"Look at this. Kain didn't explain, and directly performed a scene here in the Realm King God Realm, which let Reg see it, and at the same time surprised him.

I saw Cain cast a chain, the same one he had used to lock Hildegang not long ago, but much more advanced than his.

"This is true spirituality? No, no, this is not true spirituality, there is no such thing as true spiritualism. "

Reg was very sure that it was very mentally exhausting to use the True Spirit Technique, and even now he was barely five times.

Although the attack power of the True Spirit Technique was very powerful, even stronger than his Seven Star Convergence, the price paid was too great, and he rarely used it.

As for using it on Hilde, it's just a matter of trying to bind him with true spirit attacks over the years.

After all, when he learned True Spirit Technique, he focused on defense, and only later did he practice small attacks similar to air bombs, and then to this chain bondage attack, there were three ways.

Large defense isolation, small gas attack, medium chain bondage.

And Kain's chain restraint can be said to be more than large, I don't know how to describe it, it's just that her strength is not as strong as herself.

The strength of this secret technique is also determined by the strength of the user.

"You're right, it's not true spirituality. "Kain said to accept this, there is no consumption at all, and it is not the same as the state of true spirit magic used by Regg.

Reg stared at Kain with wide eyes, how could she not consume any mental power at all? Even the Realm King God could not consume it at all.

"I'm surprised, it's actually very simple, this is the real version of my secret art, and yours is just a true spirit art that has not been recognized by the rules. Cain explained with a big grin.

Reg asked with a confused expression, "Recognition of the rules?"

"Yes, in fact, true spiritualism is the same as destroying the gods, and destroying the gods is recognized by the rules of destruction, so it can destroy everything. Kain paused, turned around, and continued as if he were an old town.

"And the king gods of the realm belong to the rules of creation, so they can only create, such as planets, life, etc., and true spirit art, also known as time and space true spirit art, is the rule of my nest of time. "

"I'll go, there's this kind of thing, then, the secret technique of the Adrath Star is difficult to !!" Reg noticed the link.

"That's right, teleportation is their own creation from the true spirit technique I passed on, how about joining it, become the order of time, you will get it, in this way, you can use the power of the time and space true spirit technique, even in the face of the destruction of the god of destruction, you can also use this to cancel each other, if the cultivation reaches the extreme, it can be said that the god of destruction is not necessarily your opponent, how?" Kain said temptingly.

Hearing this, Reg thought about it for a while, indeed this is right, this ability can really be used as his own hole card, not to mention whether it can surpass those rule-breaking destruction, but it is good to cancel each other out.

"If I unload the location of the Order, then my true spirituality..."

"Don't worry, you will learn after you get the recognition, even if you uninstall the position, it will not be affected, but if I don't agree, you can't uninstall the position, this is the only advantage of my world king god, and nothing else can affect you, but there is one thing, that is, you can't betray during your reign, otherwise the rules will backfire. "

"Okay, but I don't want to stay in your nest forever, I'm used to being with me. "

"No problem, I know you like this, so that's how the Orderlies are, come with me. "The catch Reg that Kain said disappeared here in a flash.

As soon as they disappeared, the god of the old world appeared here, and he was very envious of Regg.

"It's really good luck, once I become an orderer, I don't need to be related to our safety or anything, alas!!!How did I choose to be the king god of this world in the first place???

Rhaeg arrived at a place he didn't know, but now he just wanted to know what the King of the Realm God was doing.

"What the hell does a nest of time do?"

"This is going to start with the whole universe and this world. Kain said with his hands behind his back and said slowly.

"Originally, there was only one main line in the development route of this world, which was under the unified management of the Supreme God, Lord Quanwang, and there were twelve universes, you shouldn't know, right?"


"Twelve universes, twelve destruction gods, twelve realm king gods, and twelve angels, together preside over the overall situation, each universe is perfect. At this, Kain frowned suddenly.

"But that's exactly what happened, and time and space were independent, and once the timeline was out of order, a new world would be born outside of the main world. "

"A new world?" Reg also vaguely guessed, for example, Dragon Ball Super is the main story, then Dragon Ball GT is a new birth.

"That's right, new worlds, these worlds will give birth to new races and developments, some are just like the old world, and some are completely different. Speaking of this, Cain frowned slightly, "Therefore, the plane is an extremely complex and difficult place to manage. In addition, there are some people who are proficient in traveling through time and space, and they will use time and space to harm the universe. "

"So much danger!?" Reg was also taken aback, this was the first time he had heard of such a thing, to be honest.

"This is nature, so under the rules of time and space, I have the power of time and space, and serve as the king god of the time realm, and there are two other king gods of the time realm besides me. "_

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