Dragon Ball Super: Exposed! I'm a super saiyan

Chapter 175 The fourth universe is eliminated, focusing on the seventh universe

Roaring like beasts, at this moment, the power of the two of them is already superior to anyone in the field!

A powerful aura hit their faces, and everyone's expressions were extremely complicated, because no one could have imagined that the power of these two guys was so powerful!

Even Wukong and the others were very embarrassed. Not to mention Jiren, even the power exuded by Luya's posture was far more powerful than them!

This power conference has become the home field of these two people!

Luya and Jiren looked at each other, and then their eyes froze at the same time. The next second, they both disappeared at the same time!


Suddenly, bursts of explosions sounded directly, and then countless sound waves came, and Jiren and Luya shuttled through the explosions. Their speed was extremely terrifying, even Hit, who could dodge, could It’s hard to capture the opponent’s movements!


Luya was suspended in the air and suddenly exploded, knocking back the approaching Jiren. The next moment, his whole body was wrapped in bright red light and he flashed directly in front of Jiren! One punch is as powerful as breaking bamboo!

Jilian's expression did not change, but he suddenly raised his hand and grabbed Luya's fist!


A wave of air was emitted directly, causing the space to vibrate!

Jiren grasped Luya's fist tightly and said calmly: You are proud enough to be able to reach this level! But it is not enough!

After saying that, Jiren took action quickly and knocked down the lure with a hand knife!


Ouch! Luya spat out a mouthful of white blood. Jiren's blow was quite powerful!

Jiren suddenly opened his hand towards Luya, and then, a red energy bomb fell directly!

Luya's eyes narrowed, and the next second, he teleported and disappeared!


After an explosion, a huge crater appeared!

Jiren also suddenly disappeared in the next moment!

boom! boom! boom!

On the ring, two figures shuttled back and forth and collided, not caring about the other people on the ring. They attacked indiscriminately, causing others to dodge hastily!

But there are also those who suffer. Just when Gohan and Piccolo were fighting against Mona and the others from the fourth universe, they suddenly sensed the danger!

Get away! Gohan! Piccolo's face turned green, and he quickly pulled Gohan up and dodged to the side!

But Mona is not so lucky. It is impossible for her to avoid the collision between Jiren and Lua with her strength!


Accompanied by an explosion, a scream rang out for a moment, and then, Mona fell directly off the ring!

No!! Quitra's face turned pale when he saw this scene.

There are only two people left in their fourth universe, and one of them has been eliminated, which means there is only one left! And he is still the weakest one!

Now! Suddenly, No. 17 shouted.

No. 18 understood, and his figure flashed.

At the same time, the last remaining invisible man in the fourth universe also had a breakdown after seeing his companions eliminated, so he couldn't help but reveal his true form!

But the next second, No. 18 appeared in front of it.

??? The invisible man was immediately frightened and disappeared quickly.

No. 18 jumped to nothing and was a little dissatisfied, but at this moment, a cyan energy shield suddenly appeared, and inside the energy shield was the invisible man!

And the one who took action in time was No. 17!

Done! No. 17 snapped his fingers, and then he kicked the invisible man away!

The last contestant of Universe 4 is eliminated!

For a moment, everyone was shocked.

The fourth universe is over!

No... I don't believe it!! Kuitela's face was extremely ugly. He didn't expect that the players on his side were so vulnerable!

That's right, the contestants in their fourth universe are all good at all kinds of tricks, and not many of them are very powerful...

I announce that the ten contestants from the fourth universe have been eliminated and declared out! the high priest said.

Even though the battle between Luya and Jiren was fierce, they turned their attention away and fell on Universe 4, which was a bit complicated!

Quan Wang did not hesitate. Their attention was all on Luya and Jiren at this time. Regarding the elimination of the fourth universe, they quickly raised their hands and shook them directly!


Suddenly, everyone in the fourth universe disappeared, leaving only the angels.

The fourth universe is undoubtedly the most unfair. They didn't expect that they would be eliminated only after being affected. This is very unacceptable to them!

But it's already too late, the fourth universe has become a victim!

Now there are only four universes left!

Looking at this situation, Universe 7 and Universe 11 have a great chance of winning. Even though there are only three people left in Universe 11, there is Jiren among them!

One person is enough to resist everyone!

It's really unbelievable. I didn't expect to wipe out a universe so easily. I didn't expect those two seemingly harmless children to be so ruthless! Somewhere, Frieza looked at the two kings with the same look in his eyes. He calmed down and said, However, one day, I will be superior to you gods!

Stop joking! It's impossible for your strength to reach that level! At this time, a joking voice came, but it sounded a little weak.

Oh? Frieza looked over and saw Gabe standing up holding his injured arm.

Hohoho, I didn't expect you to be quite tenacious! Frieza said jokingly.

Hmph! How could I lose to an evil existence like you?! Gabe said with a firm face.

Very good, very good. When you say that, I want to get rid of you even more! Torturing you Saiyans is one of my pleasures! Frieza smiled scornfully.

Then come on! Gabe snorted coldly, and then exploded fiercely. In a moment, a powerful force burst out directly. In a moment, the power of the second level of Super Saiyan was exposed, and his strength increased by several levels. Class!

Hahaha, if that's the case, then I won't be polite! Frieza sneered, and then exploded violently. In an instant, Frieza's power reached a critical point, and in an instant, golden color suddenly appeared around him. Light!

And he also turned into Golden Frieza!

Ahhhh!! Gabes was not afraid and immediately rushed towards Frieza!

However, he was injured, and in Frieza's opinion, he had many flaws!

The moment Gabe rushed over, Frieza suddenly lowered his body, and then punched out with no emotion!



With a muffled sound, Gabe was stunned, and the huge pain directly changed him back to his normal state!

Hohoho, I'm sorry, I've really had enough fun, so I'll send you off! Frieza laughed evilly, then grabbed Gabe's hair and threw him out!

Contestant Gabe from the Sixth Universe is declared out! the high priest said with a slight smile.

Oops!! Xiangpa's expression changed, and he immediately grabbed Gabe next to him: Hey! Why don't you run away?! There is obviously a chance to run away!

Gabe: ...

That guy Gabe was eliminated! Caulifla said with a frown.

With Gabe's elimination, there are only five people left in the Sixth Universe!

Hey! Soldiers from the sixth universe, listen to me, throw down all the guys from the seventh universe! Xiangpa suddenly shouted angrily.

At this time, two figures suddenly appeared above Gohan and Piccolo.

Those were two Namekians, and their appearance immediately made Piccolo's expression change.

Caulifla looked at Wukong and said, Hey! Let's fight quickly!

Wukong smiled slightly: Then come!

After saying that, he exploded and the fiery red light ignited!

PS: I thought you were going to spray me hard. .

Although it talks about pre-competition training, there is no guarantee whether it will be brushed off. However, this book will have to stop at that time. It depends on the situation. If it is brushed off, a new book will be opened.

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