Douluo: Wuhun is the Star Casting Dragon King

Chapter 132 Bibi Dong’s Self Strategy

Xiaochen, can I come over?

Qian Renxue is also curious about the future.

I heard from Luo Chen that there is a Qian Renxue in each of the three worlds.

They may have different appearances and different life trajectories, and they belong to three completely different independent individuals.

However, under the arrangement of fate, only the ending cannot be changed.

Comedy is comedy, tragedy is tragedy.

By the way, what was my original fate?

Qian Renxue suddenly wanted to know what would happen to her in the future without Luo Chen.

In other words, what will Qian Renxue be like in the world ten thousand years from now?


Luo Chen naturally knew Qian Renxue's fate. After thinking about it, he felt that it didn't matter even if he told her, since his little angel was completely free anyway.

She is her, Qian Renxue who belongs to Luochen alone.

It's a secret.

But in the end, Luo Chen still didn't tell the little angel about Qian Renxue's experience ten thousand years later.

Ah? Why, Xiaochen?

Seeing Qian Renxue's sultry expression, Luo Chen smiled and explained, Instead of listening to me, wouldn't it be more interesting for you to explore on your own?

go alone

Qian Renxue reacted immediately: Xiaochen, you mean, I can go there?!

Hu Liena and Bibi Dong were filled with envy when they heard that Qian Renxue could travel to the future.

Not just Xue'er, but also Nana, both of you can go there.

Luochen has used the sun disk to conduct an anchor test for the two women and found that they can find things that meet the conditions for traveling in the future.

Ah this.

Well, the sour world with only Bibi Dong is complete.


Luochen had no choice but to comfort Bibi Dong with a few words.

At the same time, the two women were vaccinated, indicating that the exploration in ten thousand years would have to wait until they had the ability to protect themselves before they could begin.

Luo Chen called this action a 'ten thousand year plan'.

Well, just like a certain Tang Shenwang, he is plotting against Douluo Continent ten thousand years later, and many people will also die.

Luochen would not call himself a messenger of justice, but he would not regret it either.

If one of the two worlds must be damaged, Luo Chen hopes it will be ten thousand years later.

You guys wait for me, I'll help Brother Wang Sheng and Yao'er find suitable fairy grass.

Everyone gained something from this trip to the Ice and Fire Eyes.

In addition, Luochen did not forget about his other friends and also selected suitable fairy grass for them.


Suddenly, Luochen discovered a very strange fairy grass.

It was a white flower that looked very ordinary at first glance.

The flowers are about the size of a palm, shaped like a peony, without grass leaves, and connected to a large black stone under the rhizome.

Isn't this the red color of lovesickness?

Oh, so there really is this kind of fairy grass? I thought the person who wrote the book made it up.

Luo Chen carefully recalled the anime he had watched in his previous life, and soon found the corresponding clip: Thinking about it this way, the fairy grass Xiao Wu ate seems to be this.

Luo Chen had seen the name Lovesick Heartbroken more than once in the books collected by Wuhun Palace.

The divine fairy grass is really different.

Luochen dug out the lovesickness and the stones together.

On top of the white flowers, I saw some astonishing patches of red, which looked quite thrilling.


Seeing that Luo Chen was suddenly attracted by a fairy grass, the three girls hurriedly stepped forward and asked, What kind of fairy grass is this? It actually grows on the stone.

This is lovesickness red.

After Luochen finished speaking, he began to tell the poignant love story about this fairy grass that he had read in the book.

A long time ago, there was a young man who was indifferent by nature and loved to tend flowers and plant trees.

The young man's love for flowers moved the flower fairy in the sky, and they married him privately in the mortal world.

But when the God of Heaven learned about this, he was very angry. He thought that immortals and mortals could not be compatible, so he ordered the Flower Fairy to be transferred back to the divine realm.

After losing his lover, the young man sighed and was depressed all day long, Luo Chen said: Until one day, an old man told the young man that his beloved white peony in the garden was the incarnation of his beloved wife. All he had to do was destroy the flower. If he goes, the flower fairy will lose his immortal body and be banished to the mortal world to remarry with him.

Although the young man loved his wife, he couldn't bear to burn the peonies, so he could only cry to the flowers day and night. His tears dried up and his heart broke, and he died of longing for her.

When he was dying, he drained his blood on the petals, and the peony flower immediately turned into grass. The white petals were stained with red threads made from the young man's hard work, hence the name.

