Chapter 350 Leave!

At the moment Medusa appeared, the old gold and silver face with a sneer on his face slowly stiffened, and they felt extremely powerful pressure on this almost enchanting woman.

“Kill it!”

Suddenly, a powerful force burst out from Cailin’s body.

The two old men of gold and silver suddenly retreated out.

At this time, Ning Luo didn’t know when he came behind them.

“Want to go?”

A light blue flame condensed in Ning Luo’s hand.

“That is… Hai Xinyan…”

“Have you absorbed Han Feng’s Hai Xinyan?”

Everyone looked at Ning Luo in shock.


Ning Luo said lightly.

I saw Ning Luo immediately shot, Cai Lin did not idle, two forces suddenly emerged and hit the gold and silver elders.

Ning Luo calmly looked at them and said, “From now on, I will be the king of the Black Point Region. Those who submit to me will be born, and those who do not submit to me will die!”

Ning Luo said coldly, without any emotion.

Seeing Ning Luo’s strength, at this moment, who else is not convinced by Ning Luo?

“My Sky Yin Sect respects Mr. Ning!”

“My Rakshasa gate is respected by Mr. Ning!”

“My Mad Lion Gate respects Mr. Ning!”

A personal cupped hands said.

Suddenly, I saw everyone cupped hands and said: “We will respect Mr. Ning from now on!”

Noire domain, the strong is respected!

Ning Luo’s strength, in the Black Horn domain, should be unmatched.

Plus the terrifying Queen Medusa.

Naturally, Ning Luo was able to secure the number one position in the Black Point domain.At this time, Ning Luo took out a prescription and said lightly: “Help me prepare these medicinal materials!”

After Ning Luo prepared the medicinal materials, he returned to the back mountain of the inner courtyard.

He found a place and began to help Medusa refine Medicine Pill.

Somewhere between the steep walls of a mountain range, a huge boulder stretched out. On top of the boulder, Ningluo sat cross-legged, eyes closed. In front of him, a huge crimson medicine cauldron was placed.

Inside the medicine cauldron, the green flames were rising. If you look carefully, you can vaguely see that there is actually a cloud of colorful liquid slowly creeping in the flames.

At the top of the mountain, Medusa Lotus Position sat on the bluestone, her closed narrow eyes slowly opened, and she glanced lightly at the location of Ningluo on the cliff below, and her ruddy lips moved.

Hearing the sound in his ears, Ning Luo also slowly opened his eyes, and his body surged, urging a ray of green flame to shoot out from his fingertips again, and finally poured into the medicine cauldron.

Suddenly, only one Medicine Pill appeared in front of Ningluo.

Ning Luo handed Medicine Pill to Medusa.

He smiled and said: “Cailin, after eating it, you will be completely integrated with the swallowing python.”

Medusa nodded and took Medicine Pill.

After taking Medicine Pill, Medusa also merged with her soul.

And Ning Luo also wanted to leave.

He wanted to learn about the Gama Empire first, and then go to Zhongzhou.

“Where are you going next?” Medusa asked.

Ning Luo turned to look at Medusa’s slightly frowning cheeks, and smiled: “Go to Luomen first. After the matter is over, I am going to go to the Gama Empire first and then to Zhongzhou!”

“Zhongzhou?” Queen Medusa’s face had a look of loss.

When Ning Luo returned to “Luomen”, it was natural that Deluomen instantly boiled, and countless people poured in from everywhere, offering admiration and cheers for the rare mysterious leader.

Now Ningluo’s reputation in the inner courtyard has almost reached an extreme. In any previous class, no senior has reached such a level.

Luomen, in the discussion hall, Wu Hao, Hu Jia, Lin Yan, Xiao Yu and other high-level important figures also gathered here again because of Ning Luo’s return.

“I have been missing for several months again this time. What do you want to do when I come back?” Lin Yan sat on the chair stabbingly, rolling his eyes at Ning Luo.

Ning Luo was silent for a moment, and then slowly said: “Everyone, this time I come back, I want to tell you that I may leave Canaan College in the middle of this two months and return to the Gama Empire.”

“Is it so fast?” Everyone looked at Ning Luo.

“I told you a long time ago, right?” Lin Yan spread his hands and smiled at Ning Luo: “I stay in the inner courtyard now, and it doesn’t have much effect. It might be better.”

“Okay!” Ning Luo nodded.

“Then what about me? This guy can go, can’t I?” Suddenly, with a tender and crisp voice, Ning Luo looked at the little girl in white who stood up with a small waist.

“Of course!” Ning Luo said, touching Zi Yan’s head.

Then, Ning Luo looked at Wu Hao and Hu Jia and said, “After I leave, Luomen will leave it to you!”

The two of them showed disappointed expressions, obviously a little bit disappointed.

Ning Luo smiled and said, “I believe you.”

“Well, we will take care of Luomen!” Wu Hao said.

Ning Luo nodded.

In a deep mountain not far from the inner courtyard, a place that was originally remote and unpopulated, but at this moment is surrounded by many people, all eyes are cast to the front of the smiling white-clothed young man, slightly low. The atmosphere is lingering because of the upcoming parting.

“Did you decide to leave today?” Su Qian looked at Ning Luo in front of him, sighed and said.

Ning Luo nodded slightly, chuckled, and said: “Calling everyone here, but the news that I don’t want to leave the inner courtyard spreads, causing everyone in Luomen to feel depressed.”

Wu Hao, Hu Jia and others nodded silently, and Ning Luo was about to leave, which made them feel a little depressed.

“Big Elder, thank you for your care over the years. Such kindness is unforgettable for Ning Luo.” His eyes turned to Su Qian again, and Ning Luo bowed to him and said sincerely.

“Hahaha…you kid, you have taken away the Falling Heart Flame from my inner courtyard, you can’t let me down!” Su Qian looked at Ning Luo.

“How can I not let you down?” Ning Luo asked lightly.

“Ning Luo, to be honest, I have never seen someone as talented as you. With your talent, you may be able to reach the realm in the legend, even if you can’t reach that Realm, how can you become a realm for me? Fighting Saint, let the old man be very proud!” Su Qian laughed.

Ning Luo arched his cupped hands and said: “Then, borrow a good word from Elder!”

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