Douluo: Wuhun is the Star Casting Dragon King

Chapter 125 Solving the problem


The so-called saint son and saint girl are actually the successors of the Pope of Wuhun Palace.

When Luo Chen said that he was the Holy Son, he was telling Dugu Bo that he would become the Pope of Wuhun Palace in the future.


The Holy Son is the Holy Son, what does accounting for mean?

Dugu Bo glanced at Bibi Dong and found that the other person had a calm expression and was not dissatisfied at all with Luo Chen's words.

This made Dugu Bo even more confused.

As far as he knew, he had never heard of Wuhun Palace establishing any new saints in recent years.

But, Bibi Dong is standing here.

Even the Pope himself did not refute it, so the identity of the Holy Son cannot be faked.

‘Well, it’s solid. ’

Dugu Bo's lips twitched slightly: 'This kid is probably Bibi Dong's illegitimate son. ’

The illegitimate son, the successor to the next pope, is barely considered a holy son.

Isn’t this exactly right?

As for Bibi Dong having an illegitimate child, Dugu Bo had no idea.

He is so powerful, let alone an illegitimate child, even if he is raising a bunch of good-looking people, who dares to say anything?


Suddenly, Bibi Dong felt that Dugu Bo was thinking about something bad, and her eyes changed slightly.

The next moment, Ling Lie's murderous intent once again enveloped Dugu Bo.

‘Ah this! ’

Dugu Bo quickly suppressed the distracting thoughts in his heart and did not dare to arrange the other party's private life.

Fierce, so ferocious!

For a woman like Bibi Dong, in the whole world, it is estimated that only her biological son can show her gentle side.

I wonder what your Majesty the Holy Son has ordered?

Being stared at by Bibi Dong, Dugu Bo felt extremely pressured, so he quickly asked.

If possible, Dugu Bo actually does not want to hand over the Ice and Fire Eyes to Wuhun Palace.

Even if he doesn't think about himself, Dugubo still has to think about his granddaughter's future.

I understand the concerns of Lord Poison Douluo.

Luo Chen pointed out the snake venom in Dugu Bo's body: For you, this ice and fire eye is a life-saving treasure to suppress toxins. Without it, you probably won't live for a few years.


When someone revealed the true situation, Dugu Bo's face darkened.

If someone else said this, Dugu Bo would definitely kill the opponent directly to ensure that this would be enough to threaten his secrets from being leaked.

However, the person who said this was Luo Chen.

And next to him stood Bibi Dong, who could kill him instantly.

If my guess is correct.

Luochen said: Whenever it's cloudy and rainy, you will have a numb and itchy feeling on your sides, and it will gradually get stronger.

As Luo Chen described the symptoms of the poison he had suffered, Dugu Bo's expression changed again and again.

From the initial surprise and panic, to the subsequent excitement and anticipation.

Why do you know so clearly?

Dugu Bo's tone was extremely excited. He couldn't believe that someone could see the crux of his problem with just the naked eye.

Inexplicably, Dugu Bo guessed a possibility.

The other party may know how to detoxify him!

Dare to ask His Royal Highness the Holy Son if he knows how to do it?

I know.

Luo Chen said openly: But, why should I detoxify you?

Hearing what Luo Chen said, Dugu Bo was also slightly startled.

Yes, what does the other party have to do with me? Why should I help him detoxify?

Dugu Bo, you are lucky.

Bibi Dong saw what the disciple meant: My disciple is different from me. He has a kind heart and doesn't want to do anything to rob others of their opportunities.


Not stealing opportunities?

Dugu Bo really wanted to say something to Bibi Dong: 'You bitch, you fucking bully me too much! ’

He said that he would not fight or grab, but when he came up, he made him kneel on his knees.


Bibi Dong glared at Dugu Bo: Are you dissatisfied?

How dare you, me? I think His Majesty the Pope is right.

People have to bow their heads under the eaves. Dugu Yan is still young and needs his care, so Dugu Bo must not die here.


Dugu Bo glanced at Luo Chen.

He had to admit that the impression the Holy Son of Wuhun Palace gave him was completely different from Bibi Dong.

So there is no need to say anything else.

As long as Dugu Bo is not stupid, he should know how to do it.

I am willing to exchange this medicine garden with His Highness the Holy Son!

Dugu Bo guarded this medicine garden originally to suppress the poison in his body.

If it can solve his own problems, why not just give Luo Chen a medicine garden?

As for what Luo Chen said about the Ice and Fire Eyes.

Dugubo had never heard of this name.

He is not someone who cannot let go.

Kongshou Baoshan doesn't know it, which means that Dugubo has no connection with this place.

Since there is no fate, it is useless to force it, and it may cost your life, so it is really not worth it.


Luo Chen still prefers trading to stealing.

After agreeing, Luo Chen did not let Dugu Bo wait and went directly to the ice and fire eyes full of herbs.

His Royal Highness the Holy Son!

Seeing this, Dugu Bo quickly shouted: This place is dangerous, you...

no need to worry.

Bibi Dong interrupted: The contrast between the cold poison and the fire poison can't hurt my Xiaochen.

