Dragon Ball Super: Exposed! I'm a super saiyan

Chapter 182 The King helps! delay time

I announce that in Universe 7, contestant No. 18 is eliminated!

As the voice of the great priest fell, a proud voice sounded: Wow hahaha! See it! This is the power of Anilaza! Whether it is the seventh universe or the eleventh universe, we must surrender!

The Third Universe Kaiōshin suddenly burst into laughter.

Damn it! Why are you so careless?! Beerus complained.

No. 18's face looked a little ugly. She was careless just now and was eliminated so easily!

It's okay No. 18, you've worked very hard! Klin said comfortingly.

No. 18 frowned and then said: My fault.

On the field, No. 17 was a little distracted. He didn't expect that the opponent eliminated his sister!

But soon, his eyes turned cold!

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!


Countless energy bombs bombarded Anilaza directly! No. 17 keeps releasing energy bombs to vent his anger!

But not only did his attack have no impact on Anilaza, it actually attracted the opponent's attention!

Come on! No. 17 said coldly.

The next moment, the monster appeared in front of him and punched him. No. 17 did not choose to escape. He held up his hands and an energy shield appeared around him to protect him! At the same time, No. 17 gathered energy with his hands and fired a terrifying energy bomb directly!



Anilaza was hit by the terrifying energy, but he also hit the shield of No. 17 with one punch!

The next second, the shield shattered directly, but it did not hit No. 17. Instead, it was disrupted by the energy bomb!

On the 17th, he began to use roundabout tactics to trick the monster into attracting his attention!

But what I don’t know is that the monster’s IQ is not low!

When it was chasing No. 17, it deliberately forced the opponent in the direction of the lure to achieve the effect of disturbing the lure and the others!

Of course No. 17 knew this, but he was a little helpless. This guy's attack was very powerful. If he received a blow from the front, even his android wouldn't be able to bear it, so he could only dodge hastily!

Oops! If you let it get close to Luya and the others, all your efforts will be wasted! Klin said quickly.

Hold on! Beerus shouted.

However, the Third King of Kai didn't give any face, and said coldly: Listen Anilaza, get rid of those Saiyans!

In the field, Anilaza heard the words and cast his eyes in the direction of Luya and the others. Then his eyes glowed red, and then, a powerful force shot out directly towards Luya and the others!

Oops! No. 17's expression changed and he shouted quickly: Be careful!

The three people who were concentrating on transmitting energy also felt an unpleasant feeling in their hearts, and then the Luya in the middle was about to forcibly cut off the energy and choose to take action.

But at this moment, a powerful force suddenly struck from another direction, colliding with Anilaza's power and exploding directly!

What?! The Third Realm King's expression changed: Who is it?!

Everyone in Universe 7 also breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the person who took action.

Hohoho, it seems I can't do anything if I don't take action! King Frieza stood high above the circle and looked at Anilaza.

Roar! Anilaza roared at him, and then attacked directly towards the opponent!

The king has a strong body and can dodge with a light jump. At the same time, he continuously launches air bomb attacks to distract the monster.

At the same time, No. 17, who was able to catch his breath, also chased after him. The two of them attacked from the front and back, spinning Anilaza around!

Ho ho ho!

Anilaza was completely furious, and suddenly a terrifying aura ignited all over its body. Then, the red light of its wings exploded, and it rushed directly towards the king. The speed was so fast that even the king was shocked at this moment. !

In an instant, the monster appeared in front of the king and punched him to the ground!

The king screamed, seeing that the monster was about to fall and trample him, he was startled, raised his hand and fired an energy ball!

But for Anilaza, his attack had no effect at all!


No. 17 came to help and wanted to help the king by attracting the opponent's attention. However, the monster did not pay attention to No. 17's attack at all. It directly dropped its kick and hit the king!

Damn it!! How dare you underestimate me!! The king was furious. The next moment, a golden light suddenly rose into the sky, and the sudden powerful aura suddenly drove away the monster!

Golden Frieza appears!

The king opened his hands, and then he beat the monster hard! Countless energy bombs directly bombarded the monster without hesitation!

However, the effect was not as good as expected. The power of the monsters exceeded theirs too much! Their strength is simply unable to deal with this guy!


At this time, the monster suddenly became furious. It directly turned on the crazy mode, burst out countless energy bombs desperately, and bombarded the two ant-like opponents!

To it, Frieza and No. 17 are like ants, but it is difficult to crush them to death.

On the other side, Luya's condition has returned to its peak at this time. With the help of Vegeta and Gohan, his power is getting stronger and stronger. Gradually, a mysterious aura wraps around him!

The gods also felt this special aura, and their expressions changed.

No way! Luya can also... The seventh realm king said somewhat complicatedly.

Hoo ho ho, it seems so. If the full power of this form is used, then the difficulty will reach its true nature! Weiss smiled slightly.

Yo Xi!! In this case, the monster can be taken care of! Beerus's face lit up.

In the third universe, the gods also felt something bad and were a little shocked.

Why do I have a bad premonition! The third realm king looked a little unhappy.

Anilaza! Get rid of these guys quickly! Don't drag on with this meaningless battle!

The monster that was struggling with the King and No. 17 suddenly rushed directly towards the lure!

Stop it! No. 17 shouted and rushed towards the opponent!

Frieza also snorted and rushed out!

On the other side, Toppo and others watched this scene not far away.

Should we attack Luya and the others? If so, they won't be able to complete the ritual! Toppo suddenly asked.

Jiren glanced at Luya's figure indifferently, and said expressionlessly: No need, no matter how strong he is, I will defeat him!

But that guy shouldn't be underestimated. He can fight you to that level with Jiren, and his strength is no weaker than Sun Wukong! Tispo said in a deep voice.

Jiren said nothing.

At this time, Hit's figure suddenly appeared: I'm here to play with you!

Hit from the Sixth Universe! Tispo's eyes narrowed and he subconsciously stepped forward.

Stand back! Leave him to me! Jilian suddenly said.

Hearing this, Tispo also retreated by default.

Hit looked at Jiren and then said: Let me see how strong your limit is!

There are still fifteen minutes until the end of the Power Conference!

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