Douluo: Wuhun is the Star Casting Dragon King

Chapter 126 Dugu Bo’s Ascension Ceremony

(The number of chapters is wrong, this is chapter 81)

‘It will last forever! ’

‘How dare you say that. ’

Dugu Bo didn't have high hopes for Luo Chen's so-called family longevity.

He subconsciously felt that Luo Chen wanted to recruit him, so he told such baseless nonsense.

However, when Dugu Bo put his eyes on Luo Chen's palm, the sun disk emitting dazzling golden light, his original indifferent attitude was instantly replaced by endless desire.

'What is this? ’

‘Martial spirit? This kid's martial spirit is a golden disc? ’

What kind of martial spirit is this? Why have I never seen it before?

The old man's hands trembled slightly, and for the first time, he became confused about his own understanding.

Dugu Bo stared at the sun disk. He could feel an unprecedented attraction from this thing.

It is a desire that comes from life for higher-dimensional species.

If I had to use one sentence to describe Dugu Bo's state at this time, it would probably be something like, If you hear the Tao in the morning, you can die in the evening.

Live to get there.

If you can set foot on it, you can die without any regrets.


Dugu Bo was startled by this sudden thought.

He gasped repeatedly and even stepped back subconsciously.

However, after just half a step back, the desire surging from his heart made Dugu Bo stop his movements forcefully, unwilling to leave.

My martial spirit is called the Sun Disk. It can solve the flaws in the martial arts of my predecessors.

If it was just now, Dugu Bo might still be suspicious.

But now, after actually having this dreamlike experience, Dugubo no longer has any doubts in his mind: ‘This thing can definitely solve my problems! ’

Do you feel it?

Luo Chen took a step forward, looked at Dugu Bo with a look of obsession in his eyes, and said with a smile: I can give you and your granddaughter the opportunity to reach the sky in one step.

As for the price, you just need to serve me as your master.

Acknowledge you as my master?

Dugu Bo was a little dissatisfied, but after scanning the brilliance of the sun disk, he hesitated.

To be honest, it was really embarrassing for him, a titled Douluo, to accept a brat as his master.

But considering Luochen's identity.

The Holy Son of Wuhun Palace, the future heir, it is actually no big deal to accept him as the master.

The only difference is that he has changed from being a free person to being inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people.

Not to mention that Luochen also offered him a price he couldn't refuse, an opportunity that would allow him, his granddaughter, and even his granddaughter's children, the descendants of the Dugu family, to rise completely.

This is Luochen's temptation.

As for coercion.

Dugu Bo looked at Bibi Dong, who was looking at him eagerly, and sighed helplessly: Isn't this woman the Pope? Why does she look like this guy's thug? ’

‘Oh, it is indeed my biological child. ’

A mother stands up for her son. It is estimated that not many people in this world care about their own identity.

Of course, I can let you, senior, see the results first.

Luo Chen is not like Bibi Dong, he is willing to give his sincerity first.


I will first help you, senior, solve the martial arts problem without using this Earth Dragon Golden Melon, Luo Chen said, After that, senior will consider whether to agree to my request.

Then, what if I don't agree?

Senior, what do you think?

Luo Chen smiled brightly, but when this smile fell in Dugu Bo's eyes, it was so cold.

There is no doubt that if you want to refuse a benefit after receiving it, you can imagine the consequences.

Luochen is friendly to others, but that doesn't mean he has no temper.

Let alone Luo Chen, if Dugu Bo really dared to leave after completing the ascension ceremony, Bibi Dong would definitely attack him immediately.

Qian Renxue and Hu Liena held hands.

The little fox's soul power is not cultivated enough to withstand the cold and fire energy of the Ice and Fire Eyes. He needs Qian Renxue's ultimate sacred power that can purify everything, so that he can freely play in this paradise-like secret realm.

No one paid attention to their actions, even Dugu Bo.

Since he decided to give the medicine garden to Luo Chen as a thank you, he would not regret it.

And based on this alone, Luo Chen could look up to Dugu Bo.

It seems that I can only agree.

Dugu Bo understood his situation. Luo Chen seemed to have given him a choice, but in fact he had no choice at all.

He only has one chance to survive today, and that is to agree to Luochen.

There was no way, Dugu Bo saw Bibi Dong and Luo Chen.

Wuhun Palace hides the existence of Luo Chen, and the entire Douluo Continent does not know that this person exists, which shows his importance to Wuhun Palace.

In this world, only the dead can keep secrets.

