Douluo: Wuhun is the Star Casting Dragon King

Chapter 121 Targon is in the far north

Is this right here?

Ning Fengzhi took Sword Bone Douluo to the hotel where Luochen was staying. Also with him were the two princes of the Tiandou Empire, Xue Luochuan and Xue Qinghe.

At this time, the door was pushed open from the inside. Salas looked at the people in front of him and snorted disdainfully.

Bishop Salas?

Sect Master Ning!

Salas's attitude was very cold.

Being punished by Luochen, Salas did not dare to have any dissatisfaction.

In the original work, Salas was able to kneel before a piece of papal decree, and his loyalty to Wuhun Palace was unquestionable.

Luochen is Bibi Dong's disciple and the first successor to the Pope.

If nothing else, he will be the next pope.

Therefore, Salas would not resist, let alone punishment or liquidation.

But that was Luochen!

As for Ning Fengzhi?

It is true that the Qibao Glazed Sect is as rich as any country, and the lineup of the two super Douluo Sword and Bone Douluo is also luxurious enough.

However, compared with Wuhun Palace, Qibao Glazed Sect is really far behind.

Douluo Dalu has such a serious tendency to bully and flatter others that even Salas can't give Ning Fengzhi a good look.

I wonder if Bishop Salas has gained anything?

What does it have to do with you?!

Salas glared at Ning Fengzhi, obviously extremely dissatisfied with his question.

It seems that Wuhun Palace didn't get any advantage from them.

Looking at Salas's back angrily leaving, Ning Fengzhi and Xue Luochuan looked at each other, and both of them saw that Titan Peak and Wuhun Palace were not dealing with each other.

But that's a good thing.

Only if Titan Peak has a conflict with Wuhun Palace can they profit from it.

Knock knock.

Ah Yin opened the door for everyone. Seeing this, Ning Fengzhi naturally recognized the other party's identity.

However, Ning Fengzhi didn't say anything. He just smiled and asked, I take the liberty of visiting. Is it convenient for Mr. Luo now?

come in.

Luo Chen asked Ah Yin to bring Ning Fengzhi and others into the living room.

Two Super Douluo and one Soul Saint.

The moment everyone entered the room, Tianmeng had already given information about their cultivation.

Xue Luochuan and Xue Qinghe were too weak and were not even qualified to be marked by Tianmeng, so they did not receive much attention.

It was Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo.

Tianmeng's mental power locked onto the two of them, and whenever they made any movement, Gu Yuena would take them down immediately!

‘Is this the person who defeated Haotian Douluo? ’

'too young.'

While Luo Chen was looking at Ning Fengzhi and others, Sword Bone Douluo and the eldest prince Xue Luochuan were also observing Luo Chen and others.

Everyone, why are you here?

In the living room, Luo Chen sat on the sofa in the center, with Gu Yuena and Tian Meng sitting on both sides of him.

Ning is the current sect leader of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. These two are the Sect Protector Douluo of our Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, Sword Douluo Chenxin and Bone Douluo Gu Rong.

Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.

Luo Chen nodded and said, I have admired your name for a long time.

Mr. Luo.

Seeing this, Xue Qinghe said: This is my brother.

Xue Luochuan, I have met Mr. Luo.

Xue Luochuan did not pretend to be the eldest prince, he knew the nature of this world very well.

In Douluo Continent, the strong are respected.

With Luo Chen's ability to easily defeat Tang Hao, even if they tried to do something, the Tiandou Empire would not be able to stop them.

If you come to me with any questions, just tell me.

It is true that the two Super Douluo are indeed very strong.

But Luo Chen really didn't take Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo seriously.

Look at these two people next to him.

Two level 100 real people are sitting there, who should take it easy?

Sect Master Ning?

The eldest prince invites you first.

Ning Fengzhi wisely gave the opportunity to Xue Luochuan first, and the latter did not show any pretense and said straight to the point: The Tiandou Empire admires Mr. Luo for his advanced cultivation. Xiao Wang hereby sincerely invites Mr. Luo. I hope you can serve as a guest. , sitting in the empire.

There is currently only one titled strong man in the Tiandou Empire, Dugu Bo, who was invited by Prince Xuexing.

The lack of high-end combat power has always been a pain for the Tiandou royal family.