After listening to this, the three women were all silent.

Unlike the two girls who were just beginning to fall in love, Bibi Dong had already passed the age of youth and ignorance.

She had also been crazy about love.

It's a pity that he was young, frivolous and ignorant of the world. In the end, he was deceived of everything, leaving only boundless regret.

Choose your favorite flower, or destroy the flower and get your beloved wife back.

On one side is the beloved thing, on the other side is the beloved person. The young man cannot give up either one, and in the end he can only bleed to death.

This is what people are.

Bibi Dong lamented: No matter what you do, you can never be satisfied.


Seeing that Bibi Dong was thinking about the past again, Luo Chen patted the female pope's hand and signaled that she had passed.


Bibi Dong hugged Luo Chen and said, I'm fine, Xiaochen.

'well. ’

The beautiful pope sighed: 'How wonderful it would have been if I had met Xiaochen. ’

Not mentioning Bibi Dong's secret sadness, Luo Chen continued to introduce to them the origin and special features of Lovesickness Heartbroken Red.

Acacia red is extremely magical, and it requires a special method to pick it.

Luochen said: When picking, you must think about your loved one and put a drop of your heart on the petals. If you are half-hearted, even if you vomit blood and die, you will never pick the flower.

It is precisely because of this that the effect of Acacia Heartbroken Red is far superior to that of other fairy grasses. It has the reputation of being the king of flowers and has miraculous effects on the living and dead, as well as flesh and bones.

Eating it can at least elevate the soul master to a greater level, and it will also completely transform the body.

After saying that, Luo Chen originally wanted to hand the Lovesickness Red to the three girls and let them try it out.

If you choose to take one among all the grass jelly, this Acacia Broken Heart Red is definitely the best choice among them.

This one strain alone can match the effects of three or four strains.

However, halfway through handing it over, Luochen stopped again.


What's wrong?

Seeing Luo Chen's hesitation, the three girls looked at him in confusion.


Luo Chen held the Lovesick Heartbroken Red Cup in front of him and said with a smile, I suddenly want to know if I can take down this fairy grass.

Don't tell me, this grass is actually quite fun.

Lovesickness Red can verify a person's feelings and is a kind of emotional detector.

Luo Chen became interested and wanted to know if he was qualified to take it off.


Qian Renxue and Hu Liena looked at each other. They also wanted to know if Luo Chen had a loved one in his heart.

But they were also very afraid, fearing that the person Luo Chen loved most was not them.

On the contrary, Bibi Dong was very calm.

She doesn't expect to become Luochen's favorite.

In fact, as long as Luochen's love can be given to her, Bibi Dong will be satisfied.

I'll go first, and then you can try too.

Luochen has no ghosts in his heart and is not afraid of testing.

He really likes Qian Renxue and Hu Liena, and he doesn't dislike Bibi Dong.

To be honest, Luo Chen actually prefers mature and beautiful women to little lolita and young girls.

However, Luo Chen didn't know what the mechanism was for determining the love-sickness, so he wasn't sure that he could be the destined person.


The next moment, Luo Chen forced out the blood from his mouth and spat it on the red petals of lovesickness.

At the same time, Luo Chen's mind reflected on every detail of his relationship with Bibi Dong and others in the past few years.

The petals are moving!

Qian Renxue saw the heartbroken red petals begin to sway, ranging from slight to violent.

However, it is a pity that the lovesickness did not fall off, and the hard work on the petals also disappeared.


Hu Liena said regretfully: How could this happen?

Feel sorry.

When Luo Chen opened his eyes, he was not surprised.

On the contrary, Luo Chen was very happy if Acacia Broken Heart Red could respond.

This shows that his feelings for the girls are not false, and he truly loves them.


This love is so broad.


Thinking of this, Luo Chen felt slightly embarrassed and said, I'm sorry, um, I seem to be a bit of a scumbag.


Hearing Luo Chen's words, the three women were silent for a while, and they also understood the reason why Luo Chen couldn't take off the lovesickness.

There was no way, there were too many women around Luochen.

If he only loves one person, he will hurt others.


Qian Renxue and Hu Liena couldn't help laughing.

Fraternity is actually nothing.

Anyway, they had already slept with Luo Chen, so it seemed like it wouldn't be a big deal if there were more sisters.

What, how can anyone say such a thing so righteously?

Bibi Dong nodded Luo Chen's head and said angrily: Bring it here and let the teacher try it too.


don’t worry.

