Cough cough cough.

Ah Yin, my Ah Yin

Yuexuan, Tang San took care of the seriously injured Tang Hao.

The door opened, and Tang Yuehua walked to Tang Hao with the medicine. She was very worried about her second brother's current condition.

Brother Hao.

Looking at the weak Tang Hao, Tang Yuehua was heartbroken: The most important thing now is to recover from the injury.

Yes, Dad.

Tang San also consoled him: Mom must have some difficulties to do that.

What happened not long ago really shocked Tang San too much.

First, Tianmeng in this world turned into a girl, and she was powerful enough to fight her father.

Luo Chen appeared next, with that majestic body that looked like it was made of stars. Tang San could feel the dimensional suppression just by standing aside and watching the battle.

There is no doubt that the opponent is using the power of law that is a level higher than divine power.

However, even the Tang Shenwang barely mastered this kind of power after becoming the Supreme God King.

Why is Luo Chen, a mortal, so strong?

‘Besides, that shouldn’t be his full strength. ’

Although Tang San was still very weak, his vision was definitely no worse than anyone else's.

So Tang San could be sure that Luo Chen's posture called Titan Mode probably only showed the tip of the iceberg of his true power.

If Luo Chen were here and knew that Tang San had such a guess, he would definitely praise him.

That's right, since the Titan Mode was named the Titan by Luo Chen, it naturally couldn't have only that little power.

But facing Tang Hao, Luo Chen didn't need to take him seriously.

Yes, Ah Yin must have some difficulties.

Tigan Peak!!

After hearing Tang San's words, Tang Hao sat up as if he was having a flashback. His eyes were bloodshot, and his hatred for Luo Chen and others reached the extreme: You imprisoned my A Yin, and I, Tang Hao, will be with you. Till death!

Dad, I will definitely help you bring mom back.

Tang San grabbed Tang Hao's hand. Both father and son had the same disease, and both lost the woman they loved most.


Tang Yuehua looked at the miserable father and son, she sighed quietly, and said to herself: 'This sect called Giant God Peak is really unpredictable. ’

‘It’s just the two members who have been exposed now’

Tianmeng's strength was far from what Tang San said he could rival Tang Hao.

The girl pressed Tang Hao to the ground and rubbed him the whole time, just like an adult playing with a child, leaving him unable to fight back.

Plus Luochen.

One punch and two kicks could almost kill Tang Hao instantly.

Second brother, I have already sent the information here back to the sect.


Tang Hao gradually calmed down, and he knew what he should do.

Rather than giving up here, it would be better to recover from the injury with all your strength, and then take A Yin back with your own hands.

What happened to the sect, Yuehua, do you know?

I only know that the sect seems to have some kind of opportunity.

Tang Yuehua told Tang Hao that the sect had not contacted Yuexuan for a long time.

Although Yuexuan would regularly deliver various supplies to Tangjiacun, the response there became more mediocre each time.

Especially the elders in the sect and the eldest brother Tang Xiao. Even Tang Yuehua hadn't seen him for two years.


This matter is a top secret of the Haotian Sect, and even the five elders are not qualified to leak it.

Tang Yuehua is from the Tang family, but she is just a woman, and she shows herself outside, so she is not taken seriously by the elders.

If she hadn't been the sister of Tang Xiao and Tang Hao, the Haotian Sect would have expelled her directly.

After all, a loser who is only level 9 and is not even a soul master, what qualifications does he have to be a disciple of the Haotian Sect?

What kind of opportunity, even Yuehua, you don't know about?

Tang Hao wanted to return to the Haotian Sect, but when he thought of his father Tang Tian, ​​who was so angry with him, how could he be so shameless as to acknowledge his ancestor and return to the sect?

He is the shame of the Haotian Sect and the culprit who caused the sect to retreat into seclusion.

It is not without reason that Tang Hao in the original work was willing to fall.

The sect's disaster and the death of his wife A Yin were two blows combined, and the enemy was a monster like Qian Daoliu.

No matter how arrogant Tang Hao is, he doesn't think he can defeat Qian Daoliu in his lifetime.

So, with no hope for the future and not being able to implicate the Haotian Sect, what else could Tang Hao do?

Some people may say that Tang Hao should practice harder.


Hasn't he already avenged the murder of his wife?

If Qian Xunji had not died, Tang Hao would still have a target for revenge.

But the problem is, Qianxunji is dead.

It's like you have practiced for decades for revenge, and when you get the magic power, you find that all your enemies are already dead.