Now that he met a sect and a powerful man with a title that he had never heard of before, Xue Luochuan couldn't help but feel moved.

So after the verbal invitation, Xue Luochuan also made a guarantee.

As long as Luochen is willing to join the Tiandou Empire, no matter what the conditions are, he will discuss it with his father, Emperor Xueye, in order to satisfy Luochen.

Sorry, I can't agree to this request at the moment.

Luochen had no ill feelings towards Xue Luochuan and Xue Qinghe, and they sincerely invited them.

So he just refused, but didn't go too far.

Luo Chen's reason is that Titan Peak has been hidden from the world for too long and has not yet fully grasped the changes in the outside world.

If Targon chooses to be born, it naturally needs the support of a country.

Luochen did not block the road to the Tiandou Empire, but said that he needed to travel to more places before he could make the final choice.

This statement was easily understood by the Xue brothers.

Similarly, Ning Fengzhi also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

‘It’s enough if you don’t join the side of Wuhun Palace. ’

Ning Fengzhi supports the Tiandou Empire, and the Haotian Sect supports the Star Luo Empire. After the birth of the Giant God's Peak, no matter which side they join, as long as the Giant God's Peak and the Spirit Hall are enemies, they will be potential allies of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect.

Please give Mr. Luo more consideration.

Xue Luochuan stopped entangled: We, the Tiandou Empire, will never disappoint you and Mount Titan.

Well, I will seriously consider it.

Luochen nodded slightly to the two of them, while Xue Luochuan looked at his younger brother Xue Qinghe calmly.

When they arrived, Xue Qinghe mentioned Luochen's character to Xue Luochuan.

This is a young man who is easy to talk to and very comfortable to get along with.

After personal contact, Luochen's words and deeds really gained Xue Luochuan's favor. Even the three members of the Qibao Glazed Sect felt that he was worth making friends with.

'So, what's going on?'

They were originally wondering why Luo Chen started fighting with Tang Hao.

After this encounter, Ning Fengzhi felt that Luo Chen was quite humble and easy-going, and he did not seem to be the type to quarrel with others.

Thinking back to what Tang Yuehua said, it was Tang Hao who offended Luo Chen first.

'I see. ’

Ning Fengzhi subconsciously glanced at A Yin behind Luo Chen.

‘Haotian Douluo is too impulsive. ’

Obviously, the blame has to be placed on Tang Hao.

Anyway, Ning Fengzhi didn't think that Luo Chen would take the initiative to provoke him.

Looking through the cracks, one can tell from Luo Chen's attitude towards others that this person named Titan Peak must be like their Qibao Glazed Sect, pursuing a style of conduct in which peace is the most important thing.

In comparison, Ning Fengzhi knew very well how the Haotian Sect's hammer looked like.

They don't even pay attention to Wuhun Palace.

In the eyes of Hammer, I am the greatest in the world, and they even disdain to cooperate with the Qibao Glazed Sect.

I know you are here to inquire about the previous battle.

Luo Chen did not hide anything and told everyone the reason for his fight with Tang Hao. After listening, Ning Fengzhi and others focused on A Yin.


Ning Fengzhi didn't want to offend Luo Chen, but she still gave her own opinion: Miss A Yin is a transformed soul beast after all, and Wuhun Palace's tolerance for transformed soul beasts has always been very low.

I know what Sect Master Ning means.

Luo Chen said: But since Ah Yin has joined our Titan Peak, she is my family.

He didn't use any excuses like spiritual beasts or pets.

Even if this was just an excuse, Ah Yin didn't care at all, and Luo Chen still didn't want to insult her.

Luo Chen would say some things as he said them and would not take them to heart.

But there are some things you should never joke about!


Bone Douluo, who was behind Ning Fengzhi, frowned slightly. He wanted to say a few words, but was stopped by Sword Douluo.

Don't be nosy.

Sword Douluo used his soul power to communicate: I can't see through these people.


Carefully feel the two girls next to that boy.

Ever since Sword Douluo entered, his attention had been on Gu Yuena and Tian Meng.

The two women clearly had no breath, but Sword Douluo felt a strong sense of crisis when facing two terrifying soul beasts.

Especially Tianmeng!

