Dragon Ball Super: Exposed! I'm a super saiyan

Chapter 174 Luya VS Jiren! high energy burst

boom! boom! boom!

Under the bursts of huge explosions, the entire arena was left in a state of disrepair and a mess.

Even though there were less than thirty people left, the battle was still so fierce!

Hoo ho ho! Saiyans, since you can't attack those from your own universe, let's use those from your sixth universe to attack! Frieza laughed crazily while releasing energy bombs.

Under the bombardment of his energy bombs, Gabe from the Sixth Universe hurriedly dodged and had no chance to fight back.


On the other side, Hit is fighting against the robots of the third universe, but his flash time skill is still very effective. Even if he is defeated by Tispo, he can find his home court here!

Everyone has their own opponent, and they all seize the opportunity and never miss any opening, because they know that they can only leave one universe, so everyone is the enemy! Only by defeating their opponents and throwing them off the ring will victory belong to them!

On the other side, Luya looked at Jiren and then said: Aren't you going to show your true strength?

Jiren looked at Luya and then said: Your strength is not enough for me to attack with all my strength!

Really? I know you are very powerful. Even I may not be able to defeat you with all my strength. However, my strength will not give in so easily. This time, the person who defeats you Jiren will definitely It will be me! Luya said confidently.

The next moment, his body burst out with a burst of red energy, and a powerful breath swept away.


Luya clenched his fists and roared. Suddenly, his strength was rising!

Jilian looked at Luya, his eyes no longer calm, showing a hint of seriousness.

Not everyone is qualified to be his opponent, and apart from the previous Sun Wukong, there is only the Luya in front of him!

Thinking of this, Jilian suddenly smiled, it was the joy of meeting his opponent!

Is that a Lua? Very good. I will prove that your power is so vulnerable!

After saying that, Jilian suddenly shouted low, and suddenly, a terrifying power erupted from his body! Red light enveloped him!

The breath of the two people directly affected the surrounding battlefield. Everyone was disturbed by this breath. Even Toppo, Vegeta and others had cold sweat on their faces!

How is it possible?! How could that guy make Jiren so serious? Toppo couldn't believe it.

He didn't believe that Luya was so powerful that even Jiren would explode like this!

Compared to him, Vegeta's expression was not very good either. He gritted his teeth and said, Damn it! You guys are showing off your strength in front of me! I don't accept it!

With his strength, he could already feel that the strength of these two people was far superior to his, which was something he couldn't accept!

Humph! You should take care of yourself, I will throw you down with my own hands! Toppo looked at Vegeta coldly.

Hey! I can't deal with that guy Jiren, why can't I deal with you?! Vegeta shouted coldly, and then exploded violently, directly activating the peak blue power!

Come on! Toppo also burst out with a powerful force and rushed forward to fight with Vegeta!

The Luya explosion was completed, but his face looked a little ugly: Why? Why do I feel that I have a more powerful force, but why can't I activate it?

He discovered that this Super God Four was not as simple as imagined! Maybe in this form, it still feels powerful!

But at this moment, Luya's expression changed, and then he subconsciously raised his hand to block it!


Suddenly, a powerful force directly knocked him away!

Jiren didn't know when he had appeared in front of him.

Luya glanced at his arm in pain, then grinned: Interesting, this kind of power is very powerful!

After saying that, he disappeared and rushed towards Jiren!


The two of them punched each other directly, and then, a huge sonic boom was emitted, which was extremely terrifying!

Luya shouted angrily, and then took the initiative to attack. For a moment, countless fist shadows bombarded Jilian!

The latter was not afraid at all, without using his hands, his eyes directly sent out a series of impacts, and the two fists suddenly collided with each other!


The lure keeps hitting the opponent, and Jiren can easily block the lure's attack. At the same time, he directly counterattacks, taking away the power of the lure, and then attacks it! There is no flaw in the whole action, and the same is true for the Luya, so if the two want to compete, they can only show their true strength!

Boom boom boom!

Immediately, waves of heat swept out. Although the two of them were still in the eyes of everyone, the space around them exploded one after another, making loud noises, just like setting off firecrackers!

Although Jiren's power is indeed powerful, Luya is also constantly improving in battle, so his movements can also be sharp and become more and more impeccable!

The fierce battle between the two made even the audience sweat for these guys!

This kind of high-intensity attack is the peak showdown between the two. If who can reveal the flaw first, then there will be no suspense about the outcome!

Masters compete with each other, and the opportunity is fleeting. If you can't seize the opportunity in time to deal with these opponents, then you will lose!

Luya's figure and Jiren soared into the sky. Not only that, their strength also became stronger as they fought. Two red rays of light kept flashing. Then, after the two collided, their figures appeared opposite each other. behind the other party.

Luya didn't miss the opportunity, turned around and quickly fired countless air bombs!

Jiren's eyes flashed red, and the air bombs exploded in an instant!

Turtle style Qigong! Lu Ya shouted and launched a powerful move!

But Jiren didn't change his color at all. He suddenly stretched out his hand in front of him, and then, an energy ball shot directly towards him, instantly neutralizing Luya's attack!

You are more interesting than Sun Wukong! Jilian looked at Luya and said.

Luya grinned: Then show me your true strength, otherwise, I won't be polite!

After the transformation, he was really floating. Now he can keep up with Jiren's attacks, so Luya is a little dissatisfied with his desire for power. The opponent always hides it, which makes him a little unhappy!

Jilian heard this and said to him: You are too confident in yourself!

Lu Ya curled his lips: The key is my strength. Even I don't know where the limit is!

He discovered that there was a power hidden within him, but he couldn't use it no matter what, which made him very curious, so he wanted Jiren to force him.

You know nothing about power! Jilian looked at Luya, a cold light suddenly flashed across his eyes, and then, he burst out with a terrifying power!

For a moment, this momentum was like an electromagnetic wave, and the entire arena was directly affected. Everyone looked over there in horror.

Damn it! what happened? Why don't you let them fight? You always have outbursts, no matter how strong others don't know you are!

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