Douluo: Wuhun is the Star Casting Dragon King

Chapter 155 New Externally Attached Soul Bone

‘It feels like he’s thinking about something bad. ’

As if sensing Luo Chen's thoughts, Snow Emperor tilted his head in surprise.

Seeing this, Luo Chen quickly responded with a kind smile, and at the same time was surprised by Snow Emperor's vigilance: 'Sure enough, we have to take our time in conquering Snow Emperor. ’

"The Star Spirit Transformation Ceremony has been completed."

Luo Chen appeared on the 9th level of the Road to God. He floated in the air, pointed to higher places and said: "Next, there is a further promotion."

"You have felt it now, right? The power in your body?"


The Snow Emperor nodded obediently, while the Ice Emperor raised his pink fist and waved it: "It's so powerful, I feel like I can kill that guy Tianmeng with one punch now!"


Luo Chen smiled awkwardly. He felt that Tianmeng would probably be very sad in the future: "Ahem, um, this is the limit of the power I can give you now."

If the soul rings were attached, that is, before reaching the peak of the Soul Emperor, the total amount of enhancements Luo Chen received could elevate the two women to the level of Tianmeng at most.

This is not potential, but the current crack where the power of heaven is overflowing is only so big, and there can't be more.

There was no way, how could the increase brought by the soul rings of two ferocious beasts be compared with two god-level externally attached soul bones.

"Then now"

"Now, I need you to help me advise on what kind of externally attached soul bone I should choose."

Next, Luo Chen told the two women about his idea of ​​artificially possessing soul bones, and then in their exclamations, he summoned the origin of the two women's soul cores.

"Is there a soul bone attached to the outside?"

The Snow Emperor looked very serious, and the Ice Emperor on the side was also thinking, trying to come up with a template that suited Luo Chen.

"I think the most important thing is not the efficacy of the external soul bones, but leaving enough space to prepare for the external soul bones that may be obtained in the future."

The Snow Emperor was worthy of being an experienced leader of the Far North Communist Party. She considered that Luo Chen might get more externally attached soul bones in the future: "Now, Xiaochen, you already have two externally attached soul bones as weapons."

"If you obtain an externally attached soul bone in the future, you should avoid duplication of functions."

In other words, if all the attached soul bones of Ice Emperor and Snow Emperor were selected as weapons, that would be four weapons, which Luo Chen would not be able to use at all.

You can only take out two at a time, and the other two will become decorations, which is a waste of two attached soul bones.

"Does the Snow Emperor mean to turn it into a form like armor?"

"Armor won't do."

Snow Emperor shook his head and said, "According to what you said, Xiaochen, Lord Dragon God probably hasn't given you her soul bone yet, right?"


Theoretically speaking, soul beasts that are more than 100,000 years old will inevitably produce soul bones.

As the strongest soul beast, Gu Yuena is naturally no exception to this.

However, when Luo Chen met Gu Yuena, his body was still relatively weak and could not withstand the soul bone bonus from a god-king level powerhouse.

This makes Gu Yuena's part of solid soul power now reach the point of solid divine power.

What is transformed from solid divine power must be an artifact, or even a super artifact.

The super-artifact-level externally attached soul bone was difficult for Luo Chen to control even now, let alone Luo Chen at the time.

You must know that this is not a super-artifact that has been enhanced in the giant god mode, but an externally attached soul bone that has reached the level of a super-artifact before it has received the power of heaven.

According to Luo Chen's estimation, he would have to wait at least until he broke through the ban before he could try to fuse the super-god-level externally attached soul bone that Gu Yuena left for him.

"The attached soul bone under the Dragon Temple is the best choice for armor."

From Snow Emperor's point of view, she hopes Luo Chen can protect herself more than having strong attack power.

Therefore, nothing could ensure Luo Chen's safety better than the armor made of Gu Yuena's soul bone.

"In that case, how should we choose?"

Ice Emperor asked: "I can't choose armor. We already have weapons. Do we want to leave little brother Chen with a tail?"

If it were a tail, the Ice Queen would be fine. Her external soul bone was suitable as an extension of her spine.

On the other hand, the Snow Emperor and the Ice Emperor could not imagine what kind of external soul bone she could create.


Luo Chen thought of the Ice Emperor's scorpion tail. How should I put it, he felt a little disgusted.

To be honest, he didn't really like insect tails.

"Hey, your attitude is a bit too much!"

Although he had just arrived, Ice Emperor had always had a bad temper and he immediately expressed his dissatisfaction with Luo Chen's dislike.