When she first entered the Eye of Ice and Fire, Bibi Dong noticed the specialness of this place.

It was precisely because of this that Bibi Dong knew that the environment here could not stop Luo Chen.

Many of the herbs here are highly poisonous, and even I dare not touch them casually.

Dugu Bo knew that his fortune and life depended entirely on Luo Chen, so he didn't dare to gamble.

I know.

Luochen scanned the exotic flowers and plants on the ground and quickly found what he needed.

Well, that's it.

As mentioned before, Luo Chen could only recognize 20% of the poisonous herbs here, and among them were treasures that could cure the flaws of Dugu Bo's martial soul.

This is.

When Dugu Bo saw Luo Chen picking a spiritual fruit that looked like a sweet potato, he asked, Could this thing be able to detoxify the poison in my body?

Poison Douluo, does he know how you were poisoned?


Dugu Bo laughed at himself: It's funny to say that I am an expert in using poisons, but I just happened to be poisoned by my own Green Scale Snake Emperor poison.

It's just that I don't know why I was poisoned.

Dugubo never thought about this.

To be honest, if he had known the poisonous nature of this, his son and daughter-in-law would not have died.

It was after experiencing such a tragedy that Dugu Bo worried about the future of his granddaughter Dugu Yan.

Dugu Yan can also be poisoned, the difference is only in the morning and in the evening.

Even if the Jade Scaled Snake Venom is not as good as the Jade Scaled Snake King Venom, it is not something that ordinary men can bear.

By then, the inheritance of their Dugu family may be completely extinct in Dugu Yan's lineage.

In my opinion, the most likely reason why the senior will be counterattacked by his own snake venom is that the senior's martial spirit itself has flaws.

According to Luo Chen's research on martial souls, if a martial soul is poisoned, the soul master will also be poisoned.

But this situation is extremely rare.

Most of the beast spirits do not have entities, and the weapon spirits are not poisoned.

Even Luo Chen had only seen dozens of similar cases in the records of Wuhun Palace.

However, after Luo Chen's investigation, it was found that Dugu Bo was not a soul master poisoned due to martial soul poisoning.

That's right, the Jade Scale Snake King was not poisoned.

The only one who was poisoned was Dugu Bo, a soul master.

Is there a flaw in my Jade Scale Snake Emperor martial spirit?


Luo Chen asked: If I guessed correctly, your martial spirit should have experienced an evolution, right?


Dugu Bo nodded: But so what?

It is precisely because of evolution that the original flaws of the green-scaled snake have been further amplified.

Luo Chen said: There is no problem with the green scale snake venom itself. The problem is that your martial spirit lacks an organ to process its own snake venom.

An organ that processes snake venom?

Dugu Bo wondered: What does this mean?

To put it simply, although the snake venom of our predecessors is powerful, it cannot store and transform toxins without limit.

On this point, Luo Chen actually has a say.

Because his beautiful Pope's Death Spider Emperor has a poison sac that the Jade Scale Snake Emperor does not have.

After the Death Spider King evolved into the Death Demon Scythe, he condensed the poison element to the extreme.

They both contain extremely poisonous spirits, so why is Bibi Dong okay, but Dugu Bo is almost killing himself?

Some people may say that the Death Spider Emperor is a super martial spirit, which makes Bibi Dong's physique far stronger than Dugu Bo.

Looking at it this way, it does make sense.

However, Luo Chen felt that the reason why Dugu Bo was poisoned was ultimately due to the fact that the Green Scaled Snake Emperor himself could not handle his own snake venom perfectly.

Because it cannot be completely processed, the Jade Scale Snake Emperor's martial spirit will instinctively expel the excess snake venom from the body.

The Jade Scale Snake Emperor poison needs to be excreted from the body, and Dugu Bo, the soul master, is the only way to go through the detoxification process.

Kill yourself to death.

Bibi Dong said disdainfully: Dugu Bo, your reputation as the weakest title is really well-deserved.


Dugu Bo looked at Bibi Dong angrily, but saw that the other party had summoned the Death Spider Emperor martial spirit.

This is?!

When the Death Spider King, who evolved into the ultimate beast martial spirit, appeared, Dugu Bo clearly felt the suppression from the superior martial spirit of the same attribute.

My martial spirit is called Death Spider Emperor. Like your Jade Scale Snake Emperor, they were both top beast martial spirits.

And the quality of my Death Spider Emperor is even higher than that of your Jade Scale Snake Emperor.

Born with the realm of death, the Jade Scaled Snake King is by no means a mere top-level martial spirit.

According to my Xiaochen, when you are practicing, Dugu Bo, is it possible that your martial soul will always produce toxins?

After saying that, Bibi Dong looked at Dugu Bo's face that turned completely dark, and knew that she was right: Oh, it's really ridiculous.

Theoretically, the cultivation of poison-attribute martial souls will not produce toxins.

To put it bluntly, poison is more like a formula, a set of recipes.

how to say?

Take Bibi Dong’s Death Spider Emperor as an example.

