lives and rushed to the front line. Some people want to reveal the truth. Some people want to earn a reputation and make a big news with disaster.

In the narrow lane, the photographer followed the reporter, stick one’s head around to look for the situation on the street. The road was completely cut off, a large number of flying cars fell on the side of the road, countless shops were surrounded by flames, and people who screamed like a needle cone.

The sky seemed to be gloomy. The female reporter wearing a hip skirt was immediately cold. She suspected that she was too nervous. She took a deep breath and adjusted for a long time before she twitched the microphone.

“We are now…” She turned to face the photographer and tried to keep her voice steady. But turned and said less than a word, she began to scream!

The metal monster is behind the photographer! They are eyeing the living people, and the heat reacts around their Scouter. The female reporter was so scared that her legs were soft, and she fell to the ground and closed her eyes.

Suddenly, a warm, astringent liquid splashed on her face and slowly slipped along the corner of her mouth. She couldn’t make a sound, and she was gasp for breath.

The photographer was smashed through the body and fell softly. The live picture in front of the TV was immediately tilted and then turned into a snowflake.

“Don’t… don’t… don’t…”

She rushed to breathe intermittently with a slight resistance, like a snoring cry from the throat.

The metal monster did not show any signs of being impressed. He raised his arm high, and the blue body pierced the black drill bit and spun to the female reporter.


The huge reverberation came out in the lane, the ground was deeply smashed by a hole, and the metal Lifeform’s one-eyed eyes flashed, and its arithmetic program told it that the shot was empty.

Heaven, Krillin is holding a female reporter, her cheeks are red, “haha, don’t be afraid, nothing.”

When I heard the voice of human, the female reporter suddenly eyes opened and found myself being caught in the air! She was scared to yell again and held Krillin tighter.

“hehe, I am really embarrassed…”

“What a smirk!” Aphna suddenly appeared beside him, and an Energy-Wave flew away, destroying the metal Lifeform in the lane.

She saw Krillin holding a beautiful woman, her face suddenly changed, and she pushed Krillin, and said: “You didn’t see the enemy there!”

“I… I am saving Ah!”

“humph.” Aphna ignored Krillin, flew straight, and kept muttering in her mouth, “lecherous shorty!”

Krillin looked at Aphne, who was far away, and was a little worried.

In addition to the destruction of their city, the other cities on Earth were also raided by Metal Lifeform, and the attacked people began to flee. The sudden disaster was terrifying like the Alien attack on Earth in the movie.

People rushed to escape from the affected area, and screaming and roaring were about to break through the clouds.

These metal Lifeforms swept the streets, and the artillery shell often hit tall buildings, collapsed tall buildings were everywhere, and the entire area was covered in smoke. The middle-aged men in suits rushed away from the building with their important objects and ran with clumsy gestures.

They managed to run out of the floor, rushing in the street, just rushing out, not expecting to meet the metal monster on the face.

The powerful steel body is taller than the first floor, and several of them are too small in front of this monster.

“President, what should I do?”

“Let’s run separately. At this time, I will see who is going to be a big man.”

In the face of this crisis, they only gambled on Fate. They may survive and may be killed, but they will not try to live without it.

Just as they were ready to run wild, the metal monster ejected a fire snake, and the continuous shot of the bullet stretched over the ground, and the densely packed as the raindrops fell forward.

“To be finished!” At the last moment, the speed of several people running has escaped the coverage of the fire snake.

“Kamehameha -!”

An Energy-Wave from a distance flashed brightly, as if the whole world had become bright, and the vast energy drowned all Artillery Barrage, and was bombarded with metal monsters.

Several people turned their heads in dismay and saw Old Grandfather standing in front of the ruins of the street corner. It was an old man wearing a martial arts uniform. His body was not tall, but his eyes were full of light and sorrow.

“Be careful!” Suddenly there was a voice coming from behind. It was a three-Eye bald head with a muscular muscle. A white light beam between the waves waved through the air and directly behind the old man. Only metal Lifeform blasted.

“oh ho ho, thanks to you, Tien Shinhan.”

“Roshi Master doesn’t detract from the same year, I didn’t expect you to do it this time.”

“I don’t have anything to do anyway, loose bones.”

The two people chatted a few words and flew to other places, and several people were shocked to kneel in place.

“Hey, have you seen it? They will emit a laser…”

“No, that’s Ki!Ki!” the president shouted out. “I remember them! Mr. Cheng Long, who was on the World Martial Arts Tournament! And Champion Tien Shinhan! They came to save Earth!” The long voice was a little scary, and some even saw the tears in his eyes.

Yamcha and Krillin were recognized in the Turtle School GI, and Son Goku was no exception. Although the World Martial Arts Tournament was not re-launched after the Great Demon King Piccolo incident, the Martial Arts Tournament was widely known.

The most exciting sessions give an indelible impression.

Many people are old. The young people who used to go to see the Martial Arts Tournament have a child. They are busy at work and family, and they can’t even spend time on vacation. The people who used to take the child’s hand to see the Martial Arts Tournament are now bald. They are stretching in the office and considering what brand of shampoo to use.

In the past ten years, I have never seen the Martial Arts Tournament, but in the Earth crisis, they saw those silhouettes and remembered them all at once.

“There is that bald head, I remember him!”

“Yes, Martial Artists are…”

The people who fell into fear suddenly saw the silhouette of hope, and each and every heroic Martial Artist stood in front of them and saved the world!

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