Unless Dugu Bo and Dugu Yan become their own people.

What should I do?

Nothing to do.

Luo Chen let the sun disk hang in the sky: My martial spirit can take your martial spirit one step further, evolve from a top-level beast martial spirit to a dragon species, and gain an innate domain.


Dugubo was already surprised when he heard that he had evolved into a dragon species, but in the awakening realm, this was a treatment that only a super martial soul could get.

Can you make my martial spirit evolve into a super martial spirit?

How could this be done? Dugu Bo looked at Luo Chen in disbelief, unable to imagine that there was such a magical martial spirit in this world.

This is the power of my martial spirit.

Luo Chen did not hide anything and said bluntly: I can make the soul master's martial soul evolve, not just from the top martial soul to the super martial soul, but even to the ultimate martial soul, a god-level martial soul. As long as the soul master's potential is enough, I can The same can be done.”


At this moment, Dugu Bo's whole person was sluggish.

He couldn't believe that Luo Chen had such unreasonable power.

But when he thought of his identity as the Holy Son of Wuhun Palace, Dugu Bo suddenly realized: 'No wonder this kid can become the Holy Son and is protected so closely. This ability is simply...'

‘This boy is the Holy Son of the Wuhun Palace, and he possesses a powerful weapon that can evolve the Wuhun. ’

‘The rise of Wuhun Palace will be unstoppable. ’

Thinking about it this way, Dugu Bo found that joining the Wuhun Palace was really the only option in the future.

In more than ten years, Dugu Bo could not even imagine how powerful the Wuhun Palace would become with Luo Chen.

In addition, Dugu Bo has completely understood that he is doomed.

After hearing such a secret, if he doesn't become one of his own, today next year will be his death anniversary.

In addition, Luo Chen dared to speak out so openly, and he also caught Dugu Bo's weakness - Dugu Yan.

My granddaughter, what are your plans?

I will ask the teacher to take her back to Wuhun City and join Wuhundian Academy.

Having Dugu Yan in Wuhun City is enough to ensure that Dugu Bo will not betray.

And when Dugu Yan grows up and has a sense of belonging to Wuhun Palace, then Dugu Bo will naturally advance and retreat with Wuhun Palace.

Therefore, on the one hand, Luo Chen believed in Dugu Bo's character and knew that the old man had clear grudges.

On the other hand, he also made a lot of preparations to ensure that Dugu Bo was obedient.


Bibi Dong made no secret of her unhappiness.

In her opinion, there is no need to recruit Dugu Bo or anything else.

The old poisonous creature can't even defeat Ju Douluo, so it's not an exaggeration to call him a piece of trash.

If it weren't for the large-scale poisonous attack that was so terrifying, Bibi Dong would have killed him on the spot to avoid future troubles.

His Royal Highness the Holy Son has given me the soul bone poison and the earth dragon golden melon, two methods of detoxification.

It stands to reason that these two points alone are enough for me to sacrifice my life in repayment. I shouldn't have any other extravagant hopes.

Dugu Bo was indeed threatened by Luo Chen, but he also benefited from it.

It is true that the old poisonous man is cruel and ruthless, but he really values ​​love and justice.

If it were anyone else, Luo Chen would not just ascend for him casually.

What about senior's choice?

I have chosen the best policy!

Dugu Bo made a decision: If there is a perfect antidote, I will swear allegiance to His Highness the Holy Son to the death!

It will not let you down.

Luo Chen smiled slightly and asked Dugu Bo to relax without any resistance.

Dugu Bo was also very courageous. Just as Luo Chen said, he completely let down his guard and allowed Luo Chen to do whatever he wanted.


As the words fell, azure starlight poured down from the sun's disk like a waterfall, completely covering Dugu Bo.

Soon, Dugu Bo, who was bathed in the power of ascension, felt an extremely pure energy integrating from the top of his head into his body, and even his own Jade Scale Snake Emperor martial spirit was cheering.

here it is?

The next moment, Dugu Bo found himself in a world that looked like a starry sky.

He stood on the top of a huge mountain that seemed to connect the astral world and the human world. In front of him were floating golden disks of various sizes, forming a staircase leading to higher places.

And at the end of the disk, the endless stars seemed to form an extremely majestic figure.


When Dugu Bo saw the whole figure clearly, his pupils shrank suddenly and he felt his mind trembling.

Dragon, a giant dragon in the starry sky that is like the universe, is looking down at himself as small as dust from the end of the world.

