Chapter 349 Black Point Domain!

In the vast forest, the lush color is like a green ocean, and it is difficult to see the end.

On the top of a mountain somewhere in the deep mountains, the white-clothed youth stood on the boulder with a solemn expression. His right hand quickly formed a strange seal, and immediately shouted: “The seal of the mountain!”

When the shout fell, a strong light suddenly appeared on the palm of the young man, and as the light emerged, his palm suddenly pushed forward.


Suddenly, only a loud noise was heard.

I saw the mountain in front of me, which was directly shattered by Ning Luo’s palm!

“Is this the opening seal?”

Ning Luo smiled.

“It’s not that difficult!”

This seal of opening a mountain was a high-level battle skill of the ground level, which was similar to those of Ningluo’s previous high-level battle skills.

However, those fighting skills, Ning Luo was signed in by the system, and could be used directly.

And this seal of the mountain is not so simple.

Now that Ningluo’s strength is Realm, the absorption of heaven and earth energy is naturally far from what it used to be.

Moreover, coupled with the fact that it has been devouring and refining Falling Heart Flame, Ning Luo’s strength is even more powerful.

There are four different fires in Ning Luo’s body now.

If Ning Luo formed the Buddha’s anger lotus with four different fires, I don’t know how powerful it is.

Today, the strength of the fighting spirit in Ning Luo’s body can almost be said to be difficult to find among the fighting emperor’s ranks who can compete with it.

Even Dou Zong, Ye Chen also has the power to fight.

“Cailin!” Ning Luo turned around and suddenly shouted at the vast forest on all sides.

This time the shout fell for a moment, and a colorful light and shadow rushed out from somewhere in the forest, a few blinks.

Queen Medusa appeared in front of Ningluo.

“Some things have to go to Black Point Region, let’s go.” Looking at Medusa Ningluo and said.


Medusa nodded, then followed Ning Luo away.

With his current strength, no one in the Black Horn can stop him, and, don’t forget, there is a Medusa who has reached a temporary cooperation agreement with him now, which is a real fighting sect powerhouse.

Perhaps she is even stronger than Su Qian!

With the strength of Ningluo and Medusa, even if they swept the entire Black Point region, it would be enough. Although the so-called two elders of gold and silver can stop Su Qian together, if the opponent turns into Medusa, I am afraid that it will not be so good. Lucky, after all, she is not an ordinary Dou Zong powerhouse.

Looking at Ning Luo’s gradually distant figure, Medusa clenched her slender hands tightly. After hesitating for a while, she bit her silver teeth with a bit of anger, her slender feet were a little empty, and her figure turned into a stream of light, quickly. Caught up with the dark shadow ahead.Maple City.

In Maple City at this time, almost all the attention was placed on the magnificent manor in the center of the city, where it should be decided today to control the city.

As for who can become the master of this city, to be honest, most people in the city don’t have much interest, and they know it anyway.

No matter how they change the controller, they are always at the bottom level. Therefore, they are more happy to argue for the position of the controller.

Numerous forces fought and killed blood. In the Black Point Region, people who gloated and fell into trouble were everywhere.

The Sky Yin Sect, the Rakshasa Gate, the Mad Lion Gang, and the three big names are all powerful and powerful forces in the Black Point Region. The leaders of the three forces are all ranked in the top ten of the “Black List”.

No one among them is weaker than Fan Tuo who died in the hands of Ning Luo. These three powers are rampant in the Black Point region and have always been domineering, even when Han Feng formed the Black League to invite the three powers to join.

They have never paid much attention to it. Although this behavior made Han Feng quite angry, it was also because of fear of the strength of the three major forces, so they had to give up.

And this time, Ning Luo brought Queen Medusa to this city to buy some medicinal materials to help Medusa refine Medicine Pill.

In the Noire domain, auctions of all sizes often appear.

In the front row to the northwest of the auction house, there are also many big figures who are famous in the Black Point area, and the two first people are the two old men of gold and silver that Ning Luo is quite familiar with.

Behind the two of them, there are also some not-so-famous Blackhorn domain powerhouses. Most of these people are members of the black league at the time, so when they are together, they automatically close together.

At this time, the gangster was constantly whispering, while the two elders in gold and silver closed their eyes to rest their minds, and no one knew what they were thinking.


In the noisy auction house, a crisp bell suddenly rang, and under this bell, the noise in the auction house gradually weakened, and the eyes of the audience slowly focused on the auction stand. Above…

“Hehe, two people, since Han Feng died at my hands, then I come to collect my trophies, why shouldn’t I?”

As the faint laughter sounded in the auction room, a figure in white clothes also slowly emerged on the auction stage.

At the moment when some familiar laughter sounded, the expressions of the two old men changed slightly, and when their eyes turned to the figure on the auction stage, their expressions suddenly became ugly.

“Ning Luo? You killed the leader of Han, but you still dare to come to the Black Point Region?”

With a cold shout from the mouth of the second old man of gold and silver, Lima caused an uproar in the entire auction house, staring at the white-clothed youth on the stage with incomparable surprise.

This looking very young guy turned out to be Ning Luo who killed Yaohuang Han Feng?

“Why, I killed Han Feng, so I can’t come to the Black Point Region?” Ning Luo said coldly.

The second elder Jin and Yin was furious: “What a kid who doesn’t know the heights of the sky, do you really think that you will be able to cross the Black Point area if you defeat Han Feng?”

“It is not difficult for you to follow Han Feng’s footsteps.” Ning Luo said lightly.

“Really, I want to see, what exactly do you have the confidence to say such a thing!” The voice fell, and two vigorous auras rushed out of the two old men of gold and silver, and finally gathered together and enveloped the entire auction field!

The two elders of gold and silver also smiled gloomily, and the aura that came out of his body gradually became stronger…

Under the pressure of such a powerful aura as the second elder of gold and silver, most of the people in the auction floor have their faces flushed, and only a few strong people can sit back and relax in this pressure without changing their faces.

Ning Luo glanced at the two of them obliquely, but no longer spoke, his palm was slowly raised, and then with a light wave, a soft voice came from his mouth: “Trouble, let these two be quieter.”

As soon as Ning Luo’s voice fell, the space beside him was distorted, and immediately a voluptuous body full of incomparable temptation, like a ghost, slowly emerged in the audience’s gaze.

The sudden appearance of the glamorous beauty directly caused some of the audience’s eyes to straighten for a while. Some people with weak concentration even had a little flushing on their faces and their throats rolled. In that glamorous woman who has a huge temptation to men Under the face, there are full of ugliness.

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