Chapter 66 Undressing Healing!

Yun Yun fainted, and Ning Luo took Yun Yun into a cave.

“Master!” Ning Luo hurriedly came to Yun Yun’s side. At this moment, Yun Yun hadn’t woken up yet. The injury she suffered was too serious. Ning Luo quickly probed Yun Yun’s pulse, only to see Yun Yun’s pulse. It’s not smooth.

Ning Luo is a pharmacist, so of course he knows how to heal.

Ning Luo immediately helped Yun Yun treat the wound.

Yes, but to deal with the wound, she must untie her clothes!

At this moment, Ning Luo looked at Yun Yun and wanted to save Master, which meant that he had to take off Master’s clothes, but…

Nothing but…

He came to Yun Yun’s face and looked at Yun Yun’s undulating chest, Ningluo blushed suddenly.

Although Ning Luo had traveled here, he hadn’t encountered any beautiful women before crossing, so he had no experience with this kind of thing.

But in order to save the Master, he can only do this.

Looking at the charming curvy silhouette of the woman’s back, Ning Luo slowly unloaded her shirt with a slight trembling palm, as she moved her shirt.

Slowly unloading the clothes to the woman’s slender waist, Ning Luo blurred the metal buckle of the inner armor, and gently untied them one by one.

Unlocking the last button, Ning Luo carefully removed the inner armor from the woman’s body, but he was careful enough, but when the inner armor was removed from the body, the metal scratched the wound, and she still took a few breaths of cold air.

Looking at the charming curvy outline on the back of Yun Yun, Ning Luo slowly unloaded his jacket with a slight trembling palm. Ning Luo’s fingers occasionally touched Yun Yun’s skin when she moved her clothes. He would feel the opponent’s body suddenly tighten.

[Ding, untie Yun Yun’s clothes and get a chance to sign in. 】

[Ding, touch Yun Yun’s back and get a chance to sign in. 】

“Master, don’t blame me, I did this to save you!” Ning Luo half-closed his eyes, in fact, he could see it, half-closed his eyes, that is just to lie to himself.

Suddenly, Yun Yun’s beautiful carcass appeared in front of Ning Luo.

“It’s so beautiful!” Ning Luo gulped his saliva.

Fairy lady, gentleman is so good!

I’m not greedy for Master’s body, I just react normally.

That’s right, normal response!

Ning Luo lifted Yun Yun’s shirt, and immediately, Yun Yun’s body was exposed to Ning Luo’s eyes. Ning Luo discovered that there were five huge claw marks on Yun Yun’s body, which were shocking.

Ning Luo suppressed his own evil thoughts, he knew that it was important to save the Master now.

“See no evil, don’t listen to evil!”

“Heart Ruo Bingxin, the sky will not be shocked…”

Ning Luomo read the formula, gave the Master medicine, and then helped the Master clean up his body.

As Ning Luo gently wiped, Master’s eyelashes trembling gently, the noble Phoenix hair accessories on the top of his head were also quietly scattered. It seemed that it was less graceful and more masterful. Of laziness.

After carefully cleaning the wound, Ning Luo poured more white powder from a jade bottle again. Under the stimulation of the powder, the Master frowned slightly, and a low moan filled with pain in his pretty nose.

Ning Luo looked at Yun Yun’s back, with evil thoughts in her heart.

However, even though Ning Luo is not a decent gentleman, he would not take advantage of others. Besides, this is his own Master.

The Master treats himself so well and protects himself.

How could he do such a thing while the Master is in a coma?

Ningluo prescribed the medicine for the Master, and then began to sign in.

See if you can sign in for some Medicine Pill Cultivation Technique and so on.”Sign in!”

[Ding, congratulations to the host for signing in successfully and obtaining the Heavenly Cultivation Technique and Changchun Recovery Technique. 】

“Changchun Recovery Technique? What’s the use?”

【Changchun Recovery Surgery, you can use vindictive energy to recover yourself and heal others. As long as the person is not dead, you can use Changchun Recovery Surgery to recover. No matter how big the injury is, it can be cured. The more serious the injury, the more grudge required. 】

Ning Luo was shocked, this Changchun recovery technique was really heaven-defying.

Ning Luo immediately used the Changchun recovery technique to treat the Master, only to see that the Master’s injury was continuously healed under Ning Luo’s treatment.

Ning Luo was very shocked. I have to say that this Changchun recovery technique is really heaven-defying, and the Master can heal such a serious injury.

However, Yun Yun hasn’t woken up yet.

Ning Luo immediately put on the clothes for the Master.

Then Ning Luo hurriedly fed the Master a bone-breaking pill, a vitality pill, and an ice heart pill…

In short, as long as it is an effective Medicine Pill, Ning Luo will feed him Master once.

Anyway, there is no harm in eating, so let Master eat more to make up!

After Ning Luo finished all this, he immediately rushed into the water in the cave and took a cold bath to get rid of the evil thoughts in his heart.

Then he raised a fire and looked at the sleeping Master.

Yun Yun didn’t know where she went when she went out, and she never came back.

After a few hours, Yun Yun slowly opened his eyes and looked at Ning Luo in surprise and shouted, “Xiao Luo!”

Yun Yun woke up, Ning Luo quickly came to Yun Yun’s face.

“Master, how do you feel?” Ning Luo asked quickly.

“I feel a bit cold in my chest!” Yun Yun said suddenly.



At this time, Ning Luo glanced at it, and he discovered that Master’s underwear was still hanging beside him. He was too anxious just now and forgot to help Master put it on.

That’s it!

He still wanted to rot this matter in Own’s stomach, but now, even if he wants to hide it, he can’t hide it anymore.

“That……Master…….. You are injured, I……”

“Why are you hesitating?” Yun Yun looked at Ning Luo strangely.

At this moment, Ning Luo plucked up the courage and said in a guts: “Master, you are injured. I can only save you by taking off your clothes, so I untied your clothes! I looked at Master your body, Please Master also to punish!”

At this time, Yun Yun’s pretty face suddenly appeared two blushes.

Although she grew up this way, she had never been in love, let alone talked about men and women, and had never let anyone see her body.

But now, I didn’t expect to be a disciple of own…

However, Ning Luo was to save himself, which was excusable.

“Master, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it.” Ning Luo said quickly.

Yun Yun hurriedly said: “Okay, this matter is not allowed to be mentioned in the future, do you remember it?”

“Yeah, I remember it!” Ning Luo nodded quickly.

Although Yun Yun was shy, he thought that Ning Luo was to save himself and that he was his Master. He shouldn’t think too much about himself.

After thinking about it, let’s forget it!

“However, how did my injury get better?” Yun Yun asked immediately, she clearly remembered that she was injured by the Wolf King, but now, her injury has been miraculously healed.

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