Chapter 316 Gift!

Feeling the rapidly rising breath of Ning Luo, there was also a touch of joy on Xun’er’s cheeks. As expected, it was true to her guess. A few days ago, Ning Luo kept absorbing extremely huge energy in his body.

But now, under the impact of that huge energy, the barrier between levels is almost destroyed by it.

The sudden rise of the breath lasted for nearly five minutes, and the climbing momentum gradually slowed down. After a while, a ripple of energy suddenly spread out from Ningluo’s body, and finally hits on the hard wall. The secret room shook tremblingly.

After the energy ripples gushing out, the strange rosy on Ning Luo’s face gradually faded until it returned to its previous normal color, her closed eyes trembled slightly, and finally Xun’er’s joyful eyes opened slowly. Got out.

His eyes slowly opened, and a cyan flame spurted out of his eyes fiercely, and finally it flinched and disappeared like lightning.


Ning Luo breathed out a bit of black turbid air, the black air slowly ascending, and finally touched the hard ceiling, and suddenly corroded a small hole in a very small sneer, and clearly see When Xun’er got this scene, Dai’s eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

With the spitting out of the muddy breath, a faint luster appeared on Ning Luo’s face, feeling the vindictiveness in his body that was several times stronger than before, and the color of surprise appeared on his face that was difficult to conceal. superior.

Suddenly, Ning Luo opened his eyes.

“Ningluo Big Brother breakthrough the emperor?” Xun’er asked immediately.

Ning Luo shook his head and said: “It could have been a breakthrough, but I suppressed it. Wait a minute, when I enter the tower, I will breakthrough.”

Xun’er looked at Ning Luo in shock.

With the cultivation speed of Ningluo Big Brother, he should be able to stand at the pinnacle of this continent soon.

Ning Luo and Xun’er went out for a walk.

Walking in Luomen, Ning Luo couldn’t help being a little surprised. He found that there were more members of Luomen than in the past, and the overall atmosphere was extremely high. Along the way, those shots came from everywhere. His eyes were filled with respect and awe.

“Hey, Ning Luo, you guy has finally come out.” While Ning Luo was patrolling, suddenly Lin Yan’s familiar voice suddenly sounded, and a figure flashed quickly beside Ning Luo, a face full of faces. He patted the shoulder of the former with joy.

Smiling at Lin Yan, Ning Luo’s eyes suddenly stopped at the position of his chest, where a familiar badge was being worn neatly, and his face suddenly became stunned.

“You… why are you wearing our Luomen badge?” Ning Luo looked surprised.

“Lin Yan Dage has joined us now, and wearing a badge, is there any problem?” Kaoru laughed uncontrollably.Ning Luo was dumbfounded. After a while, he said with a weird expression: “You, a top ten guy in the top ten, are you willing to condescend to come to Luomen?”

“Condescend a shit, the momentum in Luomen’s inner courtyard is even Lin Xiuya’s “Spike Tooth” and Liu Qing’s “Cracking Mountain” are too late. Although they have strong people in the town, Luomen is better than them. More and less.

Not to mention the brute force king who lives here almost every day, even you are a strong person who can match Liu Qing, not to mention, there is also Xun’er, hehe, even the second-ranked Lin Xiuya was easily defeated by her. Now, in this inner courtyard, who else would dare to say that Luomen is too small to be annoying? “Lin Yan said with a smile.

Although the competition is now over, it may be because of the need to leave enough time for the participants to cultivate. The matter of entering the bottom of the Heavenly Burning Gas Pagoda has been pushed back quite a bit, and this is what makes people look forward to it. Ningluo felt the hardship of time.

In this leisurely life again, Xun’er does not know why she likes to pull Ningluo into the deep mountains alone, and then lie on the lush grass, leaning against each other and basking in the warm sunlight. The days are fulfilling. Happiness, but, in this quiet and fulfilling mountain forest enjoyment, Ningluo feels that something is about to happen…

Here is a slightly sloping grassy ground. The lush green grass is like a green blanket, spreading to the end of the line of sight. Not far below the grass, there is a very spacious mountain stream, the mountain stream is very deep, and the faint clouds surround it. , It looks like a fairyland.

Ning Luo and Xun’er lay quietly on the grass, with a faint sunlight covering their bodies, giving them a feeling of sleepiness and warmth.

Slightly tilted her head, Xun’er looked at her jewel-like bright eyes with her eyes closed, her face in a leisurely black robe, her small mouth slowly raised a slight curve, and after a while, she seemed to think of something. His eyes darkened slightly, and he whispered: “Ningluo Big Brother, the scroll that Xun’er gave you, you must practice hard.”

Listening to the low and soft voice in his ears, Ning Luo opened his eyes, smiled and touched Xun’er’s head, and said: “That’s natural, what Xun’er gave, how can we not cultivate?”

“By the way, Xun’er, I have something for you too!” Ning Luo took out a gift and handed it to Xun’er.

“Ningluo Big Brother, what is this?” Xun’er asked a little puzzled.

Ning Luo smiled and said: “I know that you are leaving. These things, wait for you to leave, and then watch them. Remember, you must not show them to others!”

Seeing Ning Luo’s gaze, Xun’er nodded.

At this moment, a large number of wind breaking sounds suddenly sounded from the sky, and finally a dozen small black spots appeared on the edge of the northern sky. The route of these black spots was extremely clear, and they rushed directly to the place where Xun’er was.

As the sharp breaking sound became more and more intense, the black spot quickly became larger after a while, and finally appeared within the visible range of the line of sight.

Looking through the crevices of the leaves, he looked at the dozen or so black spots in his line of sight. Ning Luo’s face suddenly burst into shock. Those black spots were not human figures, but a dozen or so black spots.

On the head is a silver unicorn that is as long as a sword and many long. On the unicorn, it is covered with strange patterns. There is even a faint sound of wind and thunder coming from it. The back of Magical Beasts is also very wide. With four wings, the wings vibrated, and the strong wind whizzed down from the sky, pressing the forest slightly lower.

These strange Magical Beasts, Ning Luo has never seen and heard, but this does not prevent him from a touch of consternation, because he felt a very fierce aura from these Magical Beasts. Obviously, these Magical Beasts are not It’s just Magical Beasts that are generally used for transportation, but a flying beast that resembles a battle.

Looking away from these four-winged unicorns, and finally staying on their wide backs, Ning Luo was taken aback again, only to see a Daoist shadow standing on each of the four-winged unicorns’ backs.

These figures were all dressed in a set of purple-black robes, with expressionless faces, and their eyes flashed slightly, like sharp swordsmanship, making people feel chills all over their bodies.

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