Dragon Ball Super: Exposed! I'm a super saiyan

Chapter 168 Luya vs. Jiren! full power output

With the appearance of this voice, everyone and the gods were moved, and they all turned their attention to the speaker.

That's... Klin and others were stunned for a moment.

Really, are you going to die?! Beerus said angrily.

Oh my, it seems he is inexplicably confident! Weiss smiled, a little surprised.

Jiren turned his head and looked at the speaker: Who are you?

Luya, who was standing high up, tilted his neck and grinned: The Saiyan of the seventh universe, Luya!

Luya! What is he doing? Jiren is so powerful, isn't he looking for death?! Gohan and others were also very puzzled.

That guy... Vegeta's face looked a little ugly, why can anyone be in the limelight!

You want to fight me? Jilian looked at Lu Ya and said calmly, as if he didn't take Lu Ya seriously.

Luya smiled slightly, then glanced at Wukong and said, I can't let you eliminate your companions in the seventh universe so easily.

Wukong struggled to raise his head and smiled at Luya.

Sun Wukong should be the strongest person in your seventh universe. If you come, the result will be the same! Jilian said indifferently.

Maybe I forgot to tell you the fact that the strongest person in the seventh universe is me, Luya!! Luya laughed, and then he suddenly shouted angrily. The next moment, a terrifying power awakened, In an instant, a powerful light burst out from Luya's body!


In an instant, Luya's aura surged! At the same time, the white light suddenly turned into a red power!

In the red light, Luya's figure appeared, but this scene was like when Wukong realized the ultimate freedom skill!

The red light gradually dissipated, and the Lua wrapped in red light looked at Jiren and grinned: This is Super Saiyan Red with full power output!

How could it be? In that form, the aura is even more powerful than blue! At this moment, all the gods who saw Luya's power were shocked. Although Luya had also transformed into Super Saiyan Red before, After all, it's just a flash in the pan, and it won't be as good as now when the other party unleashes all its power!

As gods, they can naturally feel the aura of Luya, and they are also aware of the power of red!

Xiangpa from the Sixth Universe was shocked when he saw this scene: Why can he even transform? Could it be that he didn't show his true strength in the last battle?

Probably not. Judging from the last battle, he should have really shown his strength, but now he can progress to this point. It is really unbelievable. Not only that, this red form looks better than the blue one. How much more powerful is the color! Bados said with some surprise.

However, their eyes showed a bit of solemnity, because the strength of Universe 7 was more powerful than they imagined! It is completely incomparable to previous battles.

Jiren looked at Luya. Even though Luya showed his power, his expression did not change at all: That's it?

Luya didn't care about the other party's provocation, because he knew that the other party was even more powerful than Red! Therefore, he had no intention of having any reservations from the beginning!

Kaiou Fist!! Twenty-five times!!!


Suddenly, Luya's power surged again!

Suddenly, the entire arena was filled with the scent of Luya!

Is this guy still a human?! All the gods were equally surprised. They couldn't believe that there was someone more powerful than Sun Wukong in the seventh universe!

The power all over his body spread out, and Lu Ya raised the corner of his mouth slightly: How is it? My power has surpassed Wukong!

Jilian's eyes moved slightly, and then he shook his head: It is a bit powerful, but it is far from what I expected!

Luya snorted coldly, and then he added all his skills!



The next moment, Luya rushed directly towards Jiren!

Jilian's eyes suddenly flashed with a gleam, and at the same time, a powerful aura was emitted directly. For a moment, Luya's figure was actually blocked!

What?! Even this is useless?! Klin and others said in shock. Luya's power had already shocked them, but now it seems that Jiren seems to be even stronger!

Hmph! How can you defeat Jiren with just these methods of yours! Jiren, that's the essence of power! Any method is in vain! The Clown God of Destruction sneered, but to be honest, Luya's power also made him I was surprised because the other party was powerful enough to catch up with some Gods of Destruction!

Jiren looked at Luya, and then his breath shook again. The next second, Luya's figure was directly knocked back!

Jiren's figure flashed and he was directly in front of Luya.

Luya was startled, then exploded in vain, and fought directly with Jiren. It is worth mentioning that by watching the record of the battle with Goku, Luya also understood Jiren's moves, so he actually fought with the opponent for a while. It comes and goes!


The two fists directly faced each other, Jiren and Luya looked at each other, and the next second, a terrifying aura suddenly burst out in their eyes!

The two forces collide directly!

However, it was Jiren who stepped up one step further, using a combination of punches and kicks to directly kick the lure away and smash through countless rocks!

When they fought, Wukong still didn't have the strength to take action, and he didn't even have the strength to stand up!

At this time, Toppo and Tispo appeared in front of him.

Sun Wukong, although your strength is worthy of recognition, our justice is definitely not something you can compete with! Toppo looked at Wukong, and then stretched out his palm towards him to gather his strength.

I can only ask you to appear!

call out!

Suddenly, a beam of energy flew directly over. Toppo and Tispo were startled and quickly dodged aside.

And the energy bomb flew directly past their original place.

Vegeta fell down and snorted coldly: What you call justice is taking advantage of others' danger?

Vegeta, hum! You alone can't save Sun Wukong! Toppo snorted coldly.

If he can't do it, what about adding me? No. 17 appeared next to Vegeta and said calmly.

It's two versus two now. If that's the case, then I won't interfere! Hohohoho! At this time, Frieza also appeared next to Sun Wukong.

Frieza, this is a special period, don't have any evil thoughts! No. 17 glanced at Frieza indifferently.

Hoho, don't worry, I have my own plan! Frieza smiled evilly, and then he looked at Sun Wukong.

The latter also looked at him, but Goku was not defensive at all. He believed that Frieza would not attack him.

But Frieza stretched out his hand towards him.

Everyone was shocked.

Hey! Frieza, what are you doing?! Beerus roared, almost wanting to eat Frieza.

Hohoho, Son Goku, do you have this day too? Frieza ignored the God of Destruction and looked at his old rival.

Wukong chuckled: I don't even have the strength to raise my hand now. Do you want to eliminate me?

Frieza put away his smile, and after a moment of silence, he suddenly shot out a ball of energy.

But it's not a destructive bomb, it's pure energy!

After the energy was integrated, Wukong's body began to recover some strength. Although it was not enough for him to continue fighting, at least he would not be at the mercy of others.

What are you doing? Goku looked at Frieza in confusion.

Frieza, however, turned around and left arrogantly: Let me repay your favor back then.


When Goku thought about it carefully, he understood that he also saved Frieza's life on the Namek planet, although the guy didn't appreciate it in the end.

Everyone didn't expect Frieza to save Goku, and they couldn't react.

Hmph! Don't even think about saving Sun Wukong! Toppo was about to take action.

Then let's try it! No. 17 did not give in at all.

Hey Kakarot, get out of the way! Don't interrupt our fight! Vegeta said unceremoniously.

Wukong was a little helpless: Don't speak so harshly!

But he still left here and took a look at Luya who was fighting Jiren.

Hey! Toppo, right? I heard that you and Kakarot are evenly matched? I just want to give it a try! Vegeta sneered. The next moment, he exploded and transformed into Super Saiyan Blue! Then he rushed towards Toppo!

PS: Are many friends about to start school? Study hard and make progress every day!

Ask for a reward! ! !

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