Dragon Ball Super: Exposed! I'm a super saiyan

Chapter 143 Eliminators appear in Universe 7

Realizing that the attack was coming, Luya's expression did not change. He raised his hand to directly gather his strength and instantly disintegrated the attack.

Who is it? Luya looked at the attacker.

Haha, I didn't expect you to notice it. At this time, a short figure walked out.

Luya looked at the other person, then smiled and said: Who did I think you were! You look like this, reminding me of the people from Adeltra.

When Luya thinks of the name Adeltra, he thinks of teleportation. Undoubtedly, Wukong learned his teleportation from there.

The other party is from the second universe!

The second universe!

As if thinking of something, Luya glanced around and breathed a sigh of relief when he found that there was no one else. Fortunately, those women were not there.

Hey! What are you looking at?

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

After the other party said a word, he flashed around Luya continuously.

Luya smiled slightly, and then directly used Flash Time!


Suddenly, time around him suddenly stopped, and then, the opponent's figure appeared directly next to Luya.

Luya smiled: My flash time is designed for high-speed movement!

As he spoke, he condensed an energy bomb in his hand, and the next moment, he directly took his opponent away!

After eliminating the opponent, Luya took a look at the situation of the others.

At this time, Vegeta was engaged in a fierce battle with Bodama and Maggot from the Sixth Universe. However, at this time, Bodama and Maggot joined forces to transform Vegeta into a Super Saiyan. It is impossible to solve the opponent.

On the other side, Krillin and No. 18 are dealing with the werewolf Shosa and the smell expert Majora from the fourth universe.

Goku sparred with Caulifla from Universe 6.

Everyone is involved in a fierce battle.

Luya smiled slightly, as if he thought of something, his figure suddenly disappeared.


On the other side, Vegeta kept attacking Bodamo and Magetta, but the defenses of the two were too strong. Even he could not break through the opponent's defense and could not cause much damage!

Damn it! Vegeta was a little annoyed. The other party used all his weaknesses to deal with it, which made him a little helpless!

Hmph! No matter how you scold, Maggot won't hear it! Vegeta, give up! Bodamo said proudly.

Vegeta sneered: Really? In this case, let's play with you!

After saying that, he exploded violently, instantly increasing his strength to the extreme!

Hmph! Useless work! Bodamo sneered, and then cooperated with Maggot to attack Vegeta directly.

The three fell directly into a stalemate battle, and no one could do anything to the other.


On the other side, Klin saved No. 18. His opponent Shosa almost eliminated No. 18 by pretending to be dead. Fortunately, Klin saved her in time.

Are you okay, No. 18? Klin asked with a smile.

It's okay. No. 18 was a little embarrassed: I didn't expect to be careless!

The enemy is very cunning, it's better to be careful!! Klin looked at Shosa and showed a smile: I didn't expect you to be so good at pretending to be dead. Even No. 18 was deceived by you!

Hahaha! What a pity, we almost eliminated her! Xiaosa sneered.

You won't have a chance! I will pay you back tenfold! No. 18 said coldly.

Really? Come on then! Shosa said disdainfully.

No. 18! Do you still remember the moves we practiced? Klin suddenly said at this time.

Remember! Are you talking about that? What's wrong? No. 18 was stunned, and then asked in confusion.

Let's try it today! Klin said with a smile.

Okay! No. 18 did not refuse.

What are you talking about there? Shosa sneered.

Come on!! Klin and No. 18 moved instantly. The next second, Klin suddenly condensed an energy bomb and hit Shosa directly!

The latter snorted coldly, then jumped up and dodged directly, but the next moment No. 18 appeared in front of the energy bomb and pushed it back!

What?! Xiao Sa's expression suddenly changed and he quickly dodged.

But Klin didn't give him a chance to breathe. The two of them kept hitting energy bombs at Shousa, and the latter could only dodge in embarrassment.

But what can be found is that the energy bombs are getting bigger and faster, and gradually even Xiaosa feels it is difficult.

What?! Xiaosa could no longer keep up with the opponent's attack and was directly hit by a huge energy bomb. He screamed the next moment, flew out directly, and finally fell off the ring!

