Chapter 65 Kill the Wolf King!

However, even the Five Star Fighter, the gap with the Lightning Wolf King is still too great.

“Boy, what are you talking about? You said you want to kill me? You are a fighting master, how do you kill me?” The Wolf King laughed.

“But you killed my son, and now I want you to pay for it!”

As the Wolf King spoke, he took a palm shot.

His palm is more than enough to deal with a Five-Star Fighter.

At this time, Ning Luo ran the Heaven Drive Yu Beast Jue.

The sky drives the beast to fight against Magical Beasts with absolute suppressing power.

I saw Ning Luo roaring loudly: “Naughty animal, don’t stop!”

In an instant, the wolf king seemed to be under a mental attack, and stopped in an instant.

However, the Wolf King is a Tier 6 Magical Beasts after all, which is equivalent to the Emperor Dou powerhouse. Even Ning Luo’s heaven-defying Cultivation Technique can only affect it for a moment and cannot directly control it.

“Boy, what did you do? You can control me?” After the wolf king recovered, he was extremely shocked.

Ning Luo didn’t think much, and drove again.

Suddenly, Ning Luo stopped the Wolf King again.

The strong vindictiveness burst out from his body.

At this moment, Ning Luo didn’t dodge or dodge, and concentrated on his own artifact. He pointed at the wolf king with the Heavenly Sword and mobilized the whole body’s fighting spirit.

That’s right, all the grudge in his body was gathered on Ning Luo’s long sword.

Not only that, those vindictive spirits were constantly transformed into purple lightning, and the lightning continued to gather on the sword.

Suddenly, the sky was filled with dark clouds, lightning and thunder, exactly the same as at the time of Ningluo’s Transcends Tribulation.

A stout thunder and lightning has gathered in the sky.


Ning Luo shouted, and suddenly, the purple lightning on the long sword shot out.

The lightning in the sky also fell.

All the thunder and lightning hit the body of the lightning wolf king!

Zi Zi Zi-

I only heard the sound of thunder and lightning ringing continuously, and all the electric lights appeared on the body of the wolf king.

The Wolf King was struck by thunder and lightning, and his eyes were extremely surprised. How could this be possible?

The power of thunder and lightning on his body was completely suppressed by the power of thunder and lightning of the boy in front of him. How could this be possible?

The endless purple thunder and lightning fell, and landed on the palm of the wolf king’s photographed hand!


With a loud noise, I saw that the wolf king’s palm had exploded in half.

Blood spurts!


The wolf king yelled in pain. As the wolf king, he had never suffered such a serious injury. He did not expect that a child of a mere two-star fighter could actually hurt himself!

After Ning Luo used this strike, all the anger in his body was drained, and he didn’t have any strength anymore.

No matter how powerful Ning Luo is, he is just a fighting master, so he is not an opponent of Wolf King.

The Wolf King is not dead yet, it is right, he is the sixth-order peak Magical Beasts, comparable to the human fighting emperor strong, a fighting master can severely injure him is already very remarkable, how could it be killed.

“Wow-boy, I didn’t expect you to hurt me. If you let you grow up, I would be a little bit jealous, so go to hell!” The wolf king saw that Ning Luo is so strong now. If he is given time to grow, he will definitely be able to grow up in the future. Kill him.

Therefore, it has to cut the weeds and roots.

He didn’t hesitate at all, and the other sole of his foot suddenly fell towards Ningluo.

“Xiao Luo!” Yun Yun suddenly flew out again, and saw her hands forming a seal.

Suddenly, white lights continued to appear.

I saw the white vindictive spirit flying in the air, constantly surging towards Yun Yun from all directions.

Powerful vindictive energy immediately filled the space between heaven and earth, and white lights continued to converge on Yun Yun’s head.

“Qing Mu Yin!” Yun Yun roared loudly.

Suddenly, the white grudge formed a huge mark in the sky, and it was immediately suppressed towards the Lightning Wolf King.The Lightning Wolf King was extremely surprised when he saw Yun Yun’s green wood mark.

At this moment, his whole body exploded with great power, and white electric arcs exploded in the air. All the electric arcs gathered together and immediately rushed towards Yun Yun.

Even if the opponent is a strong fighting sect, at this moment, it will be desperate!

Gathering powerful forces, the electric arc suddenly rose into the sky, colliding with Yun Yun’s green wood seal.


There was a loud noise.

I saw the green wood seal in the sky instantly fell.

The huge mark kept pressing down the arc of the Lightning Wolf King.

“Naughty animal, die!”

I saw Yun Yun press down with one hand, and immediately, a huge mark fell directly on it, and the body of the Lightning Wolf King was directly pressed on the ground by the green wood mark.


With a loud noise, a huge pit appeared on the ground, and the Lightning Wolf King was crushed in the pit.

“Xuanfeng cut!”

Suddenly, the white grudge formed a huge white knife in the sky, Yun Yun pointed.

Suddenly, the white broadsword fell down instantly.


The dust is flying, and the smoke is up to the sky.

At this time, I saw the Wolf King flying out in an instant, colliding with Yun Yun.


There was a loud noise.

The two flew out instantly.

At this time, I saw the other sole of the wolf king’s foot, which was also chopped off by Yun Yun.

Yun Yun’s injuries have also worsened, after all, this is the wolf king equivalent to Dou Huang.

Yun Yun’s injury was very serious, and she had to deal with this wolf king immediately, Yun Yun was fighting out immediately, and she saw the long sword in her hand exuding extremely powerful light.

“The extreme wind, Feng Ming cut!”

Suddenly, Yun Yun was killed again, and endless vindictiveness surged towards the Wolf King.

“Damn it!”

“I can not be reconciled!”

Suddenly, the wolf king spit out Blood Essence and hit Yun Yun’s body.

Yun Yun flew out.

At this time, Yun Yun was exhausted, “Am I going to die like this?”

“No, I want to protect Xiao Luo.” Yun Yun wanted to fight again, but she didn’t have any strength.

Her body slowly flew out.

At this moment, she suddenly felt a person hugging her.

The thick chest made her extremely at ease.

“Xiao Luo.”

After seeing Ning Luo’s figure, Yun Yun also fainted completely.

Ning Luo held Yun Yun with one hand, holding the Heavenly Sword in his hand, and immediately swooped down towards the Wolf King.

At this moment, the Wolf King was also seriously injured.

I saw that Ning Luo’s Heavenly Drive Yu Beast decisively activated, imprisoning the Wolf King for a moment, and the long sword in Ning Luo’s hand fell instantly!


The powerful light also hit the wolf king’s body, and the body of the giant wolf was instantly shattered, and the wolf’s head fell instantly.

“Master!” Ningluo immediately took a few Qi Qi Pills and recovered some anger, then immediately flew up and hugged Yun Yun.

At this time, Ning Luo discovered that Master’s clothes had been stained red with blood.

“Master, rest assured, I will definitely save you!”

Ning Luo held his own Master and flew out immediately.

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