Chapter 386 Crisis!

After hearing this, Yue Mei gradually recovered from the sluggishness, and she was relieved with a sigh of relief. Fortunately… If this little Nizi really became a fighting emperor at such an age, then she After all these years of cultivation, people who are still fighting against other kings, can’t they be ashamed to death?

“But Magical Beasts turns into a human form. Apart from taking the transformation pill, isn’t it only necessary to reach the 7th order to free the human form?” There was still some doubt in her heart, but Yuemei didn’t dare to delay anymore, with the help of After Ningluo gave back some fighting energy from Medicine Pill, he summoned the wings of fighting energy, and then led the way and flew towards the Black Mountain Fortress.

Following Yue Mei’s figure closely, Ning Luo looked far away, clenched his fists, and muttered to himself: “Cai Lin, hold on, I’ll be here soon…”

The Black Mountain Fortress, located on the northeastern border of the Gama Empire, is the most magnificent fortress with a radius of thousands of miles. Since its establishment, it has stood for hundreds of years and has not fallen. During several wars, it still did not leave much of this huge fortress. Traces, we can see how terrifying its sturdiness is.

Today’s Black Mountain Fortress has almost become the Luo League, the place where the snake-human clan and the Sanzong clash most intensely. Several key battles that can almost determine the battle between the two sides broke out here!

Above the endless plain, there are two extremely towering huge mountains standing in the sky. Such towering mountains are difficult for ordinary people to climb, and at the gap between the two mountains, a huge fortress is guarded here.

When the invisible black crowd was still nearly a kilometer away from the fortress, it suddenly squatted down and a murderous aura spread out from it. In the end, it directly enveloped the entire Black Mountain fortress!

The army paused, and the streamer flew in mid-air, and immediately a number of silhouettes with wings and vindictive wings emerged, looking at the fortress of Montenegro with a sneer in their eyes.

“Hehe, I didn’t expect your Gama Empire to be so tenacious that you can stand under our three empire alliances for nearly a year. Even if this war your Gama Empire will be defeated, but at least, in this northwestern region, you The Gama Empire is also considered to have a great reputation.” The army faced each other, and a strong and rampant laughter suddenly resounded, and finally resounded mightily in the sky.

“Yan Luotian!” Hearing this laughter, Medusa and the others above the fortress suddenly became cold, and spit out a name that had incomparable prestige in the Luoyan Empire.

And as the laughter fell, a bright golden light suddenly rushed into the sky from the army, and immediately suspended the sky. Everyone glanced at them, but they saw a man in a gold suit floating in the sky. Behind him, there was a pair of Unusually huge golden goose wings, glittering with gold, like a god.

After the golden-robed man appeared, the dark and oppressive army suddenly resounded with earth-shaking cheers. Obviously, this wild goose had a very high reputation in their hearts.

Medusa stared at the geese falling into the sky with cold cheeks, and immediately moved. When she reappeared, she was already in the sky outside the fortress. She glanced over the latter, but smiled: “It’s just a two-star battle. Presumptuous in front of this king?”

“Hey, Queen Medusa’s famous name has spread to several empires around her, and she is indeed well-deserved. This school knows that one person is definitely not your opponent, so naturally she has no plans to fight alone…” Yan Luotian’s mouth also appeared. Sneered, slowly said.”Haha, you deserve to be the Queen of Medusa, you are really a hero of the female middle school, today, the three of us and the Sect Leader of the geese will come to fight with you…” Just as the voice of the geese fell, the three colors were different. Yi’s streamer also rushed out of the army below, and finally turned into three smiling old men, appearing in the air.

Looking at the three elders who appeared, Medusa’s pupils shrank slightly, and her cheeks uttered cold words.

“Three Elder Mulan?!”

The three elders who appeared in the sky were all dressed in blue robes, but on the robes, three patterns of liger and bear were painted on each. These patterns did not look like ordinary embroidery threads. , On the contrary, it is a kind of mysterious energy condensed.

Therefore, when people’s gaze is swept away, the three extremely ferocious beasts will stare fiercely with their huge scarlet eyes. The legs can’t help but feel soft.

These three old men in Tsing Yi, although their aura seemed to be only at the peak of Dou Huang, there was a touch of solemnity on Medusa’s cheeks that could not be concealed.

The “Three Beasts Wild Judgment” practiced by these three people is quite strange, and the combined combat power is amazing, even she must be treated seriously.

“Hehe, Queen Medusa, don’t blame us for being lacklustre. After all, you are not a weak hand. If you don’t join hands, I’m afraid no one can help you.” The golden wing behind Luo Yantian shook slightly. , Smiled at Medusa with solemn cheeks.

“Join together, why bother to find such a high-sounding excuse? Don’t be afraid of insulting you as the Sect Leader of Jin Yanzong?” Medusa sneered and sneered.

Luo Yantian smiled slightly, but did not care about Medusa’s ridicule. He held his palm slightly, golden light appeared in the palm, and finally turned into a golden weird long sword. The long sword was covered with spikes like wild goose feathers. , Looks extremely sharp.

“Hey, Sect Leader, Sect Leader, Queen Medusa is not an ordinary person. Our teamwork is not a big threat to her…” An Elder from Mulan Valley with a black bear tattooed on his robe, in his close eyes There was a little bloodthirsty red light flashing, and the voice was quite sharp and smiled.

Luo Yantian smiled, glanced at the huge Black Mountain Fortress behind, but suddenly said: “Your Majesty, our picture is actually only the Gama Empire, and it has nothing to do with your Snake People.

If you are willing to lead the snake-human race to leave, my three empires will definitely allow you to multiply in this area, why bother with them dying and struggling? ”

Hearing this, Medusa glanced at him faintly, and said, “You really are a three-year-old kid? It’s too naive to say this at this time, right?”

The smile on his face was slightly stiff, Yan Luotian lightly shook the Yan Ling sword in his hand, and said with a light smile: “If this is the case, let the snake people disappear into this northwestern region…”

“By you?” Medusa raised her eyebrows, and the sarcasm on her charming cheeks was even worse.

“With me and the three Elders of Mulan Valley.” Yan Luotian smiled and turned his head to the three Elders of Mulan Valley and said: “Three Elders, do it!”

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