Successful! Clinton said excitedly.

Very good! Well done! Little bald guy! Beerus was very pleased to see that Krillin could eliminate his opponent.

Klin can be said to be the weakest in their team this time, but he was able to eliminate his opponent. This is the best result!

Hehe! Klin was a little proud, but suddenly at this moment, an afterimage suddenly hit him. Before Klin could react, he was kicked away!


With a bang, Klin fell to the ground!

Klin! It's not good! Beerus and others were not happy for a few seconds when something like this suddenly happened again!

Hahaha! You careless boy! Get down here! At this time, a werewolf suddenly flew over and pointed directly at Klin!

And at the critical moment, No. 18 came to the rescue and kicked his opponent away!

Klin, are you okay? No. 18 worriedly helped Klin up.

I was careless. Klin looked at his opponent.

Hahaha, I didn't expect to be attacked by surprise! The werewolf looked at Klin and the others with a sneer.

Who are you? Klin looked at his opponent and asked.

My name is Majira, and I'm from the fourth universe! Remember my name, otherwise, you won't know who defeated you! Majira smiled slyly, and the next second, he rushed towards Krillin. past.

No. 18, put this on! Klin suddenly took out a pair of sunglasses and handed them to No. 18.

The latter understood and put on his sunglasses.

Klin concentrated his consciousness and looked at his opponent, then he opened his hands and put them against his temples: A hundred times the sun fist!!


In an instant, the field was filled with white light!

However, Majora, who rushed towards Klin, had no impact at all. Instead, he rushed directly in front of Klin and kicked Klin away.

What?! Ouch! Klin screamed and fell to the ground.

At the same time, Majira hit No. 18 hard, who had not yet reacted, and fell down as well.

How is it possible?! He can still attack under such dazzling light? How did he do it? Beerus said in disbelief.

This is bad! Even the Sun Fist is useless?! Kaioshin said worriedly.

Hahaha! I thought you had some tricks, it's really ridiculous! Majira looked at Klin and others proudly.

Klin was in disbelief: How did you do it?

Haha, because I lost my sight a long time ago! Majira said lightly.

Blind? Then why can you attack so accurately?! Klin was startled and said a little surprised.

It's the sense of smell! He uses the sense of smell to identify directions! No. 18 pointed out.

Haha! Not bad, quite smart! Majila said proudly: Your tricks are useless to me!

Hmph! That's not certain! As long as I understand your tricks, I will definitely win! Klin suddenly showed a confident smile: No. 18! Leave him to me!

The latter was surprised: But...

Believe me! I can do it! Klin said firmly.

Hearing this, No. 18 could only agree.

Hahaha! Just you, what can you do against me? Majila said mockingly.

Hey, you are very sensitive to smells, then... Klin smiled strangely, then suddenly took off his shoes and threw them out!


In an instant, his shoe was buckled directly on Majila's nose!

What?! What the smell! It stinks! Majila's face changed drastically and she quickly covered her nose.

Hehe! Klin smiled proudly, and then he suddenly disappeared and appeared directly in front of Majora, using a series of tricks on him: How dare you attack my No. 18! You must pay the price!

Krillin knocked his opponent back with one kick, and Klin suddenly gathered his energy: Turtle...pai...qi...gong!


Under an astonishing force, the opponent was directly bombarded and fell into the ring!

The high priest announced that Majora was out, and Beerus and others all became excited: Well done!

Hahaha! Klin said with a proud smile.

No. 18 covered his face: Looks like I'll wash your shoes when you get back!

And just as the two were relaxing, suddenly, a figure appeared behind Klin: Hey, are you so happy? You seem to be careless!

What?! Klin was startled, and turned around just in time to see Frost's sinister face.

It's not good! Beerus and Kaioshin looked sad for a moment.

You actually left your back to the enemy! Then...goodbye! Frost smiled proudly, then swept his tail and knocked Klin off the ring!

Uhhhhh!! Klin's scream echoed, and the next second he appeared in the audience.

The first contestant of Universe 7 is eliminated!

PS: Every year at the beginning of the year or summer, a mysterious organization will appear and recruit talents from all over the country, and I will sacrifice my life to infiltrate the organization...

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