Bibi Dong: If you don't even have the courage to face it, then you really can't let it go.

She took the Acacia Heartbroken Red and sprayed a mouthful of blood on the petals.

Closing her eyes, the beautiful pope held Luochen's hand tightly. Her delicate body trembled slightly, but her face became calmer.

She thought about how she was discovered by the Wuhun Palace when she was young and was made a saint because of her twin martial souls.

While everyone regarded her as a goddess, respectful and humble, only Yu Xiaogang behaved differently and attracted her attention.

Then, she lost her virginity in the secret room and was forced to give birth to Qian Renxue.

Bibi Dong had experienced pain and hatred in the past scenes, but it was after the boy appeared that she put them aside again.


The call of her favorite disciple kept echoing in Bibi Dong's heart. She 'saw' Luo Chen and saw every moment she had been with him over the years.

Bibi Dong's feelings towards Luochen are very complicated.

There is a master-student relationship between the two, as well as a sister-sister relationship, and a mother-son relationship.

The only thing that doesn't exist is the love between men and women.

However, as Luochen grew up day by day, he changed from the boy he was at first to the handsome and reliable young man he is now.

Now, Bibi Dong will always rely on each other from time to time.

At this time, Bibi Dong subconsciously regarded Luo Chen as a reliable man, not a child.


Bibi Dong: ‘What a disgusting woman’

However, every time she thought about waking up from nightmares at night, Luo Chen would always be there to comfort her and give her a warm embrace, and Bibi Dong didn't want to let go.

She knew that it didn't matter now.

But in a few years, if I am still the same as now, it would be too rude.

No matter how close they were, she couldn't always stay by Luochen's side.

‘So I really can’t have Xiaochen? ’

When maternal love changes, especially at this moment, Bibi Dong wants to ask her heart, is she really unable to go any further?

It was also at this time that Bibi Dong's own appearance appeared in his mind.

'Yes. ’

Bibi Dong suddenly had a realization: 'If I were not Bibi Dong, would I be willing to let Xiao Chen be with a woman like Bibi Dong? ’

Thinking of this, Bibi Dong couldn't help laughing at herself: 'How can a woman like me be worthy of Xiao Chen? ’


Opening her eyes, Bibi Dong did not look at the lovesickness red in her hand, but directly handed it to Hu Liena beside her.

Teacher, what's wrong with you?


I'm fine.

Bibi Dong suppressed the sadness in her heart and forced a smile: Okay, Nana, let's give it a try with Xiaoxue.

She felt that she was so ridiculous that she had the guts to ask about her heart and prove her love for Luo Chen with the heartbroken red.

Now that's good, are you humiliating yourself?


Hu Liena blinked. She held the lovesickness in her hands and said with emotion: It's such a pity. Teacher, you obviously let it fall.


Suddenly, Bibi Dong looked at the little fox in surprise: What did Nana say? Did I let the flower fall?

No, it's impossible!

Bibi Dong has already given up and is willing to be Luochen's teacher and mother (mother-in-law) for the rest of her life.

But Hu Liena's words made her extinguished ambition once again show signs of resurgence.

It's true, teacher.

Luo Chen also said: If you want to get Lovesickness Red, you can't hesitate at all. Teachers like this are still depressed in their hearts and are short of breath.


Bibi Dong was stunned. She wanted to try again, but in the end she didn't.

It's enough to use a magical object like Lovesick Red to verify one's own feelings. How can it be used again and again?

‘Xiaochen! ’

Bibi Dong secretly clenched her fists, realizing that she was wrong.

Indeed, she was not worthy of Luo Chen.

But so what?

She didn't want to monopolize Luo Chen.

'It is normal for a boy as outstanding as Xiaochen to have three wives and four concubines. ’

Bibi Dong asked herself that she was not qualified to be favored by Luo Chen, not to mention being his wife or concubine.

However, even if she could only occupy a small corner, what would she be dissatisfied with?

‘That’s right! ’

‘Xiao Xue Nana deserves Xiao Chen’s love, as for me’

Bibi Dong: ‘No matter how good a girl is, Xiaochen will get tired of it. When the time comes, he can come to me! ’

Instead of looking for other women outside, it's better to come to her for a change.


When she thought of this, Bibi Dong couldn't help laughing.


Luochen and the others looked at Bibi Dong in confusion, completely unaware of the reason for the series of changes in her eyes.

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