Douluo: Wuhun is the Star Casting Dragon King

Chapter 154 The road to becoming a god begins

‘Every more step you take, the greater the benefits you will get! ’

This kind of setting exists in many divine examinations, and it is a benefit that coexists pressure and opportunity.

The Stairway to the Gods also replicates this pattern.

In addition, there are actually two types of stairs to climb to the gods, one is climbing with real steps, and the other is climbing with virtual steps.

What Luo Chen asked the two women to prepare next was to combine the virtual and the real. They would first take the real step to gain strength, and then take the virtual step to identify their potential.

"Let's go."

In Luochen's martial spirit space, the sisters Snow Emperor and Ice Emperor, who were encouraged by Luochen, walked hand in hand and took their first step towards the golden staircase in front of them.


At the same time, golden light bloomed under the feet of the two women, making them look like gods from heaven.

Snow Emperor didn't hesitate, grabbed Ice Emperor's hand and continued climbing up.

Second level, third level.

Soon, the two women arrived at the fourth step on the road to ascending to the gods.

It was also from here that the Snow Emperor found that the hand he was holding on to the Ice Emperor sank slightly, as if he was being held back by something, making it extremely difficult.

Obviously, the pressure is on.

The next development was just as Luo Chen expected. With each step up, the pressure the two women had to face would skyrocket.

But with just a few simple steps, the two women walked for several minutes until they stopped on the seventh level.


Snow Emperor tried her best to take another step upwards, but when she wanted to continue to drag Ice Emperor up, she found that his body was as heavy as a stone and could not be shaken at all.

"Snow Emperor, I seem to have reached my limit."

The Ice Emperor looked at his feet, and the golden light that was originally ethereal now seemed to be firmly stuck to them like glue.

It can be seen that without external help, level 7 is the Ice Emperor's limit.

Level 7 represents 7 soul rings, which is the level of a level 1 god.


"Leave me alone, Snow Emperor."

The Ice Emperor wanted to let go, but was held tightly by the Snow Emperor, unable to break away at all: "You can continue to go up, right? Instead of waiting for me here, why not challenge the ninth level."


Luo Chen's voice came from above the two women: "Don't worry, Snow Emperor. Your climbs do not need to reach the same height together, but will be calculated according to the highest one you can reach."

"is that so?"

Hearing this, the Ice Emperor showed a surprised smile: "That's great, Snow Emperor."

In her opinion, she was a burden, hindering the Snow Emperor's journey to becoming a god.

However, Snow Emperor didn't think so.

Maybe becoming a god makes people excited, but being alone is definitely not her choice.

Fortunately, the twin stars will never leave each other.

To be honest, Snow Emperor is actually very satisfied with this arrangement.

"I don't actually have to go up any further."

Snow Emperor said: "I am self-aware. This eighth level is the limit I can reach. Going up, I can only take half a step at most."


Luo Chen nodded and smiled: "That's okay."

"By the way, do you want to see what kind of benefits you can get from your current position?"

As Luo Chen finished speaking, a picture appeared in front of the Ice Emperor and Snow Emperor.

First is the Ice Emperor.

In her sight, an endless ocean suddenly emerged.

And above the boundless sea, a figure like the God of Ice and Snow was suspended in the air. With her back to the Ice Emperor, she froze all the sea in front of her with just a wave of her hand.

The terrifying and suffocating Ice Ultimate Skill directly stunned the Ice and Snow Emperors, making them deeply feel the vastness of the world.

"Without the suppression of the Dragon God's rules, with Bingbing's talent, there is a good chance that you will be able to inherit the throne of the Ice God and become the new Ice God in the future."

The evaluation given by Luo Chen seemed to be average, just at the level of Tianmeng.

But in fact, Ice Emperor is much stronger than Tianmeng.

The position of Ice God is undoubtedly the best choice for all the soul beasts in the entire Far North.

If the Ice Emperor, Tianmeng, and Snow Emperor went to accept the divine examination together, there is a high probability that the Snow Emperor would obtain the Ice God inheritance, followed by the Ice Emperor, and finally Tianmeng.

"Is this the Ice God?"

The Ice Emperor was still immersed in the shock of being frozen for thousands of miles in an instant.

Strong, too strong!

Ice God, a god that originally existed on Douluo Continent.

But she is not a human god, but a spirit beast, an ancient beast god belonging to the lineage of the Dragon God and the Nine Dragon Kings.

