Dragon Ball Super: Exposed! I'm a super saiyan

Chapter 188 Two versus one? Fight Jiren Again

There are still six people in the seventh universe, and there are three people in the eleventh universe. This advantage naturally falls on the seventh universe.

There are twice as many people as their opponents, and their strength cannot be underestimated, so this battle is worth watching.

Luya jumped down from a high place, and at the same time, the red light around him disappeared, because he found that maintaining the super-four full power state was also very difficult. If he was not careful, there would be backlash. Of course, After all, the reason why Lua can reach full power is because of the help of Gohan and Vegeta's power, so he can exert his most powerful power. Of course, now the power of Vegeta and Gohan has been consumed. Completely, only his strength is left. If he continues to maintain it, it may be very harmful to his body.

Wukong suddenly walked up to Luya. Looking at Luya's posture, he was a little envious: Your power has become much stronger!

Luya smiled slightly: Breakthrough your own limits, this is the talent that Saiyans should have!

Wukong was a little complicated. He clenched his fists: To be honest, I tried to control that power, but the more I tried to control it, the less I could exert its true power!

Luya nodded: Of course, the Ultimate Intention Gong should not be controlled by one's own body. If you want to exert its strongest power, you must forget everything and reach the state of selflessness. , let your body react automatically.”

Wukong was a little confused: Um, Luya, is this why you were able to break through this form?

He is not stupid, and he naturally sees that Luya's state is very similar to the Self-Freedom and Ultimate Intention Gong!

Luya nodded: Absolutely. The reason why I was able to break through Super Saiyan Red is almost because I followed this route, so my characteristics are in line with the Freedom Ultimate Intention Kung Fu.

If he hadn't known the trick of the Self-Extreme Intention Gong, I'm afraid his form would still have to be rewarded by the system. Now it seems that he can figure it out himself, and the system is becoming more and more useless...


Not much to say, now only Universe 11 is left, so work harder and deal with the enemy! Luya suddenly shifted his gaze and fell on Jiren not far away.

The other party is also looking at them.

Wukong was also full of fighting spirit: Jilen, no matter what, I will cross your mountain!

Jiren walked over slowly: Then, you two come together!

Luya and Wukong Wukong looked at each other, and then understood, they both exploded at the same time, and the powerful power spread out directly!

Of course Luya used the fourth stage of Super God, while Goku used Super Blue plus Kaio Fist!

But all the gods can see that Luya is obviously stronger than Wukong!

Jiren looked at the two of them and stayed on Luya for a few more seconds. The reason why he didn't take action after defeating Hit just now was because he was observing Luya's fighting style. After all, the opponent's power had already posed a threat to him. , especially at full power output, he felt the danger!

Come together! Luya shouted, and then moved directly!

The moment he moved, Wukong rushed out directly!

Jiren did not underestimate the enemy, he turned into a red afterimage and rushed out!

On the other side, Vegeta and No. 17 fought against Toppo. The two of them gradually suppressed Toppo even if they didn't join forces!

On the other side, Tispo was fighting against Frieza and Gohan. The opponent's supersonic speed caught them off guard!

Even Golden Frieza can't catch him!

With the advantage of numbers, our seventh universe has the advantage! The seventh realm king said slowly.

But Jiren is an uncertain factor, and the opponent's strength cannot be underestimated. As a result, the final winner is a bit unclear! Teacher Wu Tian said slowly.

In the battle between Wukong and Kefla, although Wukong won, it was partly because of his transformation into the Ultimate Intention Kung Fu that his originally insufficient physical strength was once again consumed a lot, so that he can now be said to be at the end of his strength, and Lu Although Luya's situation is better, Anilaza's strength is not weak. Defeating it will consume a lot of Luya's condition. He may not be able to improve again in a short time. Jiren, so far, is the best among all the people. The person with the highest physical strength preservation, and his true strength has not yet been revealed, so it is difficult to say who will win in this decisive battle! Weiss explained.

Isn't it enough as long as Luya transforms into the system just now? As long as Goku, his son and Vegeta are allowed to transmit energy, Jiren should be defeated! Beerus said calmly.

It's different. Not to mention whether Gohan and the others will win against their opponents now. Even if they win, they won't do this because in this duel, if they can persevere, they can win with the advantage of numbers. Let’s hold a tournament of power! But if they give their power to Luya, then they will be truly at the end of their game! They are simply vulnerable!” Whis shook his head slightly, disagreeing with Beerus’s opinion.

Everyone was silent. Indeed, even though there were twice as many people as the other party, they became even more worried.

Over in Universe 11, the Clown God of Destruction watched this scene silently without speaking.

He has absolute confidence in Jiren. Jiren's power will never be lost to anyone!

In the field, Luya and Goku teamed up to fight against Jiren. Of course, the two of them didn't often join forces, so they couldn't have that perfect combination. It can only be said that the two of them worked together to deal with the opponent!

However, Jiren is very agile. Facing Wukong's attack, he can easily dodge and counterattack. However, when facing Luya's attack, he has to take it seriously. After Luya reaches Super God IV, all conditions are improved. There has been a substantial improvement!

His power is comparable to Wukong's Ultimate Intention Kung Fu!

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaby Wukong rushed over and used a quick punch at Jiren. Countless fist shadows hit Jiren, but the opponent easily dodged them!


Suddenly, Jiren grabbed Goku's fist and held it tightly.

What?! Wukong was surprised.

I have seen through your moves, so there is no home for you here! Jiren said lightly, and then, he suddenly appeared in front of Wukong at a close distance and knocked him away with one punch!

Wukong screamed and smashed into countless mountains, eventually creating a huge crater on the ground!

Wukong's body continued to twitch in pain, and he suddenly returned to normal. This shows how strong Jiren is!

Jiren looked at Luya: It's your turn!

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