Douluo: Wuhun is the Star Casting Dragon King

Chapter 133 Qian Renxue: As expected of you, Hu Liena

Mom, what's wrong?


Luo Chen said: I think I must have figured something out. Anyway, it must be a good thing.

That's good.

Hearing that it was a good thing, Qian Renxue immediately felt relieved, and then told Hu Liena to try it quickly, and if it didn't work, give it to her.

what the hell!

Hu Liena said dissatisfied: I will definitely take it off successfully, and it won't be your turn at all.

The teacher gave the lovesickness to herself, which was obviously more partial to her.

Qian Renxue was indeed envious and blamed Bibi Dong, because she was obviously her biological daughter.


On the other side, Hu Liena also spat out her hard work.

But the strange thing is that this time, the lovesickness didn't even sway. It just stood on the stone without any movement, and only the pain of heartache gradually dissipated.

Um, what, what's going on?

Hu Liena shook it up and down: Is it broken? Why is there no reaction at all?


So, Qian Renxue couldn't help it anymore and laughed directly: You, so you are like this, hahaha.


How am I?

Hu Liena was very angry, and equally anxious. She desperately wanted to know why Xiangsangxinhonghong did not respond to herself.


Here, Bibi Dong also recovered.

After seeing Hu Liena's situation, the beautiful pope immediately understood the love-sick red's judgment on the little fox.


Bibi Dong patted the little fox on the head and comforted: Maybe you are not in love with Xiao Chen, but...

But think of him as an older brother!

elder brother

Hu Liena was speechless for a moment. She wanted to refute, but she didn't know what to say.

The little fox is only 8 years old now. No matter how precocious the girls in Douluo Continent are, the relationship between men and women is still in a hazy stage.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that as Bibi Dong said, she relies more on and admires Luo Chen.

This can be seen from the judgment given by the solar disk.


Hu Liena wanted to cry a little. She naturally liked Luochen, the kind that she liked very much.

It's a pity that many younger sisters also like their older brothers very much.

No, Xiaochen, I'm not.

Hu Liena threw herself into Luochen's arms, crying as she wanted to prove her love for him.

It's okay, Nana.

Luochen smiled and touched the little fox's head: We are still young, and we still have a long time to come. Whether it is the relationship between siblings or the relationship between brothers and sisters, it will not never change.

Aren’t all childhood sweethearts like this?

In the beginning, they are little brothers and little sisters. When they grow up, they will have different feelings.


Hu Liena was still unwilling. She knew that she really liked Luo Chen.

However, the little fox still took the initiative to hand over the heartbroken red to Qian Renxue.

‘I want to see how you perform! ’

Then you should be optimistic about it.

Qian Renxue read the little fox's mind.

The little angel has been a proud person since she was a child. Her will, determination, and arrogance will not be lost to anyone.

Just like Bibi Dong wants to see her own mind clearly, Qian Renxue also has her own beliefs.


So, Qian Renxue wiped a finger of blood from her mouth and smeared it on the red petals of lovesickness.

She didn't close her eyes, nor did she think about the past or the future.

Qian Renxue only knows one thing.

That is, in this life, she, Qian Renxue, only belongs to Luochen.

Never give up until death!

Just like that, in Qian Renxue's calm eyes, the heartbroken red rose from the black stone and fell into her palm.

I saw that what was originally a slightly ordinary flower has now turned into a large, colorful and bright flower.

There is a faint golden-red luster flowing on it, which is very magical.

Xiaoxue, you succeeded!

When Bibi Dong saw this scene, she was a little disappointed, but more importantly, she was happy for her daughter.


Qian Renxue didn't show anything to Hu Liena because there was no need.

Sincerely, there is no need to prove it to anyone, let alone compare it to anyone.



Luo Chen didn't know who Qian Renxue was thinking about.

It was his honor to be favored by the little angel.

The two just looked at each other, saying nothing.

what the hell!

Is this a success?

Tianmeng started to get angry around Gu Yuena: Sister, can you bear this? If it were me, I wouldn't be able to bear it!


Gu Yuena's face was expressionless, and then she slapped Tianmeng away with her backhand.


How could she, Gu Yuena, not see through the mere plan of sowing discord and killing someone with a knife?

However, this is a conspiracy.


Gu Yuena was very unhappy, why could Qian Renxue be recognized by Xiangsianxinhonghong.

If it were me, I could do it too!