The Death Spider Emperor's martial spirit is indeed a poison-attributed beast martial spirit, but its poison sac does not store much poison, and there is even no poison at all.

Bibi Dong's cultivation of ultimate poison is more about refining the origin of 'poison'.

This is the ‘toxin formula’ mentioned above.

By continuously improving the quality of the poison, during the battle, using soul power to activate it, the Death Spider King can instantly produce a large amount of poison.

In other words, what Bibi Dong improved was the quality and speed of the Death Spider King's poison production.

As for normal times, Bibi Dong's Death Spider Emperor is not poisonous at all, and she herself will not poison anyone.

Just imagine, if every soul master who awakens a poison-attribute martial spirit is like Dugu Bo and Dugu Yan, they will poison each other due to contact.

What does this mean?

This shows that Dugu Bo and Dugu Yan cannot even control their own power.

In the same way, a martial soul that continuously produces toxins during cultivation must have something wrong with it.

Just like the teacher said.

Luo Chen said: Senior's martial soul has been flawed from the very beginning, causing it to become extremely poisonous as soon as it is practiced.

The martial spirit itself cannot completely store these toxins and can only eliminate them from the body.

As a result, Dugu Yan was poisoned, Dugu Bo was also poisoned, and people who came into contact with them would also be poisoned.

The difference between the three is that Dugu Yan and Dugu Bo are more resistant to martial spirit toxins than outsiders.

So, how to solve this?

Dugu Bo already believed Luo Chen's judgment, because after his martial soul evolved, he condensed a poison bead in his body.

According to Luo Chen, this poison bead is obviously the product of the remaining poison expelled by the Green Scale Snake King.

There are three solutions: upper, middle and lower.

I'll talk about the middle strategy first.

Luo Chen pointed at the Earth Dragon Golden Melon in Dugu Bo's hand and said, This thing is called the Earth Dragon Golden Melon. It can allow a martial spirit with dragon attributes or the qualification to transform into a dragon to evolve into a dragon-type martial spirit.

The Jade Scale Snake King is the king of snakes and naturally has the qualifications to transform into a dragon.

Although this evolution is not 100%, you have a glimmer of hope.

Luo Chen told Dugu Bo that the Green Scale Snake King would evolve into a dragon species, and its shortcomings would most likely be compensated for.

By then, all problems will be solved naturally.

But there is only one Earth Dragon Golden Melon, which means that only one of the seniors and his granddaughters can get this opportunity.


Having said that, Dugu Bo is actually not worried about this.

Dugu Yan was his lifeblood, and Dugu Bo didn't think much about the ownership of Earth Dragon Jin Gua.

As for myself

Dugu Bo asked: What about the best and worst strategies?

The next best thing is to let the poison that is discharged by the martial soul be set up at a transfer station before it leaves the body of the senior.

Luochen said: My idea is, soul bones.

Soul bone?


Luo Chen nodded and said: Let's briefly describe the flow route of snake venom from the inside to the outside. It should be the martial spirit itself, the soul bone, the soul master, and the outside of the body.

The properties of poison beads are actually similar to soul bones.

It's just that it intervenes between the soul bone and the soul master. Even if the poison beads are condensed, it will continue to affect Dugu Bo, eventually causing him to be poisoned and die.

The soul bone is different from the poison bead. It is independent.

Storing excess snake venom in the soul bone is like casting a fully enclosed box to isolate the soul master from direct contact with the snake venom.

Hearing this, Dugu Bo felt that his eyes were bright and he felt suddenly enlightened.

For him, let alone the middle strategy or the best strategy, just this bad strategy, Dugu Bo felt that he had a chance of survival.

It's just that this method has quite a few flaws. It's almost like a time bomb.

Luo Chen talked about the shortcomings of poison storage in soul bones, that is, there is an upper limit to the poison that soul bones can hold. Once it is overloaded, there is also the possibility of sudden death.

But if it is a high-quality soul bone, it may last longer.

Luo Chen said: At least it's okay to let senior die in peace.

After hearing that he had passed away, Dugu Bo's heart was completely relieved when he heard about the ticking time bomb.

That's enough, that's enough.

Dugu Bo said gratefully: Thank you, little friend, for the rescue. I am very grateful!

Don't be so quick to thank me yet.

Luo Chen smiled and said, Don't you want to hear the best advice?

The best solution?

Only then did Dugu Bo realize that Luo Chen had only mentioned the middle strategy and the worst strategy, and no matter which of the two strategies he chose, he could solve his problems.

The only difference is that the middle policy treats the root cause and the lower policy treats the symptoms.

But this is limited to Dugu Bo.

If it is Dugu Yan, after she eats the earth dragon golden melon, her martial spirit will turn into a dragon seed.

If luck can be passed down through the bloodline, the descendants of the Dugu family will never be troubled by this snake venom again, and it will be safe once and for all.

So Dugu Bo didn't understand.

What kind of best strategy can be better than the earth dragon and golden melon?

In Dugu Bo's view, Dilong Jingua has been able to perfectly solve their Dugu family's problems.

I have a way.

Luo Chen spread his hands and summoned the sun disk: I can make your Dugu family last forever!!

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