To a certain extent, the appearance of Titan Peak and Ah Yin made Tang Hao feel the passion that he had not boiled for a long time.

Be it hatred or unwillingness.

He can no longer be so decadent.


I'm fine, mistress.

The anger in Tang Hao's eyes gradually dissipated, replaced by a firm gaze.

Second brother!

Tang Yuehua looked at Tang Hao who cheered up and was overjoyed.

She had always wanted to tell Haotian Sect about Tang Hao's stay in Yuexuan, but she was afraid that the elders would reprimand Tang Hao, so she chose to pass on the superstition and planned to let only her eldest brother Tang Xiao know about it.

However, it was as if the Haotian Sect had really closed down the mountain, and there had been no movement for two whole years.

Brother Hao, I plan to go back to the sect.

Go back to the sect?

Tang Hao suddenly came up with the idea of ​​letting Tang Yuehua take Tang San back to recognize his ancestor.

However, considering that Tang San was still young, if the Haotian Sect could teach him, Tang Hao himself could also teach him.

Rather than letting Tang San train in the Haotian Sect, which lacks resources, it would be better to attend a soul master academy outside, such as Tiandou Royal Academy, which is a good choice.

Yuehua, apologize to my eldest brother on my behalf. It was my ignorance that caused everyone harm.

Brother Hao.

Tang Yuehua said: Don't you know what kind of person eldest brother is? How could he blame you?

If he knew you were here, he would definitely come and meet us again.

The next day, Tang Yuehua took a convoy full of supplies to Haotian Sect, while Tang Hao continued to search for the Ice and Fire Eyes in the Sunset Forest.

Tang San told Tang Hao that if he wanted to break through in strength in a short time, the immortal grass in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi was the best way.

As for Tang San himself, he decided to go to Luo Chen to get information.

And his reasons are very good.

I don't know if my mother is doing well with that boy.

And Xiao Wu, Tang San was afraid that she would be bullied by Luo Chen: 'Xiao Wu, I will definitely let you come back to me. ’

Unfortunately, the plan was wonderful, but the reality was that Luo Chen didn't give Tang San a chance to get close to him.

Xiao Wu has been sent back to the Lake of Life by Luo Chen, and A Yin has also returned to the spirit space because of the relationship between Tang Hao and his son.

Anyway, A Yin will not show up again before Luochen leaves Tiandou City.

In this way, a week passed.

That night, Luo Chen came to the core area of ​​Wuhun Temple through the power of space.

Little Lord.

Salas had been waiting for a long time, and when he saw Luochen appeared, he quickly knelt down and saluted.

No gift.

Luochen asked Salas to stand up and asked, How did the thing I asked you to do go?

According to your instructions, I ordered people to secretly investigate all the main martial arts halls and branch halls under my jurisdiction, and found many situations where people were lining their own pockets and causing trouble in the countryside.

These people have been arrested by the law enforcement team and are at their disposal at any time.

After saying that, Salas did not get up, but waited quietly for Luochen to leave.


Luochen glanced at Salas, who was silent for a while.

Follow the procedure, Bishop Salas.

Luochen used his soul power to divide the information into six categories: death penalty, severe punishment, light punishment, punishment, encouragement, and praise.

Although there were some arrogances in the procedure, Luo Chen didn't waste any time and directly gave the scope of punishment, such as what kind of crimes should be killed and what kind could be given a lighter sentence.

Regarding corruption, it is not that Luochen cannot give him a chance to correct himself.

Just looking at the information handed over by Salas, after Luo Chen used mental detection to scan, classify and analyze it, even with his good temper, he almost couldn't help but send it directly to those disgusting guys. Come and get a one-stop service.

There is no way, these things really touch the bottom line of human beings.

You don't know if you don't investigate. Once you investigate, not only Luo Chen feels uncomfortable, but even Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu are angry to death.

Ah this?

Salas did not expect Luo Chen to be so ruthless. He could not imagine how huge the turmoil would be in the Wuhun Palace if so many people died: Young Master, do you need me to inform His Majesty the Pope?


Luochen's answer was obviously beyond Salas' expectations.

Before he could react, a figure that was extremely familiar to Salas appeared next to Luo Chen. It was the Pope of Wuhun Palace, Bibi Dong himself.

Subordinate Salas, meet His Majesty the Pope!

Salas was completely stunned by the scene in front of him. He knelt down to Bibi Dong almost reflexively, feeling extremely regretful about what he had just said.

When Bibi Dong was mentioned in front of Luo Chen, he was asked to inform the Pope.

