Dragon Ball Super: Exposed! I'm a super saiyan

Chapter 105 Luya joins the battle! Transform! super saiyan, red


Wukong, who had just been resurrected with full health, transformed directly into Super Blue, and his power was much higher than before!

Saiyans have always had a characteristic, that is, after passing the self-mutilation method, their strength will be greatly improved! The power that burst out was even more powerful than before!

And Wukong not only improved his self-mutilation method, he is now extremely angry!

Chi Chi and Goten can be said to be his reverse scales, and this damn Zamasu not only took his body! He also used his body to kill Qiqi and the others! This is simply the behavior of an animal!

Anger makes Wukong stronger! The strength is no longer weaker than that of using Kaio Fist!


However, Black Wukong easily grabbed Wukong's fist and showed a mocking smile: What's wrong? Does your anger only have this power? I'm so disappointed!

You... bastard!!! Wukong roared angrily. The next moment, he exploded in vain and broke free from Black Wukong's restraints!

What?! Black Wukong was shocked, and before he could react, Wukong punched him!

boom! boom! boom!

Black Wukong's figure retreated violently!

Wukong didn't give the opponent a chance and rushed out!

Bang! Zamasu on the side saw this and immediately wanted to help.

Where are you looking? Zamasu! Vegeta suddenly rushed over and punched Zamasu directly.

The latter's expression changed, and then he became ferocious: Asshole!

Bump, bump, bump!

The two of them fought directly together, and it looked like they were fighting back and forth.

Below, the old Kaioshin couldn't calm down: Why is Zamasu's power so strong?

Luya said calmly: He is not Zamasu from our time and space, so we can't look at him with ordinary eyes!

With that said, Luya looked at Trunks and said, The survivors should be in bad condition. Those fairy beans can save their lives.

Trunks nodded: I understand! Xiao Wu!

Yes! Xiao Wu said, and took the others away from here.

Luya looked at Kaioshin and said, I'll leave the old Kaioshin to you!

The latter nodded: Don't worry.

Luya nodded, then looked at Trunks: Trunks, let's go!


The two of them rushed directly towards the battlefield.


In the field, Wukong kept grabbing Black Wukong and hitting him hard. The opponent was suppressed by Wukong's power and was unable to withstand it. He kept crashing into buildings one after another!

call out!

Wukong appeared behind Black Wukong, and then punched him hard!

Woo ah, Black Wukong fell directly to the ground, and a huge pit suddenly appeared on the ground.

Wukong panted, the anger in his heart gradually vented, and his breath gradually became calm.

The smoke dissipated, and suddenly, a figure slowly stood up.

How is that possible?! Wukong's expression changed. He didn't expect that even with all his strength, he couldn't seriously injure the opponent!

Hahaha! That's right! That's it! This kind of pain makes me stronger!! Hahaha! Black Wukong laughed, and then exploded violently. In an instant, a terrifying power burst out from his body. come out! Even more powerful than before!

This guy...monster... Wukong was in disbelief, his face dripping with cold sweat.

Black Wukong looked at Wukong and smiled: Thank you, Sun Wukong, you have made me stronger!

Wukong gritted his teeth, then exploded again, roaring angrily and attacking him!


But Wukong's fist actually missed this time, and then, at some point, Black Wukong was behind him!


Wukong's face changed drastically, and before he could react, multiple pink beams of light suddenly shot out from his body!

Haha! Black Wukong chuckled and then snapped his fingers.

Boom boom boom!

In an instant, the light around Wukong exploded, accompanied by his screams.

The smoke dissipated and Wukong fell from the air.

Black Wukong looked joking: You are naive, do you think you can defeat me with increased power? My power can be infinitely enhanced!

As he spoke, he suddenly opened his palms in the direction of Wukong, and then, energy gathered!

call out!

The yellow and black energy bullets ejected directly and hit Wukong!

At this moment, a figure flashed in front of Wukong, and then he waved his hand and deflected the energy bullet!

What?! Black Wukong's expression condensed: It's you? Who are you?

He discovered that the person who took action was actually the person who stopped him from destroying the time machine last time!

Luya looked at Black Goku and then smiled: I'm just a Saiyan passing by!

Saiyan? Since he is a Saiyan, he deserves to die! Black Goku's face turned cold, and then he gathered his strength with both hands and blasted directly towards Luya!

Luya! Be careful! Wukong reminded.

Luya's eyes narrowed, and the next moment he exploded, deflecting the opponent's attack with just his fists!


Suddenly, Black Wukong appeared in front of Luya, punched Luya on the right side of his face, and at the same time swept him away with a whip kick. Luya screamed and shot backwards, crashing through the floors!

Hey! I thought it was so powerful! Black Wukong said a little disappointed.

Black Wukong! Wukong suddenly rushed up and started beating and kicking Black Wukong.

The two continue to fight, but at this time, although Wukong has improved through self-mutilation, he is still no match for Black Wukong!


Ugh! Wukong screamed and shot backwards!

On the other side, a powerful force shot directly into the sky, attracting Black Goku's attention.

What? Black Wukong looked in the direction of Luya and saw a bright red flame swaying there!

Ahhhh!! Luya shouted angrily, and exploded into a Super Saiyan God!

What's going on? This is the breath of God?! Black Goku and Zamasu, who was fighting Vegeta Trunks, both stopped and looked in the direction of the lure.

Super Saiyan God!

Both Goku and Vegeta's expressions changed. Although they knew that Luya could transform into a Super Saiyan God, the opponent's current power was undoubtedly more than a little stronger than the previous one!

That aura...why does it feel familiar to me?! Trunks asked with a look of surprise on his face.

I don’t know why, but he seems to have seen Luya’s power at this time somewhere!


After Luya transformed into the Super Saiyan God, he did not stop exploding. His power was rising sharply!

How could it be?! With such power, is it possible that Luya will transform into Super Saiyan Blue? Goku looked at this scene in surprise, and even Vegeta's face turned serious.

How could... Black Goku and Zamasu gathered together and looked at Luya in surprise.


Just as Goku and Vegeta guessed, Luya is undergoing further transformation! But the divine power of Luya at this time is even richer than blue! ! !

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