‘Gods! ’

‘So terrifying! ’

In addition, the feeling of the Ice God in the picture to the Ice Emperor is very similar to the Snow Emperor in front of him, but not exactly the same.

If anything, the Ice God is more like a certain kind of creature, while the Snow Emperor is the incarnation of ice and snow, leaning towards elemental life.

However, in the distant past, the Ice God died, leaving only one place of her inheritance deep in the Far North.

Just like Luo Chen said, if there was no Dragon God Law, the Ice Emperor and the Snow Emperor could search for this Ice God Temple and have a high probability of passing the test there and inheriting the Ice God's level 1 status.

Unfortunately, without if, it is an established rule that Douluo Continent soul beasts cannot become gods.

Unless your strength exceeds that of Dragon God, no one can break this iron law.


Taking the initiative to enter Luo Chen's martial spirit space means that Snow Emperor has recognized him as his master, and they are naturally close to him in terms of title: "What should I do now? I can't lead Bing'er forward."

Emperor Xue saw that Luo Chen didn't seem nervous at all, which was completely different from what he just said.

She knew that Luochen must have a way and would not let them stop here.

"Don't worry."

Sure enough, just as Snow Emperor thought, Luo Chen said: "It's not actually a trial of potential yet. It's just that the increase I can give you now only ends here."

Therefore, Luo Chen explained the concept of going down the virtual and real ladder to the two women.

"I see."

Snow Emperor understood clearly: "That is to say, the path we are taking now is the power we can actually obtain now."

"Doesn't this mean that Snow Emperor and I will soon become level 1 gods?"

Luo Chen's explanation reassured the two women.

Although he is only a level 1 god, for the Ice Emperor, she would be satisfied to become a god, let alone a level 1 god.

That is to say, Luo Chen's vision is too high.

If it had been anyone else, they would have been able to get such a blessing, and they would have laughed out of their dreams.

"You're just a level 1 god. Does Bingbing want to be on the same level as Sister Tianmeng?"

Tianmeng: What’s on the same level as me? Did Tianmengji eat your rice?


Ice Emperor ignored Tianmeng who was jumping around and sneered: "That's true, it's really embarrassing to be on the same level as this guy."

Even though Tianmeng is also a level 1 deity, she is not good at fighting. At most she is just a support person. There is no comparison with the Ice Emperor who has the appearance of a female war goddess.

As both level 1 gods, she can hang Tianmeng up and beat her.

Luo Chen knew about the relationship between the two women, so he brought Tianmeng out to stimulate the Ice Emperor, hoping that she could go further.

Ice Emperor naturally understood what Luo Chen meant.

She was grateful in her heart and felt even closer to the soul master who was about to become her master.

Ice Emperor: Just hit Tianmeng! As long as we talk about Tianmeng, we will be good friends!

"Okay, I'm going to start transforming the stars for you."

Luo Chen: "I will arrange the rest for you later."


So, as Luo Chen finished speaking, a golden disk emerged from the starry sky.

It floated above the heads of the two women, and as it rose, it continued to grow in size, until it turned into a golden sun hanging in the sky, releasing endless power.


The next moment, a blue waterfall poured down from the golden disk, instantly covering the two women and letting them bathe in it.

As mentioned before, the sun disk can improve the qualifications of a soul master.

But that's not accurate.

The Sun Disk is the tool for the Dragon King's martial soul to be released to the outside world. The degree of damage to the Heavenly Star Crown symbolizes the restriction on the Dragon King's power.

Now, Luochen has reached level 50.

Coupled with the bonus of the soul bone attached to the Ice and Fire Dragon King, as well as the two newly acquired soul rings of 400,000 years and 700,000 years, the power Luo Chen can use will naturally increase further on the original basis.

Yes, two soul rings.

This time, for the Ice Emperor and Snow Emperor to transform into stars, their power will also be turned into soul rings, breaking Luochen's restrictions and raising the upper limit.

At the same time that the two women were pushed forward by the power of ascension, two golden soul rings appeared behind Luo Chen.

"We have arrived at the Soul King."

After obtaining the Snow Emperor's soul ring, Luo Chen's soul power broke through from level 50 to level 60.

However, before he could savor it carefully, the bottleneck of soul power was broken again, from level 60 to level 70 at an astonishing speed.

In this regard, Luochen did not suppress or give up.

In fact, his research on soul power levels below Soul Saint has been basically completed, and there is no need to spend more time.

In other words, even if he is not at level 51~60, Luo Chen can still simulate various situations in this state.