Luo Chen scratched his head and said, "There's nothing we can do about it, I really don't like Scorpion Tail."

In the words of Luo Chen in his previous life, being strong or not is only a matter of time, being handsome is a matter of a lifetime.


Luo Chen: Ugly rejection!

"This guy!!"

Ice Emperor was so angry with Luo Chen. If this guy hadn't become her master, she would have to teach him a lesson.

"Okay, Bing'er."

The Snow Emperor smiled helplessly, and she comforted the Ice Emperor before continuing the topic.


Ice Emperor snorted, while Luo Chen scratched his head in embarrassment.

To be honest, there is no need to worry about anything. This is the way close people should get along.

It may cause a lot of unhappiness or even quarrels, but the more this happens, the more it shows that they are familiar with each other.

Of course, Luochen would not really harm Ice Emperor and the others.

It's okay to just make a joke, but it's not enough to go too far.

Luo Chen knew that Ice Emperor didn't care about Scorpion Tail, so he spoke out.

"Xue Emperor, what are your thoughts?"


Snow Emperor smiled slightly and said: "Armor is not the only kind of armor."

At this moment, both Luo Chen and Ice Emperor were attracted by this smile that was like the first clear day after snow, and they couldn't extricate themselves for a long time.

‘She is truly the most beautiful woman in Dou Er. ’

Luo Chen admired Snow Emperor's appearance and temperament. He shook his head and asked, "Did Snow Emperor mean inner armor?"


The Snow Emperor looked at the Ice Emperor and said, "Bing'er, your true body is the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion. I believe you should be very aware of the defensive power of your carapace."

"Of course!"

Ice Emperor proudly said: "Even if it is a diamond, I can crush it!"

"Bing'er's outer soul bone can be shaped into protective inner armor or a heart mirror."

Snow Emperor: "I think inner armor might be better."

In the Snow Emperor's view, except for divine beasts like Gu Yuena, there should be no soul beast on the Douluo Continent that is stronger than the Ice Emperor.

"As for me"

Snow Emperor thought for a while and said: "My power is more agile and not suitable for defense, but it can be shaped into a coat."


Not to mention the Ice Emperor, even Luo Chen was a little confused by the Snow Emperor's words.

Although externally attached soul bones can take many forms, they are still essentially human bones or human body parts, and cannot be created out of nothing.

Just like the Ice and Fire Dragon King's double swords, they are attached to the forearm bones of Luo Chen's hands.

The chosen location for Hyokui's inner armor is the ribs, which is a variation of the sternum.

What is the Snow Emperor's coat?

"You can attach it here."

Snow Emperor stretched out his white and delicate jade hands and gently brushed Luo Chen's shoulders.

"shoulder blade?"

Luo Chen understood what the Snow Emperor meant. She wanted to fuse her external soul bone with his two shoulder blades, and then extend them outward to form a robe covering her whole body.

"It turns out there is still such an operation."

Luo Chen thought the Snow Emperor's idea was very good, but the Ice Emperor flattened his lips and muttered in a low voice: "Robo, doesn't this have no defensive effect at all?"

"What do you think of Xiaochen?"

"Very handsome!"


Hearing Luo Chen's reply, Snow Emperor couldn't help laughing.

Perhaps because of being transformed into a star spirit, the Snow Emperor's emotions became much more delicate.

Star spirits and transformed soul beasts are very similar emotionally, and both tend to favor humans. This made the Ice Emperor on the side look shocked.

In her memory, she had never seen the Snow Emperor smile like this.

‘Snow Emperor smiles, so cute! ’

Ice Emperor's cheeks were slightly red: 'I like it.'

"Then let's do it."

Luochen began to mobilize his soul power and asked the two women to cooperate with him to shape the new externally attached soul bone.

The first thing to start was the Ice Emperor's protective inner armor.

Luochen's ribs became crystal clear, as if they were carved from ice crystal diamonds. They extended outward, and finally turned into a blue inner armor that wrapped Luochen's upper body.

This inner armor is not thick, on the contrary, it is much thinner. It covers Luo Chen's upper body and extends to his legs and knees. Like chainmail, this inner armor is made of condensed soul bones. While it is lightweight, it also has quite amazing defensive capabilities.


On the other side, Luo Chen endured the severe pain caused by the birth of the external soul bone.

Fortunately, he has enough tolerance for pain, otherwise it would be torture like torture again and again.

Well, it's actually no different than torture.

To put it bluntly, externally attached soul bones use soul power to cause mutations in one's own bones.

Either it grows more, or it divides and then uses the extra bone to reshape itself into a new form.

