Chapter 385 Cai Lin is injured!

***When the two saw Ning Luo’s move to protect Yue Mei, they also gave out a cold smile, and then the speed of the two suddenly increased. The wild goose ring in their hands, under the rendering of golden light, exudes a fascinating smile. Hanmang.


Just as the two figures were about to dash into Ningluo’s surroundings, the latter’s lips moved, and a cold voice suddenly spit out.

The cold drink fell, a green circular fire ring suddenly centered on Ningluo, and it spread out like lightning. In just a blink of an eye, it slammed into the bodies of the *** two. , Suddenly, a loud explosion sounded resounding above this plain.


The ring of fire exploded, and the two rushing figures immediately stiffened, and immediately flew out in an extremely embarrassed posture. Finally, they only stopped slowly after they were sprayed more than ten meters on the ground.

A mouthful of blood squirted out, raised his head, and looked at the smiling white-clothed young man with horror. They couldn’t think of it anyway. With just one blow, they were defeated so miserably.

The horrified gazes intertwined from a distance. It seemed that the two of them had thought of something, their foreheads were suddenly covered with cold sweat, and there was a little unbelievable in their hoarse voices: “Douzong strong?”

When the stormy sea turned up in the hearts of the two of them, Na Yuemei also opened her ruddy little mouth in amazement. She also never thought that the young man beside her would actually be a fighting sect expert, the cultivation of this guy. Talent, too scary, right?

laugh! laugh!

In Yuemei’s consternation, suddenly two dull voices sounded, and when he raised his head, he saw the two of them scattered and fleeing frantically.

“Quickly chase them, don’t let them run away!” Seeing the two want to escape, Yue Mei hurriedly said, but when her voice had not yet fallen, she was silent again and found that Ning Luo in front of her had disappeared.

“This speed…” The delicate hand wiped the cold sweat on her forehead. Yue Mei couldn’t help feeling a little palpitating. Fortunately, this person is a strong man in the Gama Empire. Otherwise, at this speed alone, I am afraid that apart from Her Majesty the Queen , Is no one can match.

Just as Yuemei wiped the cold sweat, two shadows fell from the sky, and were finally thrown on the ground severely. The former looked down and saw that it was the two strong men of the Golden Goose Sect who had fled before. Man, it is obvious that he has completely died.

“It runs very fast…” Ning Luo’s figure also flashed down from the sky, kicking the corpse casually, and said flatly.

Staring blankly at the two people who were obviously splitting into two escapes, but in the end they still ended up like this, Yue Mei looked at Ning Luo who was walking slowly in the leisurely courtyard, and the cold sweat on his forehead was thicker, this person …The strength is definitely stronger than those of Luomeng’s peak fighting sects!

“Don’t know the name of Mr. Taboo?”

After a few thoughts flashed in her mind, Yue Mei finally asked carefully.

Seeing her cautious appearance, Ning Luo couldn’t help but smile, and a joke appeared at the corner of her mouth, saying: “Lord Yuemei, have you forgotten that she accidentally peeked at you in the desert to take a bath, and then was chased? Kill the little pervert who is thousands of miles away?”

Hearing this, Yue Mei’s mind suddenly flashed a scene from the desert of the year, and when she looked at the slightly familiar young face, a pair of seductive snake eyes suddenly widened.

“It’s you?!”

Seeing Yue Mei’s astonished and sluggish appearance, Ning Luo nodded amusedly, and said, “Do you remember the leader of Yue Mei?”

Hearing this, Yue Mei also slowly recovered from the shock, her face was blue and white, she could not think of it anyway, the man in front of him was the strong man who killed the two fighting kings. Ningluo.I remembered that when I saw Ning Luo at the beginning of the year, the latter seemed to be just a fighting master, but now… in just a few years, how could he have reached this point?

Yue Mei’s face changed, and when she was shocked by the smiling white-clothed youth in her heart, her body involuntarily stepped back two steps, and her voice was slightly cautious: “What do you want?”

Looking at her somewhat apprehensive and cautious appearance, Ning Luo smiled and waved his hand and said: “Don’t worry, Yue Mei commander, Ning Luo is not a small-hearted person, those things back then have long been forgotten.”

“You… are the Lord of the Luo League?” After falling silent, Yue Mei blinked her eyelashes, and then said immediately.

Ning Luo smiled and nodded.

Ning Luo’s strength really made De Yuemei feel unreal.

Ning Luo also gave a wry smile and sighed: “This time I went to Closed Door Training. When I got it out, I didn’t expect such a major event to happen. By the way, I don’t know what the situation is like recently?” Finally, Ning Luo’s face was solemn, and he asked sternly.

“Very bad…” At the mention of this, Yue Mei’s face gradually became gloomy, and said: “Not long ago, Her Majesty the Queen fought against the Sect Leader of the Poison Sect. Both sides suffered damages, and then the Poison Sect. Sect Leader disappeared and seemed to be recovering from his injuries.

But Her Majesty also has some injuries.

The Golden Goose Sect’s Luoyan Tian and the three Elders of Mulan Valley who have practiced the “Three Beasts Wild Judgment” have joined hands. They are all comparable to the Dou Zong strong. This time… Your Majesty the Queen He was injured again, I am afraid it would be difficult to resist their joint attack. ”

This statement came out.

Ning Luo’s eyes were cold.

He looked at Yue Mei and asked, “You said Queen Medusa was injured?”

“Yes, Her Majesty is injured, and the injury is not light!”

At this time, Ning Luo’s eyes became cold.

“good very good……”

“The people of the three major sects, if I moved my Ningluo woman, just wait for it to be destroyed!”

“Take me to the Black Mountain Fortress.” After a while, Ning Luo tilted his head and said in a deep voice.

“Yes!” Yue Mei nodded immediately.

Ning Luo raised his head and smiled at the sky: “Xiao Nizi, won’t you come down?”

Seeing Ning Luo’s actions, Yue Mei was also taken aback. Didn’t she feel any other aura here?

Just in Yuemei’s doubts, a petite figure suddenly flashed down from the sky. She fixed her eyes and found that the other party was just a little girl. She was a little stunned. When her gaze scanned the wings of the little girl’s back , Stunned directly converted into sluggishness again, and lost his voice: “She is also a strong fighting king?”

With her body floating in the air, Zi Yan looked condescendingly at the ignorance, and said with her small mouth: “I just reached the rank of Dou Huang a few days ago, thank you.”

Seeing Yue Mei’s eyes that were almost dull because of Zi Yan’s words, Ning Luo couldn’t help but shook his head with a smile, and said, “This Nizi’s body is Magical Beasts, so it’s not what you look at. Little, well, let’s hurry up!”

“Yes!” Yue Mei said immediately.

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