Chapter 380 Closed Door Training!

“Yeah.” Medusa nodded slightly, and then hesitated a little, and said: “I have not returned to the Snake Clan when I returned to the Gama Empire this time. When you come out of Closed Door Training, I may visit the Hui Clan.”

Hearing this, Ning Luo was taken aback and hesitated for a moment before he tentatively said, “Need me to go with you?”

“No, human beings are not welcome by our snake-human race. You will inevitably cause unnecessary trouble if you enter it.” Medusa’s expression moved, but her mouth was faintly rejected.

Upon seeing this, Ning Luo awkwardly shook his head and said: “If that’s the case, then forget it, that… I will clean up the cave first, and I will start Closed Door Training later, and Zi Yan will leave it to you.”

Medusa tapped her chin.

Seeing her nodding, Ning Luo stopped procrastinating. The chaotic vindictiveness in his body made him very uncomfortable. As a result, his figure flashed into the cave, and then a deep explosion sounded. Organize this long-term Closed Door Training place.

In the cave, it was not as dark as imagined. Ningluo placed a few moonstones on the wall of the cave, and the faint soft light spilled over the cave, neither dazzling nor looking too gloomy.

Ning Luo sat on a piece of bluestone, which obviously contained some jade, and sitting on it was slightly cooler, which was good for people’s refreshment.

With a wry smile, Ning Luo took a long breath, and immediately his handprints were secretly knotted. In just a few breaths, he entered the cultivation state without any hindrance.

Taking a deep breath, Ning Luo’s mind moved, and a green flame suddenly emerged without warning, and wrapped his body. After the green flame appeared, the temperature had not yet been released.

It was under the command of Ning Luo, slowly creeping, and finally the emerald green flame gradually transformed into a dense invisible fire, which was the Falling Heart Flame.

In the cave, energy roared, the colorful mottled energy bands lingered with each other, and the brilliant colors printed the cave exceptionally beautiful, and at the end of the countless energy light bands was Ning Luo sitting in the Lotus Position.

In the mountains and forests, the concept of time is rather vague, and in the quiet valleys, it is even more so.

At this time, a month has passed since Ningluo’s Closed Door Training, but there is still no movement in the valley, even with the huge purple light cocoon transformed by the Ziyan Institute, it is still releasing the light without any haste. There is no sign of the light coming out of the cocoon.

In this regard, Medusa was also quite helpless, she somewhat underestimated the huge energy that Ziyan, a Nizi, needs to advance to the ranks.

Sitting cross-legged on the boulder, Medusa held her chin in her hands, her eyes stayed on the light cocoon for a while, and then she involuntarily turned to the cave filled with countless rubble, and there was still nothing there. When he moved, he couldn’t help but sigh softly.

“Hey, these two guys are really boring…”

With a helpless sigh, Medusa had to withdraw her gaze, then slowly closed her eyes, and entered the state of cultivation. With such boring waiting and protection, she could only use cultivation to pass the time, otherwise , But it is really a test of people’s patience.

And the days in the valley are like this, day after day, without any waves of rapid passing, any noise from the outside world is difficult to extend here, so, it gives Ningluo and Ziyan the most peaceful Upgraded environment.Suddenly, in the cave, the colorful energy vortex was slowly rotating in the air, and the energy of the surrounding sky and earth was continuously being sucked out.

And as the suction force of the vortex gradually increased, even the energy outside the valley began to faintly converge towards the small valley.

Just as Medusa’s pretty face changed slightly, the purple light cocoon transformed by Ziyan seemed to be affected by the violent fluctuations of the energy of the world.

A strong purple light burst out immediately, and under that purple light, the rich heaven and earth energy in the valley also dispersed a part, rushing crazily toward the light cocoon.

“Hey, these two guys who are unwilling to even advance to the ranks…” Seeing this, Medusa suddenly shook her head helplessly. With a movement, she appeared on the sky in the valley, her beautiful eyes swept away. Sweeping around, the jade hand suddenly formed a cumbersome seal, and his face gradually became dignified.

With the afterimage of Medusa’s handprint dance debut, the space above the valley suddenly appeared a little weird creep. After a long while, this space turned out to be distorted, and the colorful energy vortex was also a distortion in the space. In, slowly being covered up.

“Space is blocked!”

Time passed quickly like sand between fingers. When the time in the valley was approaching the fourth month of today, one day, Medusa in the cultivation suddenly opened her eyes and her pretty face was cold.

At this moment, on his smooth forehead, a colorful snake scale suddenly appeared, and it continued to exude a touch of color.

The delicate hand gently stroked the colorful scales on her forehead, and Medusa’s breath became a little disordered for the first time. This scale was transformed by a strand of soul stored in the soul altar of the snake human race.

The priest of the Snake Human Race can notify her by burning this strand of soul. Generally speaking, this is only when the priest encounters a real disaster in the family, the priest will take such a measure.

This is the first time Medusa has been summoned in this way as the patriarch of the Snake People for so many years. It seems that something serious has indeed happened in the Snake People.

Immediately, Medusa strengthened the defenses of Ning Luo and Zi Yan.

Ice cold and surging killing intent gradually appeared on the pretty face. A movement of her figure directly broke through the space blockade, and then quickly disappeared…

With the departure of Medusa, the valley became completely silent. The space above the sky was blocked, making the small valley a place isolated from the world. No one would accidentally. Break into this pure land.

The extremely powerful heaven and earth energy hit this place.

Ziyan’s light cocoon, after absorbing the huge energy, the color became deeper and deeper. On the surface of the light cocoon, even some mysterious runes gradually appeared, these runes exuded slightly, and they looked quite For the magic.

After these changes occurred in Gu Zhong, there was no other movement, and in such a blink of an eye, another half a month passed, and the gravel piled up in the cave.

A pair of eyes that had been closed for nearly a year finally opened slowly with a little trembling!

He opened his eyes, and lightning flashed across the aisles like a thunderstorm in the dark eyes. At that moment, even the air in the dull cave heard a faint crackling sound.

With the opening of these eyes, a majestic breath that had been silent for nearly a year, finally, like a awakened master, slowly raised his head, facing the sky, making a roar that shook the world.

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