Dragon Ball Super: Exposed! I'm a super saiyan

Chapter 167 Defeated again! Unable to maintain the ultimate freedom of mind

The ultimate freedom of mind!

All Gods of Destruction are shocked! They all looked at Sun Wukong's figure in disbelief.

How is it possible?! How can a mere mortal understand the skills of God?! The Clown God of Destruction said in disbelief.

Sun Wukong, what a monster! Kaio Shen also broke into a cold sweat.

Free Ultimate Intention Kung Fu? What is this? Klin and others looked at Weiss in confusion.

Weiss laughed and explained: Zi Zi Ji Gong is different from the previous fighting methods that relied on sensing qi. It relies on conditioned reflex movements of various parts of the body, without any thinking from the brain, to maximize the speed of movement. and reaction ability. The body and consciousness are separated, allowing each part of the body to sense the dangers around it beyond instinct, and no longer need the brain to think before acting. This is the skill of God, the explosive form of potential after breaking through one's own limits!

It's amazing! Klin and others were amazed.

Of course, even though they don’t understand...

A long time ago, when I guided and trained Goku and Vegeta, I asked them to learn to abandon thinking before taking action. However, due to their long-standing fighting habits, they were not able to do this. Unexpectedly, Goku actually I realized it at this juncture, and I think he must have suffered the impact of the vitality bullet. His own potential was forced to release, causing his power to collide with the vitality bullet, and finally resonated, fully unleashing his potential. Weiss then explained.

Awesome! It seems like Wukong can win, right?! Klin said excitedly.

Not necessarily! Although Wukong's form has the shadow of the Ultimate Intention Kung Fu, it is still far from what was expected! And the heat on his body shows this very well. If his physical energy is consumed, then he will not be able to do it at all. It's impossible to maintain this form. Weiss shook his head and said.

At this time, Wukong was having a crazy PK with Jiren. The speed of both of them reached the peak that ordinary people could not reach, and Wukong actually caused substantial damage to Jiren! This is something no one expected!

You know, even Goku's Super Blue Kaio Fist was not able to scratch Jiren's clothes before, but now, he has been able to leave scars on the opponent's body!

Bump bump bump!

The battle between Wukong and Jiren was particularly fierce, but it can be seen that Wukong's attacks are very active, but despite this, the heat on his body is getting more and more! So much so that even the audience can feel his heat wave!

Wukong has just realized the Ultimate Intention Kung Fu, and his mastery of his body has not kept up with the changes in his form. This may greatly reduce the power of the Ultimate Intention Kung Fu! Weiss suddenly said.

Damn it! He couldn't even defeat Jiren with the Ultimate Intention Kung Fu. What kind of monster is this?! Beerus looked a little ugly. Even he, the God of Destruction, didn't believe in Jiren's power.

The fact that human power can reach this level is very worthy of reflection for him and the gods!


At this time, Wukong suddenly exploded, and then he punched Jiren directly!


The body landed on the ground and the ground cracked open! Jiren looked up at Goku expressionlessly, his eyes a little cold.

“Wukong, on the other hand, uses the gravity of the fall to fall down and gather his strength at the same time.

Turtle style Qigong! !

When Wukong gathered his strength, the heat around him suddenly dissipated a lot, and then, his eyes suddenly regained some clarity.

Wukong gritted his teeth. He knew in his heart that his time was coming. With his current state of entering the ultimate form of freedom, there was no way he could last long! And his injuries are getting worse!

Without hesitation, Wukong directly condensed it into an extremely terrifying force. This force was more powerful than the previous energy bomb!

Jilen! Be careful! The Clown God of Destruction suddenly shouted worriedly.


Roaring like a wild beast, Wukong landed not far above Jiren and directly used the turtle style Qigong. The fierce force directly hit Jiren!

Jiren suddenly raised his hand, and then, a red energy bomb shot out directly. Then, a protective shield formed by a terrifying force directly blocked Wukong's Turtle Style Qigong!

Impossible! Just the aura of strength can block such a powerful turtle qigong. How is this possible?! Klin said in disbelief.

Jilian, from the beginning to the end, he didn't use all his strength!! Teacher Wu Tian said slowly, but his expression became solemn.

What an amazing power. It seems that this Jiren is our biggest competitor in the third universe! The wise eyes of the third universe Kaioshin showed a hint of fear.

Hmph! You scared me! I should absolutely believe in Jiren's power! The Clown God of Destruction suddenly laughed.

He was just afraid that Sun Wukong's power would threaten Jiren, but it turned out that he was overthinking it. Although Jiren was not suitable to deal with Sun Wukong's form at first, his power surpassed Sun Wukong's! Therefore, Jiren is the strongest!


Wukong outputs terrifying power, but he can't go any further, and at the same time, the power around him is constantly collapsing.

Can't hold on anymore!

Realizing that Sun Wukong's power was disappearing, a flash of light flashed across Jilian's eyes. The next moment, a powerful force suddenly burst out from his body, and a red light enveloped his body. Then, he directly exerted his strength. Suddenly, Wukong The turtle qigong was defeated immediately, and a powerful force directly hit his body!


An area in the air exploded directly, and Wukong's screams were heard at the same time.

Goku!! Beerus shouted worriedly.

After all, he's still too young. With his strength, he can't maintain the Self-Extreme Intention Kung Fu at all. The heat is constantly consuming his physical strength. Weiss said regretfully.

But this guy can do this, which is already very good! Xiangpa surprisingly did not shout at this time, but was a little solemn.

Haha, why does Lord Xiangpa praise his opponent so much? Bados said curiously.

Xiangpa was stunned when he heard this, then curled his lips and said: After all, we are our opponents in the sixth universe, we cannot underestimate each other!


After the explosion dissipated, Wukong's figure fell directly, creating a huge crater, but he had returned to normal at this time!

Wukong, who had returned to normal, was already at the end of his strength. He had already consumed everything he had in the explosion of the vitality bomb. Now that he has lost his Ultimate Intention Skill, he has returned to before liberation, with no strength at all!

Jilen! Throw away the uncertain factor Sun Wukong! The clown God of Destruction suddenly shouted.

Jiren's eyes changed for a moment, and then he walked towards Sun Wukong.

Arriving in front of the pit, Jilian looked at Sun Wukong and said: You are amazing for being able to force me to this point. Sun Wukong, your name is worthy of me remembering it! It's over!

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and condensed an energy bomb.

Not good! Beerus suddenly became horrified, Damn! Is Goku about to be eliminated as soon as he comes back to life? Does God want to play with him like this?

And just when Jiren was about to send Goku away, a voice suddenly came: I'll fight you!

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