Chapter 313 Hole Cards!

“The last move will determine the outcome.” Liu Qing has always had a slightly stiff smile on his ashen face. The Mountain Splitting Spear slashed across the air, leaving a faint golden trace of vindictive energy in the void.

“This is the hole card I use to deal with Lin Xiuya, but looking at the situation now, I have to use it on you first.”

Hearing Liu Qing’s words, everyone in the stands craned their necks, their eyes hovering constantly on the two figures.

Liu Qing’s eyes suddenly rose sharply, and he shouted in a deep voice. At the same time, his feet moved slightly away, his hands clasped the Split Mountain Spear, his body slightly tilted down, and the cold-lighted spear pointed directly at Ning Luo in the distance!

Following Liu Qing’s posture, Ning Luo’s skin suddenly became cold in the distance, and he could sense that Liu Qing had locked himself in the offensive.

A strange sense of oppression envelops Ning Luo. However, under this kind of oppression, a hot intent to fight is like boiling water, surging up in Ningluo’s chest, his body swells suddenly, and his laughter is clear. Sweeping the previous depression: “Oh, let me come here, I’m Ningluo for the top ten places today!”

The laughter was thunderous and reverberated in the field, and the soaring pride, even in the stands, felt a feeling of enthusiasm.

As the laughter fell, Ning Luo took a step forward slowly, and his palms were stretched out against the ruins one by one, a rush of suction surged out, and the pitch-black God Sword shot backwards, and was finally caught in the palm of Ning Luo’s hand. Tan, firmly held in his hand.

“Senior Liu Qing, let’s take a look, who is the one who lost the game!”

The long sword suddenly pointed towards Liu Qing, who was on the opposite side, with a sharp and violent aura, and as Ning Luolang sounded, the energy of heaven and earth between the venues suddenly appeared.

Suddenly he became extremely violent. At this moment, the expressions of all the Elders on the referee’s bench changed drastically in an instant!

The loud voice echoed in the field, and a strange and violent energy fluctuation suddenly rippled in the square. For a time, the person who first sensed this fluctuation.

It was the Elders on the referee’s bench. Their expressions suddenly changed. Their eyes were almost at the same moment, suddenly turning, and finally staying in the court holding a long sword.

The source of that violent energy fluctuation on the anxious white youth is exactly here!

Elder on the stage looked at each other, and immediately rolled his throat slightly. This energy fluctuation was almost several times stronger than the previous Fire Lotus, which was extremely destructive!

“Yao Sheng, you…what’s wrong with you?”

On the opposite side of the high platform, Liu Fei was also startled by Yao Sheng and others who suddenly stood up, her beautiful eyes turned towards the field, but with her strength, she could not detect the kind of surrounding Ningluo. What a horror is the essence of violent flaming energy.

“Ning Luo…Ning Luo seems to be…using a…district fighting skill!” Yao Sheng suddenly felt that his throat became extremely dry, and his voice was extremely jerky.

The four-character tiered fighting skills were heard, Liu Fei’s small mouth just about to open, and the expression on his cheeks instantly solidified at the same time.

“Biao…cousin will win, right?” Liu Fei stood up slightly and smiled, but that smile was reluctant, even she felt so fake.Yao Sheng, who has always shown great confidence in Liu Qing, fell silent at this moment. The meaning of the four characters in the four characters of the ground-level fighting skills is like a heavy stone, pressing on his heart, making him even panting. It looks a bit heavy.

The raging fiery energy lingering in Ning Luo’s body caused Liu Qing’s pupils to shrink to the size of a pinhole in an instant when it appeared. Based on his experience, he was naturally able to distinguish that that energy represented what……

However, the battle is over. Even if the opponent’s Ning Luo suddenly rises to the rank of Dou Wang, he can only swing up his gun. His temperament never allows him to retreat, especially the opponent is still a true newcomer!

A mouthful of suffocated air was spit out long, and a strong pale gold light slowly burst out from Liu Qing’s body. The bright and dazzling light, like a round of shining sun, made people dare not straighten up. Watching, and, in the strong light, an extremely sharp spear wind surged out unparalleled.

Facing Ning Luo’s sudden horror fighting skills, Liu Qing still used his actions to show his position, and he also understood that even if Ning Luo really controlled the ground-level fighting skills, it would definitely not be possible to exert its 100% power.

However, his final trump card has been used for many years, combined with the same source of fighting energy, that power, Liu Qing is confident that he can definitely reach the true peak of the mysterious stage fighting skills, even if he wants to collide with the ground stage fighting skills. He was not shy at all, on the contrary, this also aroused him a bloody spirit. Today, he wants to let everyone know that the mysterious stage fighting skills face the ground-stage fighting skills, and they are also powerful!

“Haha, Ningluo, come, let me see, who will win or lose today!”

Suddenly, the tremors of the shaking mountains suddenly sounded. Everyone hurriedly looked at the bright golden light in the distance. At this moment, the body was slowly erected, and the soles of the feet fell on a boulder. It was the cryptic energy that was leaked out, shattered into a pile of dust.

With a frantic laughter, the bright golden light suddenly began to become introverted. After a short while, the originally extremely dazzling golden light shrank back into the…Cracking Mountain Spear like lightning, and with such a huge energy infusion.

At the tip of the cracked mountain spear, a golden energy, like a liquid, flows automatically like an elf.

The arm shook violently, and the spear pointed obliquely at the sky. Then the heavy spear slammed down with a whine of wind, and the heavy spear fell to the ground. An extremely terrifying dark energy leaked out along the ground. Suddenly, the surrounding ruins and boulders, In an instant, in the horrified eyes of the surrounding, it turned into powder.

“Big Cracked Rock!”

The thunderous shout suddenly sounded, and the golden light at the tip of the cracked mountain spear suddenly erupted like a mountain torrent!

The overwhelming golden light, with a sharp and incomparable blast, cut through the space like lightning, and shot directly at Ningluo in the distance. Wherever the golden light passed, the huge boulders in the entire venue suddenly shattered!

Liu Qing made a full blow, and it was so terrifying!

However, Ning Luo also had absolute confidence, and any offensive would have to be dissipated under the Heavenly Sword!

A breath of slightly hot air was deeply sucked into his lungs, Ning Luo stepped under the gaze of the crowd, and slowly took a step forward, holding the Heavenly Sword in his hand above his head, and on his arm, the green veins were exposed, like a squirming little snake. So!

Looking at the long sword held high by Ning Luo, all the viewers in the audience blocked their breathing at this moment, their faces flushed with excitement!

Under the firm gaze of countless eyes, The next moment, Ning Luo’s arm trembled, and the Heavenly Sword in his hand crashed down!

“The sword is broken!”

“Break it for me!”

Two frantic shouts suddenly sounded. Suddenly, on the long sword, a huge dark red sword light that was several feet long, shot out with a force of terror like a broken bamboo!

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