'What's this? ’

Feeling the god-like gaze, Dugu Bo subconsciously wanted to kneel down.

No need to kneel.

Luochen supported Dugu Bo's body, and he did not underestimate the other's willpower.

After all, before this, when Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo were ascended, their performance was not much better than Dugu Bo's.

This voice?

Dugu Bo was shocked and said: Are you, His Royal Highness the Son of God?

it's me.

Luo Chen guided Dugu Bo and asked him to move forward and embark on the road to ascension.

The result was just as Luo Chen predicted. Dugu Bo's potential had been exhausted. He could transform the Jade Scaled Snake King into a dragon species, plus one more domain, which was his limit.

Your Highness the Holy Son, I can't go any further.

Dugu Bo stood on the disk panting. He tried his best, but he really couldn't move even one step forward.

Well, not bad.

Luo Chen said: At least it's much stronger than the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Stronger than the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex?

Originally, Dugu Bo thought that his performance made Luo Chen dissatisfied.

Enough, enough!

Dugu Bo couldn't hide his joy. Seeing this, Luo Chen knew that his expectations were too high.


A green giant python swam out from the starry sky. It coiled up around Dugu Bo obediently, as if surrendering to Luochen.

The stars in the sky continued to twinkle, and the Green Scaled Snake King began to evolve.

And when the light fell, what appeared in front of Dugu Bo again was a dark green dragon.


The dragon's roar was deep and powerful, as powerful as thunder, and its dark green scales shone brightly in the starlight, reflecting the face of his soul master.

This is what my martial soul will look like after it evolves.

Dugu Bo stretched out his hand and touched Jiaolong's head.

The soul master and the martial soul looked at each other as if they could feel each other's heartbeats.

At the same time, Dugu Bo in reality opened his eyes, and his originally turquoise hair turned silvery white in an instant.

I, the poison in my body is really cured!

Dugu Bo found that the hidden injuries on his body caused by his cultivation were disappearing.

There is also a poison skill, which has transformed into the purest soul power as the martial soul evolves.

However this is not a bad thing.

Dugu Bo had a feeling that as long as he wanted to, he could turn his soul power into a poisonous skill that far surpassed the poison of the Jade Scaled Snake Emperor.


My cultivation level!!

Dugu Bo looked at his hands in shock. He looked at Luo Chen, who was smiling at the side, with obvious gratitude and awe in his eyes: Your Highness, what is going on? Why has my soul power increased so much? ?”

Yes, Dugu Bo broke through.

From the original level 91 titled Douluo, he jumped to level 95.

He was promoted to 4 levels in a row in the Title Realm, and also broke through a major realm, becoming a Super Douluo.

Such a huge leap made Dugu Bo almost think he was dreaming.

It's not just my fault, the senior's luck is indeed good.

Luo Chen could see at a glance why Dugu Bo was able to break through the Super Douluo. He pointed at the old man's Dantian: With the help of the power of ascension, your poison bead merged with the Dantian, and it was an incomparable coincidence that it helped you achieve success. Got the first soul core.

The power of ascension, the evolution of the martial soul, the energy contained in the poison beads, plus the development of the soul power of the first soul core.

Due to various coincidences, Dugu Bo broke through to level 95.

To be honest, even Luo Chen didn't expect that this old man would be so lucky.

Ha ha ha ha.

After hearing Luo Chen's explanation, Dugu Bo laughed at first, and then solemnly knelt in front of Luo Chen: Your Highness, I keep my word. From now on, you can do whatever you want!


Luo Chen took a look at the relationship judgment and found that Dugu Bo's loyalty and gratitude had reached an extremely high level.

Especially loyalty, the ultimate prefix silently tells Dugu Bo's character and attitude.

He truly surrendered without any second thoughts.

Elder Poison doesn't need to be polite, we will be a family from now on.

Luo Chen helped Dugu Bo stand up and said, Earth Dragon Golden Melon, I will hand it over to your granddaughter, and then perform the ascension ceremony for her.


Dugu Bo said in surprise: His Royal Highness the Holy Son is willing to fly for Yan Yan?

Dugubo has already experienced the power of the ascension ceremony. It is simply a double enjoyment for the body and soul.

Hearing that his granddaughter had such an opportunity, Dugu Bo couldn't help but feel heartbroken.

At this moment, Dugu Bo looked at His Highness the Holy Son, who was handsome in appearance, but whose strength and potential were unfathomable, and he couldn't help but feel the urge to introduce his granddaughter to him.

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