Dragon Ball Super: Exposed! I'm a super saiyan

Chapter 181 Full Power Monster! Super God IV at full power?

As Anilaza's power continued to increase, everyone's expressions became serious.

Even someone as strong as Jiren still had his eyes fixed at this moment.

Obviously, Anilaza's power brought him a certain threat!

Luya looked at this scene with a serious look on his face. The opponent's power was increasing at a super fast rate, and it had already surpassed his current state!

Oops! Gohan also felt something bad, and immediately rushed out and landed next to Luya.

No. 17, No. 18, and Vegeta also came to them one after another.

What to do now? No. 17 asked.

This monster is out of control. If we don't think of a way, then none of us can stop him! Gohan said solemnly.

I have a way! At this time, Luya suddenly said.

Hearing this, everyone was stunned: What can we do?

Luya looked at Anilaza: The weakness of this monster is the crystal on his head, so if you can break that crystal, you can defeat the opponent!

Hearing this, everyone looked at the monster's head.

But, we don't even have a chance to get close, how can we destroy it? Gohan asked doubtfully.

I need your help for this! Luya said slowly.

Now it seems that I am the only one who has the chance to get close to that monster. Although the chance is not very high, this is the only way! Luya continued.

Then tell me, what's the solution? Vegeta asked, not wanting to listen to Luya's pretense, that is, he didn't want to listen to his nonsense.

Luya said: My current form is not at its peak. I must need your help to break through the limit and reach the full power of the Super God IV!

What?! What did you say?! Do you mean that the power you showed before is not your strongest strength?! Vegeta opened his eyes wide and said in disbelief.

Everyone's expressions became complicated. They didn't expect that Luya had just transformed into another form, and the difference in strength would be so big!

Luya nodded: Yes, I haven't been able to release the real power yet, but with your help, it should be no problem!

How could it be... you just broke through to the next stage, why would such a thing happen?! Vegeta said with an ugly expression.

He is not convinced! He is not willing to give in! Why, besides Kakarot, is this Luya even more awesome than him? !

I know what you are thinking, but this is not the time to fool around. If our seventh universe is gone, think about Bulma and Trunks! Luya looked at Vegeta and said coldly.

...Bang! Vegeta snorted coldly and said nothing.

What Luya didn't say is that if Wukong breaks through the true ultimate freedom skill, then he will be truly awesome!

Well, Luya, how can we help you? Gohan asked.

Luya thought for a while and then said: Whether my power can explode depends on you, so you and Vegeta need to lend me your power and help me break through the limit, so that I can have the opportunity to seize that opportunity. Then achieve a breakthrough!”

Well...can't we? No. 17 suddenly asked in confusion.

Luya shook his head: No, only Saiyans can do it, but you also need help!

You want us to help you stop that monster, right? No. 18 suddenly said.

Luya nodded: That's right!

I have no choice but to go to bed... No. 18 said arrogantly.

Without further ado, let's get started! Luya looked at Gohan and Vegeta.

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand, and regardless of Vegeta's ugly expression, he used teleportation to disappear.

Soon, they appeared behind a hidden boulder.

Gohan suddenly said: Do you want to call dad here?

Luya glanced at Gohan and then shook his head: No need, his physical strength has not recovered yet. Kefla is a strong opponent, and Goku can use her to break through him!

Wukong has not yet mastered this state of the Self-Extreme Intention Kung Fu, so he will need time to understand it!

Stop talking nonsense! Start quickly! Vegeta said unhappily.

If it weren't for Bulma and Trunks, he wouldn't be talking nonsense here!

Well! Let's begin! Luya nodded, and the next second, he exploded, and the breath of the Super God IV was instantly released.

So powerful... Gohan said solemnly.

Feeling the power of the lure at close range, he was still a little unbelievable.

Vegeta also had an unhappy expression, but of course he didn't say much. Prince Vegeta will definitely surpass all these guys!


For a moment, Gohan and Vegeta also exploded with their own powerful power, and at the same time, they continued to transport it towards Luya's body! Luya's power also began to increase rapidly at this moment!

the other side.

Roar! ! !

At this time, Anilaza had successfully mutated, and its strength had skyrocketed. Its figure slowly flew up, and a pair of wings grew out of its back!

That monster's power has increased so much?! Beerus said in disbelief.

Haha, have you seen it? This is Anilaza's true strength! This survival evolution is not a joke, all of you will be crushed by it! The Third Realm King said proudly.

The two kings also watched with great interest and kept cheering.

Now we can only wait for Luya's power to increase. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for us to win! Klin said solemnly.

But with No. 17 and the others, can they stop that monster?! Kaioshin said worriedly.

Believe them! Piccolo said calmly.

In the field, the monster obviously noticed that something was wrong, and then it sensed Gohan's energy and immediately rushed in their direction.

call out!


Suddenly, two artillery shells hit it directly, causing it to stop.

No. 17 said to No. 18: How is it? Are you scared?

No. 18 snorted coldly: Who would be afraid of it?!

That's it... let's go! No. 17 smiled slightly, and then the two looked at each other, and the next moment they rushed towards Anilaza!

The latter was a little annoyed by their attack. Suddenly it roared and prepared to kill the two siblings! Rushed towards them!


No. 17 directly used his ultimate move to hit the monster, but the latter's power had increased too much. The opponent's attack had no effect on it at all, leaving no trace on the body. The monster rushed towards them without slowing down!

No. 17: “It’s useless!”

Get away quickly! No. 18 said quickly, and the two of them ducked to both sides!

But the next moment, the monster suddenly disappeared and appeared directly in front of 18!

Oops! 18's pretty face turned pale. She didn't expect the opponent's speed to be so terrifying!


That monster has already punched down!

Uhhhhh!! No. 18 was hit directly from the front and flew backwards towards the edge of the ring!

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