Luochen: I believe Na'er.

Gu Yuena is a soul beast and has a simple temperament, but her feelings for Luo Chen do not need to be verified at all.

Therefore, Gu Yuena will definitely be recognized by Xiangsianxinhonghong.

The only problem is that the Acacia Heartbroken Red is ineffective on Gu Yuena, so letting her pick it would be a waste.

It was precisely based on this that Gu Yuena gave the opportunity to the three Bibi Dong girls.


Gu Yuena gritted her teeth secretly: 'It's really unpleasant! ’

That's right, that's it. Hurry up, big sister!

At some point, Tian Meng returned to Gu Yuena and began to slander her again.


Tianmeng turned into a parabola again: I, Tianmeng, will definitely come back~~

Luo Chen was helpless about what happened in Wuhun Space. He tried his best to appease Gu Yuena's mood and promised that he would find another Acacia Heartbroken Red as a gift for her in the future.

Tonight, let's take it together with the Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower.

The medicinal properties of Acacia Broken Heart Red are pure and pure. Even if taken together with Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower, it will not damage Qian Renxue's foundation.

According to Luo Chen's estimation, Lovesickness can at least allow Qian Renxue to break through to a great level.

If the latter takes the latter, it will increase her soul power by five or six levels at least.

Qian Renxue reached level 48 half a year ago.

After half a year of training, Qian Renxue had recently obtained the fifth soul ring and became a level 53 soul king.

If this wave continues, if another soul ring is found that is old enough, Qian Renxue will have a high probability of breaking through to level 70 and becoming a super-standard soul saint who can suppress even the powerful ones at will.

In this way, the three girls followed Luo Chen and left the medicine garden, arriving at the place where Dugu Bo was waiting.

Elder Poison.

Little Lord.

Dugu Bo's mentality changed quickly. When he saw Luo Chen approaching, he quickly stepped forward to salute.


Luo Chen smiled and said: Elder Du, let's go find Yanyan first and use the Earth Dragon Golden Melon to make up for her martial soul's shortcomings.

I'll take you there now!


Luo Chen looked at the three Bibi Dong girls and stretched out his hand: I want to change your appearance.

Bibi Dong is the Pope of Wuhun Palace. If he suddenly appeared in Tiandou City, it would definitely cause quite a commotion.

Luochen's Mirror Flowers and Water Moon can be called the most perfect illusion.

With his current mental power, looking at the entire Douluo Continent, no one except his own family can see through the disguise of the three women.

As for identity.

Luochen thought for a moment and smiled: Teacher is still my teacher. Xue'er can play the role of my senior sister.

I, I also want to be a senior sister!

Without waiting for Luochen's arrangements, the little fox directly chose a new identity.

Otherwise, with her strength, it is not impossible to become a junior sister.

The wave of brother-sister love just now almost made Hu Liena shut herself down. She felt that she could not go on like this and must be more active and proactive.

‘I, Hu Liena, will not be my sister! ’

The little fox roared in his heart: 'Xiao Chen is mine, mine! ! ! ’

You said Qian Renxue won the Lovesick Heartbroken Red?

Haha, so what!

‘It’s just a legend, what can it prove? ’

In any case, Hu Liena would not admit that she was heartbroken. Only a fool would believe such a scam: Qian Renxue just deceived me because I was young. If I were a few years older, how could it be her turn to be like this? ’

Well, I say I don’t believe it, but in fact I am so unwilling.

Qian Renxue: As expected of you, Hu Liena!


Luo Chen shook his head helplessly: If we appear together in the future, we will use this identity.

Young Master, His Majesty the Pope, what are you doing?

By the way, Elder Poison doesn't know about this yet, right?

Luo Chen explained their plan to Dugu Bo, and Dugu Bo was also shocked when he heard that Wuhun Palace was planning to seize the Douluo Continent.

But thinking about it, I am also a member of Wuhun Palace now.


I am also a rebel now?

Dugubo: That’s no problem.

So the closer Elder Poison comes to us, the less likely anyone will discover the relationship between Titan Peak and Spirit Hall.

Dugu Bo was a guest of the Tiandou Empire, and this was a reward for Prince Xuexing's help.

But that's it.

Guest Minister, to put it bluntly, he is a servant of the Tiandou Empire, and he wants to help the royal family deal with some difficult problems.

Based on this alone, Dugu Bo has already returned the favor.

