Dragon Ball Super: Exposed! I'm a super saiyan

Chapter 187 Elimination! the last two universes

I declare that all contestants of the Sixth Universe are out, and the Sixth Universe will be wiped out! The Great Priest slowly rose up and looked at the Sixth Universe.

As Caulifla and the two fell, everyone in the Sixth Universe became disappointed.

Their sixth universe seems to be getting colder!

No way! He actually lost like this! Xiangpa scratched his head mischievously, not believing it.

Damn it, you're so close, but you still can't beat Sun Wukong! Caulifla said with some displeasure.

Hit slowly closed his eyes.

Others also looked dull.

Master Xiangpa... Bados hesitated to speak.

Xiangpa looked away a lot and grinned: Forget it, it seems I can't be your master anymore, Bados.

Bados lowered his head slightly.

Hey! Beerus! Xiangpa suddenly looked at Beerus, trying to say something.

But Beerus lowered his head, didn't look at him, and didn't speak.

Xiangpa looked at Beerus intently for a long time, then grinned: Goodbye, brother!

Oh...hold it! King Quan suddenly raised his hand and shook it.

Suddenly, everyone in the Sixth Universe became illusive and disappeared in the next moment.

Bados bowed slightly in front of him to show respect for the object.

Lord Beerus... Even as an angel, Weiss was a little moved.

Beerus gritted his teeth slightly, and then said coldly: No matter what, we must win this tournament of power! Universe 7! We must stay at the end!

After getting rid of Kefla, Wukong looked at his hands. There was heat rising from his body. Even he couldn't stand the heat.

However, he gritted his teeth and persisted, and then looked to the other side. Just when Wukong was about to go to help, suddenly, his body softened, and then he fell to his knees on the ground.

Damn it... Wukong cursed secretly, and then he discovered that he couldn't bear the heat of the Ultimate Intention Kung Fu, and his physical strength was also exhausted!

Suddenly, Wukong changed back to his original form!


On the other side, Anilaza's huge body was unable to resist under Luya's powerful attack!

Even if it is as powerful as it is, it cannot resist when faced with a lure with full power output!

Luya also noticed that Goku had solved the sixth universe, so now it seems that as long as the monster in front of him is solved, it is time for a decisive battle with the eleventh universe!

Of course, Wukong is unable to maintain the Ultimate Intention Kung Fu. That is because the Ultimate Intention Kung Fu is not a transformation of himself, it is just understood by Wukong. However, Wukong is different. He has reached this form, and its meaning is just like being free. It’s the same as Extreme Intention Gong!

And although he said that he could not always maintain his full power form, at least he could transform into Super God Four! The power of the Super Divine Four is comparable to that of a half-skilled Self-Extreme Intention Kung Fu!


At this moment, Anilaza suddenly rushed out, and its wings greatly increased its speed!

But Luya's speed is faster than him! When Anilaza rushed in front of him, Luya had already appeared behind the latter, and at the same time, he had already thrown an unknown number of punches!

Ho ho ho!

Under the huge muffled sound, Anilaza kept screaming, but it couldn't resist it at all, because the speed of the lure had completely surpassed it. If it hadn't been powerful enough, it would have been killed by the lure in an instant!

With the sudden flash of Luya, he suddenly appeared in front of Anilaza, and directly pushed his knee, and the huge repulsive force directly knocked Anilaza's huge body to the ground!

You know, before reaching full power, Luya couldn't knock the opponent away even if he punched him. But now his strength is different from before. Even if the opponent has improved a lot, he is still no match for him. !

Luya fell to a high place and looked at Anilaza with an expressionless face. The red heat was rising around him, like Wukong in the ultimate freedom of mind.

Anilaza! Don't fight him! Just use your strongest attack! Throw this guy down! The Third Kaiowen suddenly shouted angrily.

Hearing this, Anilaza, who had fallen to the ground in the field, slowly stood up, and then it roared angrily. Then, a terrifying energy light enveloped it. At the same time, its body slowly rose into the air, and then, Anilaza stretched out her hands, and then energy continued to gather!

Sensing the opponent's energy, Luya frowned. The opponent's attack was not simple. Obviously, it wanted to blow the entire arena to pieces!


The terrifying power suddenly condensed, and what should have been a huge energy ball was formed. Then, the energy ball became bigger and bigger, and suddenly, a terrifying aura swept across the entire ring!

Although Anilaza was beaten by Lua, its own strength is not weak, so if its power is fully exerted, no one in the audience except Jiren and Lua can resist it!

That monster, does it want to defeat the entire arena?! Klin said with shame.

If he succeeds, it will be troublesome if this continues! Piccolo said coldly.

Now we can only believe in Luya! Kaioshin said solemnly.


A whisper suddenly sounded, and then everyone saw that Luya's body suddenly flashed with white lights!

Now! Defeat them all! Anilaza!! The Third Kaiowen roared!

Ho ho ho! Suddenly, Anilaza directly launched the energy ball. Suddenly, the terrifying power rushed directly towards Luya, which can also be said to cover the entire arena!


With a low shout, Luya struck a pose, and in the next second, bright white light gathered in the palm of his hand. At the same time, Luya fired directly towards the energy ball. The power of Turtle Style Qigong at full power was far beyond anything before. Tricks!

Boom boom boom!

The two attacks collided, and in the stalemate, Luya's Turtle Style Qigong suddenly gained the upper hand!

Suddenly, Luya roared, and then he suddenly increased the output and roared like a beast. For a moment, Anilaza's energy ball had a tendency to be assimilated!

No...impossible...hold on, Anilaza!! The Third Realm King lost his voice as his face changed drastically.

Anilaza's face looked very ugly at this time, and its power was no match for the opponent!

Under a huge explosion, Anilaza screamed, and his entire body was directly submerged in it.

Swish, swish, swish!

Four figures appeared in the audience of the third universe.

Eliminate them all!

It's over! The Third Realm King said in despair.

I declare that all contestants in the third universe will be eliminated, and according to the rules, they will be wiped out by Mr. Quan Wang! the high priest said slowly.

The two kings did not hesitate too much. After annihilating the members of the third universe, he directly took action and eliminated the third universe!

At this time, the whole place was a little quiet!

Now, it's the most critical moment of the Tournament of Power. The last two universes left are Universe 7 and Universe 11. The universe that wins in the end will survive and will also be rewarded with Super Dragon Balls! There are still ten days left before the competition. Minutes, you have to work hard! The high priest said with a smile.

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