Chapter 381 Promotion to Dou Sect!

Under this majestic aura that was several times stronger than before, the caves shivered slightly, and the thick cracks of the arms spread out like spider webs from the place where the white-clothed youth was sitting, and finally spread all over the cave. Every corner.


The bluestone sitting cross-legged suddenly heard a small sound, and then a series of small cracks suddenly appeared, and then spread across the entire bluestone at a very fast speed. In the end, in a low sound, the bluestone turned into countless fragments and burst. Open.

The bluestone burst, and the white-clothed young man sitting on it did not move at all. His legs were in the void, and without the slightest external force, he was suspended in mid-air like this.

“This…is the feeling of Dou Zong…”

Ning Luo felt the majestic anger in his body like a flash flood, and a faint arc overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, a kind of heroic feeling that the world is in the palm of the hand emerged from the heart, and the powerful soul power, centered on its body, swept out in all directions like a storm like lightning.

The mighty soul power quickly spread out of the cave, enveloping the entire valley, and while scanning the soul power, Ning Luo saw the huge purple light cocoon in the valley.

Even, relying on the keenness of the soul, he can vaguely feel that a powerful life is condensing and taking shape in the cocoon!

The soul entered an extremely large Great Hall. The area of ​​this Great Hall was a bit horribly wide. The huge stone pillars full of hundreds of meters rose into the sky, supporting the extremely large Great Hall.

And in the Great Hall, there were countless light clusters wrapped in aquamarine light. Ning Luo’s soul swept away, but it was a horrified discovery. In those light clusters, there were all living soul bodies!

“Here… is the Soul Palace?”

Ning Luo’s soul uttered a dull murmur, and just as his voice fell, the space in front of him shook suddenly, and the space burst like a broken mirror.

A soul power that was so terrifying that even space could not bear it, with a weird gloom, suddenly surged, and only one contact was to shatter Ningluo’s soul remains into nothingness!

The soul turned into nothingness, and Ning Luo in the valley suddenly opened his eyes, with a faint shock in his eyes. The place he saw was definitely the mysterious soul hall!

Slowly expelling the distracting thoughts in his heart, Ning Luo’s figure moved, and slowly walked towards the entrance of the cave that was tightly blocked by the boulder. After a while, his palms slowly opened, and he pressed his mouth lightly on a boulder. The middle shout suddenly spit out: “Broken!”


As Ning Luo’s shout fell, a loud rumbling sound suddenly sounded, and immediately overwhelming rubble shot out from the entrance of the cave, and in the dusty, the cave was opened again!

His eyes swept across the deep valley, Xuan even stopped on the huge purple light cocoon.

“Where is Cailin? Did you go out?”His gaze caught sight of a scroll on a boulder not far from the light cocoon.

Seeing the scroll, a moment later, his brows frowned, and he whispered softly: “It turned out that something happened to the Snake Clan, but according to her, she will come back again after the matter is resolved. Is it still not completed yet?”

Thinking of this, Ning Luo’s expression also changed slightly. With Medusa’s strength, he couldn’t solve it quickly. It seemed that the trouble encountered by the snake-human tribe this time was not small.

Day after day, suddenly, a ray of light fell in the sky, and Ning Luo was also shocked, and immediately turned his eyes down, only to see the purple light cocoon in the center of the valley, at this moment, a bright light burst out!

“Are you going to succeed in the promotion?” Looking at the scene that suddenly appeared, Ning Luo’s eyes were more and more pleasantly surprised. This Nizi finally had some movement.

As the strong light above the light cocoon became more and more prosperous, in the end, there was finally a faint clicking sound. Immediately, the tiny cracks originally laid on the light cocoon suddenly cracked open, with countless bright purple lights. , Shooting into the sky along the cracks, but fortunately there is a blockade of space, otherwise such an abnormal movement will inevitably attract a lot of attention.

There were more and more cracks. At the end, a large piece of cocoon shell suddenly fell off, and as the first piece fell off, the light cocoon was like a chain reaction. The light cocoon burst rapidly, and one of the purple light beams, Suddenly rushed into the sky, and finally collided with the space blockade, bursting out waves and ripples.

Ning Luo stared closely at the huge purple beam of light, and with his eyesight, he could vaguely see a fuzzy figure inside.

The beam of light continued for a while before it faded. After a while, it finally dissipated completely, and the figure in it also appeared directly in Ning Luo’s gaze.

The figure that appeared, the jade body was naked, and a faint purple light lingered on her body, making her look quite enchanting, with a slender and soft purple hair hanging down.

The mature body, which is convex and curled, is still the style that the little girl had at the beginning? And seeing that Zhang Yin has a somewhat familiar and cute face, this girl is surprisingly a bigger little Ziyan!

“This is Ziyan?”

Ning Luo stared at the enchanting and mature girl in a daze. It was hard to imagine that that little kid would develop so well…

Zi Yan in the beam of light also stretched lazily at this moment, and the alluring curve was perfectly highlighted. She opened her eyes lazily and looked at the sky in a daze. Ning Luo, who was stubborn, cast a shy look at the latter with a hint of Qiubo.

“Ningluo Big Brother, can I do what you and Cailin Big sis do now?” Zi Yan looked at Ning Luo and asked.

Ning Luo took out a set of robes from Na Jie without squinting his eyes, and just about to hand it to Zi Yan, but his palm still touched the opponent’s body.

The latter trembled, and immediately a strange green glow burst out of her body. Under this green glow, Zi Yan’s body suddenly began to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye, so in just a few breaths, A big beauty with an exquisite figure has once again turned into a naked little girl.

Zi Yan was also taken aback by the change of owner, but when she saw that her body had changed back to the appearance of the little girl before, the two small willow eyebrows were immediately erected, looking at Ningluo who was gloating in front of her. Angrily rushed forward, his hands kept scratching Ning Luo’s face for a while.

Her arms hugged Zi Yan who was rushing on her body, feeling the smooth skin like mutton jade, her eyes drifted a little, and he gave a dry cough, and hurriedly put the black robe in her hand on Zi Yan’s body, and then placed it on her body. There was a hard knock on the head, and he said, “Be quiet, or else I won’t refine the transformation pill for you in the future, so that you will be like this for the rest of your life.”

Holding her small head, Zi Yan curled her lips unwillingly, but she was still quite afraid of Ning Luo’s threat, so she could only sullen her head and mumbled: “Damn the morphing grass…”

Ning Luo squeezed Zi Yan’s lovely face like pink jade, and smiled: “This is not bad, it’s so cute.”

“Hey, duplicity, obviously you like the body shape just now the most, don’t think I don’t know, Cailin said, you guys are like this.” Zi Yan looked at Ning Luo with contempt. It’s almost a nosebleed.

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