The most he can do in the future is to save Xuexing's life.

Luo Chen told Dugu Bo that he was not a murderer, and he hoped that the process of unifying Douluo Continent would reduce bloodshed and sacrifice as much as possible.

As for the method, Luo Chen already had a plan in mind, but the time had not come yet.

In this way, Luo Chen ordered Dugu Bo's undercover plan in the Tiandou Empire, and took the three girls back to Tiandou City from the Sunset Forest.

Today's Tiandou City has not changed at all when they left it, and it is still a prosperous scene.

Not long ago, Luo Chen and Tang Hao fought and destroyed a street in the bustling area of ​​Tiandou City, but that was all.

Luochen did not allow Tang Hao to fully explode and defeated the opponent before it could cause huge damage.

Young friend Luo, this is my residence in Tiandou City.

Dugu Bo brought Luo Chen and others home, and as he opened the door, a petite figure ran over.


The person who came was a girl who looked very different from Hu Liena and Luo Chen. She had short dark purple hair. She was full of energy in her words and deeds, and was very lively and cheerful.


Dugu Bo picked up his granddaughter, stroked her head lovingly, and introduced: These are grandpa's friends.

This is outside, and Dugu Bo deliberately conceals the identities of Luo Chen and others.

After closing the door and confirming that there were no outsiders, Dugu Bo changed his story and told Dugu Yan the true identities of Luo Chen and others.

Martial Soul Hall?

Today, Dugu Yan has been awakening his martial spirit for more than 2 years and has reached level 15.

8 years old, level 15, such a soul power cultivation level cannot be considered top-notch in the entire Douluo Continent, but it is still first-rate.

Taking into account Dugu Yan's innate soul power of level 7, she has improved by 8 levels in 2 and a half years, which shows how hard she practices in daily life.

This is the contemporary Pope of Wuhun Palace, His Majesty Bibi Dongmian.

You are His Majesty the Pope!

Dugu Yan looked at the stunning lady in front of him in surprise, his eyes full of shock.

There is no female soul master on Douluo Continent who does not admire Bibi Dong.

It would be an understatement to say that she is a role model for everyone.

Dugu Yan also regards her as his goal and dreams of becoming a powerful and noble female soul master like Bibi Dong.

And now, Bibi Dong was standing in front of her.

For a moment, Dugu Yan was stunned and at a loss.

But soon, Dugu Yan reacted.

If she remembered correctly, grandpa seemed to have a conflict with a certain titled elder of Wuhun Palace.

How could he suddenly bring home someone from Wuhun Palace or the contemporary Pope?

Grandpa has joined Wuhun Hall and become an elder of Wuhun Hall.


Dugu Yan felt like he was dreaming.

He was obviously speaking ill of Wuhun Palace not long ago, but why did grandpa become a member of Wuhun Palace in the blink of an eye?


Dugu Bo added: Yanyan, you are now also a member of Wuhun Palace.


Dugu Yan blinked. She wanted to complain, but she had to admit that there was nothing wrong with her grandfather's words.

Grandpa joins Wuhun Palace. As a granddaughter, does she have any other choice?

It's up to you to decide. I'll listen to grandpa.


Dugu Bo saw that Dugu Yan thought he was threatened, so he showed reluctance.

Little Lord.

Well, let me tell you.

Luo Chen took out the Earth Dragon Golden Melon from the storage space, and then handed it to Dugu Yan with her surprised eyes: This is the Earth Dragon Golden Melon. If you eat it, your martial soul, the Green Scale Snake's flaws, will be restored. Make up for it, and there is a high probability of evolution.


Dugu Yan doubtfully grabbed the Earth Dragon Golden Melon in his hand.

She could feel the huge attraction coming from this fruit, which was the desire of the Green Scaled Snake Martial Spirit for this thing.


Dugubo said: Grandpa was not forced.

This is actually not true. Dugu Bo was indeed threatened.

But since they all chose to join, Dugubo naturally concealed the previous unhappiness.

What's more, Dugu Bo asked himself if he had received such great benefits from Luo Chen, and to talk about coercion and inducement was too ignorant.

Yanyan, look.

The next moment, Dugu Bo released his martial spirit.

The transformation from a giant python into a dragon really shocked Dugu Yan.

Especially her Jade Scaled Snake Martial Spirit, which was actually surrendering to her grandfather's Jade Scaled Dragon Emperor Martial Spirit.

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