Chapter 317 Ancient Race!

Ning Luo was a little surprised to find that almost every breath of these ten Daoist shadows was like a pool of deep water, unable to reach the bottom. In this situation, Ning Luo generally can only sense the Elders in the inner courtyard. .

Ten huge four-winged unicorns vibrated their wings, and finally stayed on the mountain stream, one after another, their eyes swept towards the girl in Tsing Yi standing on the grass.

“Haha, Miss Xun’er, I finally found you.” The leading four-winged unicorn slowly lowered down, and on top of it, a man smiled at Xun’er.

This man is not very old, he seems to be around twenty-four or five, and he looks very handsome.

A purple-black robe gave Qi a bit more stable temperament than Lin Xiuya, and most importantly, it seemed that this man was still the leader of this group of people.

Because the positions of the other nine people are clearly behind them, this tiny place best reflects the gap between levels.

“I’m the new deputy commander of the Black Nation Army, Lingquan, by the order of the clan master, take Miss back!” The man who called himself Lingquan stood on the four-winged unicorn and respectfully cupped to Xun’er. fist, respectfully said.

“I said I would go back, so why do you come all the way?” The sudden arrival of Lingquan and others made Xun’er’s face quite cold, so even when she spoke, she was cold.

“The clan master ordered, we can only take the order.” Lingquan smiled slightly, just about to speak, his eyes suddenly cast, and his gaze fell into the forest for an instant, and he said in a deep voice: “Who is overheard?”

Lingquan’s voice just fell, the nine Daoist shadows standing still on the back of the four-winged unicorn, like a sculpture, their complexion instantly turned cold, their figure trembled, and the nine figures flashed into the forest almost simultaneously. Immediately there was a low crashing sound.

“Stop it!” Xun’er sternly shouted with a change of her pretty face.

As Xun’er yelled down, a figure suddenly appeared in a forest, and finally stayed in the air with her wings vibrating, and finally landed slowly beside Xun’er, it was Ning Luo.

“Who are you?” Ning Luo asked in a deep voice with his face sinking like water.

“The deputy commander of the Heiyan Army, Lingquan, but it’s useless to say it, because you don’t have the qualifications to touch this level.” Lingquan laughed, and there was an extremely simple contempt in his voice.

“Oh, isn’t it?” Ning Luo chuckled lightly. “General Lingquan is so stylish!”

“Hehe, Miss, don’t be upset, I’m more straightforward.” Lingquan smiled.

Ning Luo’s face was uncertain, and the palm of Xun’er’s arm was shaking slightly.

“Ningluo Big Brother………”

The palms were trembling constantly, and Ning Luo’s mood also became numb in Xun’er’s words. Although after all these years of experience, he is no longer the young man who could only be angry…

“Ningluo Young Master, this is our task, so please let go of Miss.” Looking at Ningluo, who was holding Xun’er’s arm, Lingquan’s eyes slowly turned cold, but his face was still It is with a smile that makes you feel like a spring breeze.Ignoring Lingquan’s words, Ning Luo just stared at Xun’er tightly. After a while, finally slowly let go of his palm in Lingquan’s malicious gaze.

However, just as the palm of the hand was about to leave Xun’er’s arm, he slammed his hand, encircled the slender and soft waist, hugged it fiercely into his arms, and buried his head deeply in Xun’er’s green silk exuding a faint fragrance. In the middle, murmured: “Xun’er, wait for me, I will find you!”

Looking at Ning Luo who was so daring to hold Xun’er in his arms, the smile on Lingquan’s face finally retracted a little bit, and his eyes stayed on Ning Luo as cold as a blade, and his palms slowly clenched, faintly. The real flame is gushing at the fist.

“Okay, Xun’er, I will come to you soon, wait for me.” Ning Luo said softly, without a slight loss of state, with a smile on his face.

“Good! I believe in Ningluo Big Brother!”

Xun’er nodded.

With the departure of Xun’er, the shadow of Jiu Daoist behind Lingquan also quickly swept over the four-winged unicorn, and finally chased up like a dash, firmly protecting the former in the middle.

Looking closely at the four-winged unicorn that was going away, Ning Luo felt a faint loneliness in his heart. He turned his gaze back, and finally stopped at Lingquan who was still standing here, and said faintly: “Lingquan The deputy commander is not leaving yet?”

“I’m not in a hurry.” Lingquan smiled, and then his smile gradually turned cold, staring at Ning Luo coldly, and sneered: “I just want to remind you of one thing, based on your achievements and background, it is not worthy of it. Miss, Miss has an extremely important position in our clan, and the person who matches her can only be the real powerhouse of the mainland, you…not worthy!”

Ning Luo chuckled lightly, shook his head and said, “Worthy and unworthy, it’s not your turn to tell me, and…you should be jealous of me, right?”

The harshness on his face slowly receded, Lingquan gloomily looked at Ning Luo: “You are looking for death? Don’t think that you can be arrogant with Miss protecting you. If you really want to kill you, it’s like crushing an ant.”

Ning Luo looked at him with a cold heart.

The breath of the body was released.

Ning Luo is now only a line away from Dou Huang, that is to say, he can break through Dou Huang Realm at any time.

Waiting for Ning Luo to break through the Douhuang Realm, adding the artifact and Cultivation Technique that he signed in, it is not impossible to fight with him.

Ning Luo calmly looked at Lingquan, which was concealed with murderous intent. His undaunted look made Lingquan’s murderous intent even more turbulent. He hated this ant-like guy, but he always wanted to do this. Such an indifferent posture.

Just when Ning Luo was about to take action, a faint old voice suddenly sounded on the grass: “Deputy Commander Lingquan, letting you enter the inner courtyard to find people is already the greatest tolerance, and now I still want to be in me. Do the college move our students?”

As the old voice fell, a black shadow appeared strangely in the air, and it was the big Elder Su Qian.

Watching Su Qian appear, the killing intent on Lingquan’s body instantly converged, and he arched his cupped hands at the former, and smiled: “Where is the big Elder, I just have a heart-to-heart talk with Ningluo Young Master.”

“Okay, don’t go around with me. Letting you come in and find people is already the biggest face for your clan. Now that people have been found, let’s leave immediately.” Su Qian frowned and said in a deep voice.

Hearing Su Qian’s order to chase away the guests, Lingquan smiled without refuting, bowed slightly to the former, and immediately turned to Ning Luo again, smiling and saying: “It seems that you are not giving up, you can do it. , When you are really capable in the future, even if you come to my clan to find Miss, at that time, this deputy commander will let you see the real gap.”

After finishing speaking, Lingquan’s shoulders trembled, and a pair of crimson wings of fighting spirit ejected out, the wings vibrated slightly, and finally his figure quickly lifted into the sky. Finally, the northern sky flew away like lightning, and in a short time, it disappeared. On the edge of the sky.

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