"In my nest of time, all the time scrolls that I manage are stored, and I am in charge of managing them and also have to modify them in time for problems, which can be described as a huge amount of work, so come in. "

Kain said that Reg was directly brought into her studio, which was out of the universe and a new world in the Nest of Time.

Reg didn't know how he got here, he was stunned by this scene, and came in with Kain, which was like a library, with a large number of books on the shelves.

"These books are records of major time and space, historical records, and the number is incomparably huge. Kain introduced.

"Are there very few space-time patrols here, why is there no one here?" Reg looked left and right, and didn't find a single person, not even a subordinate.

"Yes, not many, the space-time patrols have gone to work in the major space-time, and when there is a problem in the space-time or is modified by the invasion, they are responsible for killing these intruders and completely erasing the inconsistent information in the local space-time, and repairing the original timeline, which is the task of the space-time patrol. Cain said as he led Reg into a room.

"This is where the Nest of Time is monitored, and whenever something goes wrong, I'll be here to monitor everything and command the Space-Time Patrol to fight. "

Reg nodded vigorously, so in this way, in his previous life, he saw so many fragmented Saiyans who traveled through time and space, but none of them were right.

I guess that's what the space-time patrol did.,The information was erased.,So there are so many fragments (don't mind if you talk nonsense.。 )

"Here, this is who you are!" Kain said as he handed Reg a set of clothes, which were different from those of the King of the Realm, and different from those of the God of Destruction.

The God of Destruction is similar to the Egyptian pharaoh, and Regg's suit is uncomfortable, this set is a combat suit, which is very compatible with his strongest Super Saiyan form, Reg can see it at a glance.

So he accepted it very politely, and then Kain gave him a pair of earrings and a badge.

The earrings are silver, while Kain's are purple, the king of the universe is pale gold, and the slaves and ordinary people wear blue, such as Son Gohan and Jebit in the original book.

"These are the symbolic earrings and insignia of the Order of Time, wear them and you will be recognized by the rules of the plane, and here I will personally pass on the true spirit of the plane. "

Reg nodded, then put on his clothes, earrings, and badge on his chest.

"Well, it's !!."

At this moment, Reg felt as if his spiritual power was being expanded by a force, could this be the approval of the rules!!

He doesn't understand this, God cultivates the realm, he cultivates strength and energy, and the two can't be separated.

In this way, day after day, it took Reg a year to learn part of the space-time true spirit technique that Cain had passed on to him.

I have to say that the space-time true spirit technique is a powerful move, he has only learned a part, and he feels that his dimension has been greatly sublimated.

Now he is also a god, but not the kind of god of the whole universe, but a god who belongs to the nest of time.

This kind of god can only be useful in time and space, and it is ordinary everywhere else.

Of course, Reg didn't care about these, his goal was the true spirit magic of that plane.

"Congratulations, you've successfully learned the Space-Time True Spiritual Technique," Cain came in the moment Reg opened his eyes.

"I'm tired, so I'm going back to the universe?" Reg smiled, and then planned to leave, after all, this was not his place to stay.

"Okay, I'll go to you when there's something. "

In this way, Reg left here, and in the passage between the universe and the nest of time, he could already sense and pass through.

As soon as Reg left, Cain smiled and danced here: "Hahahaha, I succeeded, hahaha." "

She's happy that she's got Regg, oh no, she should have brought Regra to her.

Her sixth sense was indeed right, and during Rege's studies, she discovered Rege's power, which was terrifying, more terrifying than anyone else in her area.

It's just that Reg is hiding it so well that if it weren't for this time, she wouldn't have been able to find out.

Because Reg knows how to control qi, he can restrain his breath like an ordinary person, without revealing it at all.

People who don't know still think he's an ordinary person.

Somewhere in the seventh universe, there are two ships that fly away quickly, and this ship is the Saiyan's spaceship.

Behind them were two ships in pursuit, but these two were the ships of the Frieza Legion.

Their targets are all North Galactic Earth.

As for Regg, after returning to Saiyan Star, he received a notice from Vegeta to go to Earth, so he took Supacion with him.

As for Buu and Lazili, they didn't want to go, and Reg was not reluctant.

Because this time it was Sun Gohan's girlfriend father who invited them all to go, Reg was in a good mood, so he didn't refuse.

"Regg them. "On the side of Sun Wukong's house, that is, here in Baozi Mountain, they are all waiting here for Rege, including Vegeta's family, also came here.

Suddenly, a golden light fell from the sky, and the Supa beaver led by Reg came down from the sky.

This pattern is the same as that of the God of Destruction and the Angels, except that the Pillar of Advent Light is different, the angels are colorful, and theirs is the golden aura of the Saiyans. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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