What does this mean?

Do you look down on Luochen?

Do you really treat him like a child and have to report to his parents every decision he makes?

‘Okay, don’t you want to see your parents? ’

‘Here she comes. ’

The spatial fluctuations slowly dissipated, and Bibi Dong looked down at Salas who was kneeling in front of her. She knew what had just happened.

Not only her, but also the elders and priests of Wuhun Palace, and even the next generation of Wuhun Palace such as Hu Liena and Qian Renxue, were all in the Pope's Palace, listening to the report from Salas and Luochen's trial.


His Majesty the Pope!

I remember what Xiaochen told you, right?

Bibi Dong's expression was not very good: You must obey any of his orders unconditionally.

Please forgive me, the Pope!

I don't blame Salas for being careless, but Luochen's casual remark of 'Kill these people' was too shocking.

Salas is just a Contra when he is stretched to death. How can he have the courage to kill so many people at once.

It's your first offense, I won't punish you.

But, it won't happen next time!

Bibi Dong was very dissatisfied with Salas' behavior, especially the fact that he invited parents in front of Luochen, which made Bibi Dong very unhappy.

She was afraid that Luo Chen would feel depressed because of this, and that she was too much of a hindrance and too much in charge.

This kind of thing is very common, isn't it?

Whatever the children do, they have to be questioned by their parents, as if they have no autonomy at all.

Of course, Salas was right in doing this, and the nature was completely different from this.

But where would Bibi Dong consider these things?

All she knew was that Luochen had made a decision, but others refused to listen and insisted on letting the Pope come in person.

It was obvious that Bibi Dong was the Pope, but in front of Luo Chen, she seemed to be the one who overstepped her authority.


Salas trembled. He discovered that the relationship between Luochen and Bibi Dong was far more complicated than he imagined.

'What's happening here? ’

‘His Majesty the Pope, do you trust the young master so much? ’

Even if they are master and apprentice, the relationship shouldn't be this good, right?

That is the power of life and death!

‘Could it be that the rumors are true? ’

Salas is a high-ranking official in Wuhun Palace, and he has indeed heard some rumors, such as Bibi Dong's illegitimate child.

'illegitimate child? ! ’

Salas felt he understood: 'Yes, if the young master and His Majesty the Pope were mother and son, it would not be surprising at all for them to trust each other so much. ’

It has to be said that Luo Chen's existence is terrifying to think about.

Considering the relationship between the next pope of Wuhun Palace and the current pope, it is almost certain that Luo Chen will inherit Wuhun Palace.

Do you have any other questions?


Then stand down.

Bibi Dong waved her hand: The specific arrangements are as planned by Xiaochen. Kill those who deserve to be killed, arrest those who deserve to be arrested, and imprison those who deserve to be imprisoned.

This time's internal cleaning is destined to severely damage Wuhun Palace's vitality.

It’s just that it can’t be established without breaking down.

Now that Luochen decided to take Wuhun Palace to a new height, he had to solve the internal problems.

My subordinates resign.

Salas retreated humbly, and before leaving, Bibi Dong gave another instruction: Prepare the room for me and Xiaochen.

When he heard that Bibi Dong wanted to stay, Salas didn't dare to neglect, so he immediately left the best room in the Spirit Temple to the two of them.

One room?

Well, this is Bibi Dong's request. She doesn't want to be separated from her favorite Xiaochen.

How did the teacher behave just now?

Soon, after Salas left, Bibi Dong waited for Luo Chen to cut off the signal between here and the Pope's Palace, and then she completely put aside the burden of the Pope and turned back to the person who only knew how to kiss and hug Luo Chen. A good teacher.


Luochen said: Not bad?


not bad!

Luo Chen was a little dumbfounded. Bibi Dong was obviously the Pope, so why did he care so much about his attitude.

That's pretty much it.

Bibi Dong smiled, hugged Luo Chen, and suggested, It's been hard these days.

Over the past week, Luo Chen had compiled a lot of knowledge about laws, including the two empires, the major kingdoms, principalities, as well as the management systems of sects and Wuhun Palace, and then he summed up a fairly reasonable set of laws. Punishment system.

The Wuhundian family has a great cause and some problems are more than reasonable.

And like this time, if there is such a big fuss and so many people die, it will definitely shock the entire Douluo Continent.

Therefore, Luo Chen was really cautious about this matter and spent a lot of time and energy on it.

Meetings like today, which attracted the attention of all Wuhundian senior officials, had been held three times in seven days, and it was not until this time that a complete decision was made.

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