Dragon Ball Super: Exposed! I'm a super saiyan

Chapter 144: Crush Frost, Hit appears

Krillin is eliminated!

For a moment, the friends in Universe 7 were a little shocked.

Why are you so careless?


The next moment, Krillin appeared in the spectator seats.

Before Klin could come to his senses, Beerus on the side said sullenly: You seem to be a little distracted! Bald head!!

Ah? Then... that... Lord Beerus... Krillin's whole body trembled, and he was extremely embarrassed. He was really a little distracted just now. He defeated two opponents with his own strength, which was already a big deal for him. It was a great achievement, but I didn't expect that I was so careless that I didn't realize that the enemy was behind me.

I'm sorry!! Klin apologized quickly.

It doesn't matter! We all know, Klin, you have tried your best!!! Kaioshin also said in a voice. Although the words were comforting, his expression was a little unhappy.

I'm sorry... Klin said ashamedly.

Forget it, that's it for now, let's cheer for our partners on the field! The old Kaioshin sighed and said calmly.

Yes... Klin could only agree bravely.

Hahahaha!! See, there is no Beerus! Your people are being eliminated by our sixth universe! It turns out that our sixth universe is more powerful than your seventh universe! Xiangpa suddenly laughed proudly. .

You bastard!! Beerus clenched his fists in anger.

Although Klin's elimination was expected by them, it was too fast!

Very good! Well done! Frost! Throw them all down! Xiangpa said with satisfaction.

Hoo ho ho! Thank you for taking care of me, Mr. Xiangpa. Frost smiled proudly, and then looked at No. 18 who was gritting his teeth.

How dare you sneak attack on Klin! No. 18 could be said to be very angry at this time. Klin was her husband, but he was sneak attacked by this shameless guy. How could she not be angry?

Hoho! This is what happens on the battlefield at any time. I can only say that the little bald man was too complacent! Unfortunately, no one can kill people in this competition! Frost said jokingly.

You bastard! I must avenge Klin! No. 18 shouted angrily and was about to take action.

Hmph! I won't fight you stupidly! Goodbye! Frost fired a cannonball directly, and the whole place was filled with smoke in an instant.

Damn it! No. 18 looked a little ugly. But the other party has already escaped!

Just when she secretly thought it was a pity, a scream came out, and then a figure flew out of the smoke, and finally slammed into the convex rock next to No. 18!

What happened?! Xiangpa was shocked, because the person flying out turned out to be Frost!

No. 18 was also puzzled.

Until Luya walked out of the smoke: Sneak attack, this is indeed a good combat plan!

Luya!! Klin said in surprise.

Very good! Luya! Throw that despicable guy down!!! Beerus suddenly became excited when he saw Luya appear.

Ouch! Weiss also laughed.

Luya looked at No. 18 on the side: He left it to me?

No. 18 shook his head: No need, I will avenge Klin personally!

Okay then! Luya nodded and prepared to leave.

Ahhhh!! But the next second, Frost suddenly rushed over: You guy! Go to hell! Damn Saiyan!!

Seeing that Frost was about to punch Luya, the latter suddenly raised his hand and easily grabbed the opponent's fist!

What?! Frost said in shock.

Against me? Haha, Hit can't defeat me, so who are you?! Luya sneered, and then quickly kicked out, hitting the opponent's stomach with a heavy kick.

Ugh! Frost was spit out directly, with a mask of pain on his face.

Luya didn't intend to let the opponent go. He punched out one after another, piercing the opponent's stomach hard! At the same time, the golden light on his fist lit up, and in the next second Frost was rushed away and hit the ground, twitching.

Luya flashed and appeared directly in front of the other party, looking at him indifferently: A villain like you is as annoying as Frieza!

As he said that, he stretched out his hand and fired a gas bomb, and an explosion suddenly sounded!

When the smoke dissipated, Frost lay on the ground in a panic, and cracks appeared in the ring!

How...possible... Frost was a little unbelievable, why he had grown so much and why he was not the opponent's opponent!

He doesn't believe it! !

Suddenly, Frost became angry, and a deep purple light shot out. The next moment, he jumped up and punched the lure with a roar.

The latter's eyes turned cold, and the next moment he appeared strangely in front of Frost, punching the opponent in the stomach. In an instant, a red punch penetrated the opponent's body, and even the hill not far behind him exploded. !

Frost's eyes widened: How could... you also...

He was extremely impressed by this move. When he competed with Universe 7, Hit used this move to knock him out! But now, the old trick is repeated! He still can't stop it!


Frost knelt down in embarrassment, his body trembling continuously.

Luya glanced at the other party, then looked at No. 18: Leave it to you!

The latter nodded, and then walked up to Frost, his eyes cold.

Help...help... Frost was in a panic. He wanted to say something, but the pain prevented him from speaking.

Go down and reflect! No. 18 snorted, and then she kicked out Frost, flying directly towards the edge of the ring!

No! Someone come and save him! Xiangpa said in a panic.

But just when Frost was about to fall, time suddenly stopped, and then, Frost's body was suddenly hit back by an unknown force!

What?! This scene shocked Beerus and others who were ready to be happy.

Luya narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Hit who was helping him: You're here!

Hit glanced at Frost at his feet, then looked at Luya: He can't be defeated so easily!

Luya grinned: Then you two can be companions together!

No. 18 also made a fighting stance. She could feel that the opponent was not easy!

Hit stretched out his hand from his trouser pocket and also made a gesture: Then come on! Just in time, after the last battle, I got a promotion, so I will use you to practice my skills!

Luya smiled, and then thought of something. He suddenly looked behind a hill and said with a smile: Stop hiding, do you want to come together?

As soon as he finished speaking, a figure walked out slowly, its tail wagging: Hohohoho, I'm sorry, I was discovered.

Frieza! No. 18 was stunned, then frowned.

Luya glanced at Frost, then looked at Frieza: You should have formed an alliance with that guy, right?

That's right! But let me correct you, he wants to form an alliance with me! Frieza shrugged and smiled.

Lu Ya said calmly: Just play with these fancy things. In that case, do you want to come along?

Frieza glanced at No. 18, then at Hit, and then shrugged: That's all, I won't interfere in your battle, so as not to say that I bully you. Of course, they are all from the same universe, what do you think?

Luya sneered, although the other party did have some tricks that made people unpredictable, but in the end it was all thanks to this guy, and just because of this, otherwise Luya would beat him up too!

And Frieza turned around and left very calmly and calmly.

Luya watched Frieza walk away, and then looked at No. 18: Leave this to me, and you go deal with the other opponents!

The latter glanced at Frost hesitantly, and then could only nod: I understand!

After saying that, she jumped up and left directly.

Hit glanced at Luya and said, Can we start?

Luya looked at him with a smile and said, How many seconds has your flash time increased to?

Hit was stunned for a moment, but the next moment, Luya's figure was already in front of Hit!

Use flash time!

Hit's eyes narrowed and he directly blocked Luya's attack!

You can also flash time? Hit was a little shocked.

Since the last battle with you, I also learned how to flash time! Lu Ya said with a raised smile.

Hit looked at Luya with some fear: You are more dangerous than Sun Wukong!

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