On the contrary, Luo Chen has not yet experienced the Soul Saint realm personally.

"Peak Soul Emperor!"

Soon, the vigorous energy that couldn't help but surge out of Luo Chen's body reached the soul emperor level, and quickly rose to the peak of the soul emperor before he could stop.

Luo Chen felt the changes in his body, and he had a feeling that if he used the Titan Mode now, his strength and posture would definitely increase by the same rate based on the original ones.

"Yes, exactly as I planned."

Luo Chen's thoughts on the twin star spirits have come to a complete conclusion: "There are still these two soul rings."

"I knew that the number of soul rings would not change because of the twin stars."

"The Ice Emperor and the Snow Emperor, none of their soul rings are missing."

Twin star spirits are a whole, they can be counted as one or two, but they share the same star spirit personality.

However, the soul ring system is different from the star spirit system.

In the process of a soul master attaching a soul ring, two soul beasts are just two soul beasts, and they will not be inferior just because they share a personality or something.

Not only that.

Only a ball of icy blue and a ball of turquoise halo were seen, whirling around Luo Chen like a meteor. This was the product of the solidified soul power of the Snow Emperor and the Ice Emperor, and it was what they could bring to Luo Chen. Chen’s soul bone.

"Since it is a soul bone, you must choose to have an external soul bone."

Luochen now has three soul bones in total, from A Yin, A Rou and Tian Meng, which means that there are only three empty soul bones left in his body.

Of course, Luo Chen doesn't have to have soul bones.

Essentially, the total amount of energy of a soul beast remains the same. The only difference lies in whether it is stored in the soul ring or in the soul bone.

What Luo Chen really values ​​​​is the addition of soul bones and external soul bones to the body.

The stronger the body's endurance, the more power can be used in the martial spirit.

"Aren't you awake yet?"

However, because the two women were bathing in the Starlight Waterfall, Luo Chen did not immediately condense the attached soul bones, but planned to ask the two women for their opinions after they woke up.


Soon, the two women adapted to this transformation.

They feel that their souls have been greatly improved, and they feel refreshed and joyful.

"Snow Emperor."

Ice Emperor: "I feel like I've become a lot stronger."


The Snow Emperor felt carefully and found that the soul power in her body had been changed and turned into a more advanced energy.

No need to think about it, Snow Emperor directly guessed the essence of this energy——divine power.

"We really became gods."

The current divine power level of Snow Emperor and Ice Emperor is no worse than Tianmeng, and even above her, between 7 and 8 divine rings, as if they have reached the level of peak level 1 gods.

On the road to becoming gods, the two women enjoyed the wonderful experience brought by the improvement of their life level.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of them, it was Luo Chen.

"how do you feel?"


"Little human master!"

Luo Chen looked at the Ice Emperor in surprise, and asked in confusion: "What is the strange name for the little human master?"


The Ice Emperor thought of Tianmeng's title to Luo Chen: "Little brother Chen?"


Snow Emperor felt that the title of Ice Emperor was too arrogant, and even felt bad for someone with such a cold temperament.

However, before Snow Emperor could open his mouth to apologize for Bing Emperor's rudeness, Luo Chen already smiled and waved his hands: "It's okay, it's okay. Sister Tianmeng also called me that. Just like Bingbing."


Ice Emperor found that Luo Chen seemed to be really easy to get along with.

He obviously has such terrifying power, and the star spirits around him are more noble and powerful than the last, but his attitude towards the girls is just like her and the Snow Emperor.

Snow Emperor is stronger than her, but the two of them treat each other as sisters, like family members.

"I feel now that becoming your star spirit is the most correct decision I have ever made in my life."

Ice Emperor's impression of Luo Chen is getting better and better. She hates human beings, but she does not reject Luo Chen at all. Instead, she is extremely kind to him.

Such emotional changes were helped by the Star Spirit Transformation Ceremony, but it was mostly due to Luo Chen's character.

"We will be a family from now on, so you don't have to be too polite."

This was said to Emperor Xue. Luo Chen knew that she had a cold temperament and was somewhat similar to Gu Yuena.

But because he has not experienced Na'er's transition, Snow Emperor will be even more withdrawn.

But Luo Chen had already expected it.

To be honest, Snow Emperor and Ice Emperor, especially Snow Emperor, really poke Luo Chen's xp.

He just likes this kind of ice-cold, pure and flawless girl, who really feels conquered.

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