Chapter 312: The Power of Thunder!

“Ning Luo, die!”

As soon as the sound fell, his claws violently and strangely pressed, instantly breaking through the block of Ning Luo’s arm, and it shot directly at the latter’s chest, the claws were extremely fierce.

The left hand, which had been hanging down, quickly formed the seal. Ning Luo smiled slightly, hot white thunder and lightning surged out of his body, and with the emergence of thunder and lightning, an indestructible lightning protection was abrupt. The set was on Ning Luo.

As Ning Luo’s laughter fell, the white lightning protection on his body also wrapped his body firmly in an instant. In the blink of an eye, Ning Luo’s figure disappeared under the protection.

Ning Luo’s lightning protection was condensed in his early preparations, and the speed was terrifying, even when Liu Qing’s sharp claws suddenly touched, the lightning protection had completely condensed.

Because of the urging of the internal fighting spirit, Liu Qingclaw wind became more and more fierce in an instant, and immediately, the sharp claws finally hit the thunder and lightning protection!

The two collided, like the clang sound of steel collision, which rang very clearly in the field.

“Qiang! Qiang!”

Ning Luo stepped back, but Liu Qing followed like a ghost, instantly following. The golden light on his claws was shining, and afterimages were left in the air, and the golden light and sharp claws were falling continuously. Above the thunder and lightning protection, suddenly, the entire venue was filled with a chilling sound.

Just as Liu Qing’s doubts quickly turned over, a faint bluish-purple color suddenly flashed in his eyes, and suddenly, his whole body was erected at this moment, and a strong sense of crisis emerged in his heart. Out.

The bluish-purple color appeared again after an instant. This time, Liu Qing finally discovered the source of its transmission, and his pupils suddenly shrank…

The frenzied offensive was almost abruptly stopped by Liu Qing in mid-air. Regardless of the chest tightness caused by his strength, Liu Qing’s expression changed abruptly in the eyes of the surrounding stands, and his body, too Kick back on the ground with both feet!


Looking at Liu Qing who seemed to have discovered his intentions, Ning Luo couldn’t help but grinned. There was still a little blood stains between his white teeth. He flicked his fingers, and a faint voice came from his mouth: “Go!”

As the sound fell, a burst of purple light flashed out of Ningluo’s sleeves. With the appearance of this group of purple light, the temperature of the square suddenly ascending!

The purple light flashed at a terrifying speed, but still couldn’t escape the attention of the Elders on the referee’s bench. Feeling the terrifying and destructive power contained in it, it was Su Qianda Elder, his face changed slightly. Change.

A few flashes of the purple light group appeared in front of him in Liu Qing’s shrinking eyes…


The simple sound of the word was slowly spit out from Ning Luo’s mouth, and the explosion of the landslide suddenly resounded.

The sound of explosions like the landslides, in countless horrified eyes, resounded like thunder from the spacious square!

A majestic and destructive wind, carrying hot temperatures, like a storm, swept away from the place where the fire lotus exploded in all directions!

Where the storm passed, the ground broke and the thick cracks of the feet and arms quickly spread to the entire ground like a spider web, and the seemingly extremely solid battlefield turned into a mess in a very short time. .

Above the stands, stunned eyes looked stupidly at the ruined venue!After a long time, everyone gradually recovered from the sluggishness. All eyes were suddenly turned to the pale face and the white-clothed young man with his chest undulating. These eyes were filled with astonishment and shock without exception.

On the high platform, Liu Fei looked at the smoke-filled ground below with a pretty face, her palms covering her mouth, her eyes flashing with terror.

Beside Liu Fei, Yao Sheng’s mouth gradually opened up.

“Mayfair, don’t worry, the boss is far superior to Ningluo. Even if he is now displaying this powerful fighting skill, the boss has never used all his strength.” Yao Sheng faced Liu who was horrified beside him. Fei comforted.

Hearing Yao Sheng’s comfort, Liu Fei’s face looked a little better now, but there was still some panic and anxiety.

The beautiful eyes slowly moved from the dust to the white-clothed young man with a cold face in the field. For some reason, there was less enmity in the pair of eyes, but more anxiety and a little fear.

“I have also heard that Ning Luo controls a powerful fire lotus fighting technique, but according to the rumors, it doesn’t seem to be as powerful as it is now?” Looking at the almost ruined site, Yan Hao murmured.

“This Ning Luo is really not easy.” Lin Xiuya smiled, but there was also a faint dignity in his eyes.

“How is Liu Qing? Could it be that?” Han Yue’s eyes swept across the field quickly, but under the thick dust, there was no half of a figure in sight.

Lin Xiuya narrowed his eyes. After a while, he shook his head and said in a low voice: “Although I have to admit the horror of Ning Luo’s fire lotus fighting skills, I want to defeat Liu Qing completely by this, fearing the difficulty. Not small……

Because of the vindictive attribute, that guy’s defense is stronger than mine. ”

Hearing that, Yan Hao nodded slightly, and their eyes turned to the dusty field again.

As the audience’s gaze returned to the field again, the dust that permeated it finally gradually faded, and after a while, a breeze blew across the field abruptly.

The dust was swept away, and when the dust was gone, the square that was almost turned into ruins, a tall figure standing upright, exuding a gun-like aura, slowly appeared in everyone’s sight. within.

“Oh, there is still some strength to resist?” Ning Luo was a little surprised.

He used almost one percent of his strength, but he didn’t expect that Liu Qing would be able to handle it.

It seems that you have to be a little more serious.

Under the eyes of everyone, Liu Qing slowly pointed the heavy gun at Ning Luo, and his low voice echoed in the audience: “You are qualified to let me use the Split Mountain Spear!”

“Liu Qing is going to use the Mountain Splitting Spear…” On the high platform, looking at the dark heavy spear in Liu Qing’s hand, Lin Xiuya sighed lightly, and said: “If you can push Liu Qing to this point, Ning Luo will be defeated. Now, even though You Rong was defeated.”

Aside, Yan Hao nodded slightly.

“Kingluo takes the top ten places extremely seriously, I think, he probably won’t give up easily.” Han Yue frowned Liu’s eyebrows and whispered softly.

Lin Xiuya smiled faintly, and said: “Unless Ning Luo has a hole card that is stronger than that of the fire lotus fighting skills, otherwise…the top ten places are probably extremely difficult.”

Looking at the cold-eyed young man in white clothes in the field, Lin Xiuya’s eyes flickered, but he hoped that this often unexpected guy could once again show a miracle…

“one move!”

In the field, Liu Qing hid heavily on a gravel with a dark cracked mountain gun in his hand, and suddenly spoke to Ning Luo.

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