Generally speaking, even if the externally attached soul bone is destroyed, it can be restored, but the process will not be too beautiful.

Yes, every recovery is, to put it bluntly, the re-growth of bones.

That feeling is chilling just thinking about it.

"Is this the Ice Emperor's inner armor?"

Luo Chen thought for a while and gave a name to the second piece of externally attached soul bone he got - Ice Jade Emperor Armor.

The reason why it is named armor instead of inner armor is because of the soul skill that comes with this externally attached soul bone.

When driven only by soul power, it can release an invisible barrier to resist all surrounding forces that are not conducive to Luo Chen, allowing it to solidify in the air.

The size of the barrier depends on Luo Chen's will. The smaller it is, the stronger the stagnation will be.

"If it is injected with divine power."

Speaking of this, Ice Emperor proudly said: "That is a magical skill of time, an absolute defense in the true sense."

Theoretically speaking, as long as you don't encounter the same magical skill related to time, or the intensity far exceeds the Ice Emperor's endurance limit and can break the spell with force, then this move is almost unsolvable.

"The power of time?"

Luo Chen did not expect that the Ice Emperor would be born with such power after evolving into a star spirit.

"The essence of ice is freezing."

Snow Emperor explained: "Freeze matter, freeze energy, until finally, freeze everything in this world."

"Time and space are no exception."

Because Luo Chen once again obtained an external soul bone, the restrictions on his martial soul were weakened, and more power poured out from the sun disk, driving the snow that was originally standing on the 8th and 7th levels. Emperor and Hyokui once again had the strength to continue climbing.

So, without any hesitation, Snow Emperor took Ice Emperor's hand and stepped out.

"Ninth level!"

"I've reached the eighth level!"

Just as Luo Chen thought, the original star spirit transformation was not complete, and what the two women showed was only their most basic qualifications.

But now, the subsequent power began to boil. It first pushed the Ice Emperor, and then with the help of the connection between the twin stars, the Snow Emperor also received more benefits.

"Next, it's your attached soul bone, Snow Emperor."

This time, there was no need to wait for Luo Chen to explain. Snow Emperor had already taken the initiative to merge his original power with Luo Chen's body.

The next moment, Luo Chen's two shoulder blades began to detach.

They continued to stretch, spread out along Luochen's arms and back, and connected at the center of the spine, turning into a set of ice-blue simple robes.

"Kacha kacha~~"

Crystal clear snowflakes condensed around Luo Chen, like pure and flawless ice and snow lotuses.

They fell on Luo Chen's robe and sleeves, embellishing the original simple robe with mysterious and elegant patterns and patterns, making Luo Chen look like an independent and detached person walking in the falling snow. .

"This time, it doesn't seem to hurt that much."

Luo Chen found that apart from the severe pain at the beginning, which was like his bones being ripped out, the rest of the process was filled with only bursts of coolness.

Obviously, this was deliberately done by the Snow Emperor.

And just as Luo Chen thought, Snow Emperor looked cold, but in fact he was gentle and virtuous in his heart.

Especially when she faced the Ice Emperor, she showed the pampering of her elder sister taking care of her younger sister. It is hard to imagine that she could be the incarnation of ice and snow.

Of course, the Snow Emperor, who has now become Luochen's star spirit, naturally regards him as a family member, so he spends a lot of time and energy to relieve Luochen's pain like protecting his younger brother.

"how do you feel?"

Snow Emperor's tone was slightly tired, but more importantly, he was satisfied with what he could do for Luo Chen.


Luo Chen was not pretentious. He already had a good impression of the Snow Emperor, and now he fell even more in love with this cold lady who was cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

Well, again, Luo Chen likes this kind of big sister who looks cold but is actually soft and cute.

"I always feel like you're thinking of something bad again."

"How can it be!"

Luo Chen ignored the Snow Emperor's keenness this time and said with a smile: "It must be your misunderstanding, Sister Snow Emperor."


The Snow Emperor didn't think much, but once again focused on his external soul bone.

As for the change of Luo Chen's title, Snow Emperor is the Lord of the Far North, a queen-like existence, and there is no sense of disobedience in being called sister.

"Bingtianxuechenyi, what do Xiaochen think of this name?"

Luo Chen couldn't say anything. Of course he agreed happily: "What is its ability? Can it control ice and snow?"

This is a bit strange.

Unlike the Emperor's Armor, Luo Chen found that Xue Chenyi's ability was a bit weird, and he seemed unable to activate it actively.

No, it can't be said that it cannot be activated, but it is a bit hazy and unpredictable.

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