Dragon Ball Super: Exposed! I'm a super saiyan

Chapter 104 Crisis moment! Lures and Kaioshin come to the rescue

We have to go back quickly. Black Wukong and the others are not easy. We have to think of countermeasures. Wukong said helplessly.

Goku, Vegeta and Trunks all got into the time machine.

However, before their buttocks could get hot, suddenly, several streaks of light came rushing towards them! Suddenly, there were explosions all around!

What?! Xiao Wu and others' faces suddenly became horrified.

Oops! We've been discovered! Wukong and the others also struggled to get out of the time machine.

Hoo ho ho!

A few seconds later, Goku Black and Zamasu appeared above them.

It's really easy for us to find! Sun Wukong! Black Wukong smiled ferociously.

Damn it! This is going to be bad! Wukong looked ugly.

I'm afraid it will be difficult to escape now!

Now he and Vegeta have no strength to fight anymore, and Trunks is also half disabled, let alone young people like Xiao Wu!

It's going to be cool!

Oh my, I didn't expect there would be an unexpected harvest. Human beings, where can you hide this time? Zamasu looked at Xiao Wu and the others expressionlessly, with a murderous intent in his eyes.

Humans, what he hates most is humans! Of course, the same goes for Saiyans! If it weren't for the fact that he needed to rely on Sun Wukong's power, he would never have changed bodies with him!

Xiao Wu! You go first! Trunks stood in front of Xiao Wu and others and said in a deep voice.

No! Trunks! I won't leave you! Xiao Wu knew that if she couldn't escape this time, Trunks would definitely die. What was the point of living like this?

That's enough, none of you can escape, go to hell! Black Wukong stretched out his hand toward them, and a yellow-black energy ball condensed.

Oops! Goku and Vegeta looked at this scene helplessly. They didn't expect that they would fall in such a place!

And just when they were about to take action, suddenly, the sky suddenly opened, and a huge hole appeared, accompanied by a beam of dazzling light, breaking through the endless night!

Who?! Black Goku and Zamasu's expressions changed, and they both looked at this scene in disbelief.

There are also people who have traveled through time and space! How is that possible?! Zamasu suddenly thought of something and his eyes narrowed.

Immediately afterwards, several figures descended from the cave, and the light gradually faded, revealing their appearance.

Seeing them, everyone was stunned!

Kaioshin-sama! Luya?! Wukong couldn't help but lost his voice.

Teacher! How is it possible?! You are not dead!! Both Zamasu and Black Goku looked horrified.

The people coming are none other than Luya, the Kaioshin from the seventh universe, and the old Kaioshin from the tenth universe!

The three fell into the camp of Wukong and others.

We meet again! The old Kaioshin from the tenth universe smiled at Wukong.

Why are you here? And Luya? Wukong smiled, a little surprised.

Luya smiled slightly and said: We have confirmed that Zamasu is the instigator of this incident, so Lord Beerus destroyed Zamasu in our time and space, and he is not worried about this place, plus this old world At the King’s request, I came with them!”

Eh?! Was Zamasu killed? Wukong was a little surprised.

In the air, Zamasu's face looked ugly.

Then why does this Zamasu still exist now? Vegeta suddenly asked.

This time and space is different from the time and space we are in, so even if Zamasu in our place has been killed, it will have no impact here. Moreover, maybe I, no, there are other gods in this time and space, They were all sacrificed! The old Kaiowen said calmly.

It's just like the artificial humans back then! Even if the artificial humans in that world have changed, the artificial humans in my world are still evil, and if I kill them, the artificial humans over there are still alive and well, even... Aunt No. 18 is getting married to Uncle Klin! Trunks said, suddenly realizing.

That's right! That's what it is! Luya nodded.

In fact, he also wanted to confirm it, but now it seems that this is the case! But the current scene made him a little surprised. Judging from the situation, Wukong and the others were just about to return in the time machine, but they were discovered by Black Wukong and the others. It was a bit surprising.

And Luya soon discovered something was wrong. Black Goku's power had become so amazing!

The old Kaioshin glanced at the end game, and then said: Fortunately, we arrived in time, otherwise you would all be killed by my student! What a sin!

He looked at Zamasu and said with a serious face: Zamas, stop it now. If you can admit your mistake, things can turn around!

Admit your mistake? Hahahahaha! Teacher! It seems you are still old! My goal is to destroy the entire human race and make these war-making garbage disappear into the universe. But now you see, I am only one step away from success! As long as these annoying guys are killed, the entire human race will cease to exist! Zamasu laughed crazily.

It's really rotten wood that cannot be carved! The old Kaioshen's face darkened and he snorted coldly.

Zamasu could destroy the future world like this, which he never expected, and the other party's ambitions were actually so big!

If Beerus and the others hadn't arrived in time, he would have been cold! Only then did he see Zamasu's true face clearly!

It turned out that he had already seen that something was wrong with Zamasu's behavior, but after his teachings, Zamasu recovered. But in fact, he was overthinking it, and this kid was all pretending!

Originally, he wanted to train Zamasu into the next generation of Kaioshin. At that time, such a selfish Kaioh was not qualified to become a Kaioshin. This time, he traveled through time and space and wanted to transform Zamasu into a Kaioshin. Encourage him to stop being stubborn! From the current situation, it seemed that the other party was hopeless!

Hmph! Are you done talking? In that case, let's get rid of you first! It's just the same pot! Black Wukong suddenly said with an evil smile.

Hmph! It's just rubbish that seizes other people's bodies. You are so shameless and rampant here. It's so funny. Luya looked at Black Wukong and said jokingly.

What? Black Wukong's pupils shrank.

Lu Ya smiled, then took out a bag of fairy beans and threw it to Xiao Wu: Let them eat it.

Xiao Wu nodded, knowing what it was, and quickly fed it to Trunks and the others.

Luya looked at Black Wukong and said, Your body was originally Wukong's, right?

What?! Wukong, who had just eaten the fairy beans, was stunned when he heard these words.

So what? Black Wukong boldly admitted.

Haha, you noticed the Super Dragon Balls from the game between the Sixth and Seventh Universes, so you asked Zuno to ask about related matters, and then found the Super Dragon Balls and made a wish to exchange your body with Zamasu's body. , your soul is Zamasu himself! Luya pointed at Black Wukong.

Haha, I guessed it right! But there is no reward! Black Wukong laughed.

Not only that, you also directly killed Wukong's family. Even Qiqi and Wutian died at your hands! Luya said coldly.

How... Wukong's mind went blank, and then his raging anger began to rise.

Hahaha! Don't you think this is very interesting? What a wonderful art it is to be killed by the person closest to you! Black Wukong laughed wildly, full of ridicule.

Black Wukong!!! You... bastard!! Suddenly, Wukong's anger reached its peak, and he instantly transformed into Super Blue and rushed out!

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