If Gu Yuena was just the most ordinary monster, the pressure that dream put on Sword Douluo that day was like an ancient ferocious beast that could bring about natural disasters.

Tianmeng: I, I actually surpassed the eldest sister! o(╥﹏╥)o


Bone Douluo's perception was far less sharp than that of Sword Douluo, who studied the art of swordsmanship. After being reminded by his old friend, Bone Douluo realized what his previous attitude meant.

Once you annoy the three people in front of you, the consequences will be disastrous!


Uncle Bones?

Be careful with those two women, they are at least Super Douluo!


Ning Fengzhi's pupils shrank. He suppressed the shock in his heart and said to Luo Chen: Mr. Luo is right. Wuhun Palace is too tough. In Ning's opinion, as long as they can regulate the transformed soul beasts, then they What’s the difference between it and humans?”

Well, Ning Fengzhi just said this.

After all, Ah Yin was Tang Hao's wife.

Ning Fengzhi never expressed his position on the big event that caused a lot of fuss a few years ago.

Anyway, in his opinion, the harmony of the three Sects is the most important.

As for other problems, even if they were to be solved, they would have to come after the great cause of fighting against Wuhun Palace.

Sect Master Ning is wise.

Luo Chen naturally saw through the other person's thoughts. In his previous life, he had read some posts in which he analyzed Ning Fengzhi.

how to say?

In Dou 1, Ning Fengzhi had been committed to fighting Wuhun Palace, and the method he used was similar to Luo Chen's previous life of He Zong Lian Heng.

He knew that the power of the Qibao Glazed Sect was simply not enough to fight against the Wuhun Palace, so he had to gather all the forces as much as possible to jointly resist the Wuhun Palace's invasion.

Some people may say that Ning Fengzhi is too jumpy. Although his strength is not very good, he always talks about the three sects of Tongqi Lianzhi.

He is both good at food and fun-loving, and he is talking about people like Ning Fengzhi.

'Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.'

When Luo Chen came out this time, he actually planned to see the upper three sects and the lower four sects.

According to the setting of the original work, when Bibi Dong established the Wuhun Empire, most of the principalities and kingdoms took the initiative to become vassals, and the next four sects were immediately incorporated into the Wuhun Empire.

It can be seen from this that the attitude of the Lower Four Sects towards Wuhun Palace should be positive.

‘The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, unlike the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan and the Haotian Sect, is not an unconquerable force. ’

Qian Renxue in the original work should have been able to conquer the Qibao Glazed Sect if her undercover plan had not failed.

Bibi Dong used it to scare the monkeys, firstly because he really needed to establish his authority, and secondly because he didn't want Qian Renxue to be too proud, which was a certain degree of mother-daughter anger.

At least in the negotiations between Luo Chen and Bibi Dong, the principle of persuading surrender was still the mainstay when dealing with the Qibao Glazed Sect.

Of course, the premise is that Ning Fengzhi doesn't want to die so much.

There is nothing wrong with him wanting to win over the Haotian Sect and the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family.

The mistake was that he was the initiator.

Youdao is the first to shoot.

If Ning Fengzhi kept dancing like this, Luo Chen wouldn't be able to save him.

I have just seen the tyranny of Wuhun Palace.

Luo Chen was talking about Salas. He said that he didn't like Wuhun Palace very much, but he had a good impression of Qibao Glazed Sect.

Mr. Luo's foresight makes Ning admire him!

Seeing that Luo Chen was interested in them, Ning Fengzhi quickly increased his efforts and expressed his willingness to serve as a bridge for the reappearance of Mount Targon and help them contact the current Douluo Continent as soon as possible.

All the manpower and material resources required during this period will be borne by their Qibao Glazed Sect.

'Um. ’

Luo Chen nodded secretly: 'Give me unconditional help in exchange for Targon's favor and favor. ’

It has to be said that Ning Fengzhi is actually very successful as a businessman.

Luo Chen had no reason to refuse.

I just don't know where Mr. Luo's sect is located?

Ning Fengzhi had never heard of Titan Peak, so he had great expectations for this sect.

The hidden place of my Titan Peak is not in Tiandou and Xingluo, but in the extreme north.

The Far North?

Hearing Luo Chen's answer, Ning Fengzhi was stunned.

He thought about many possibilities, such as Mount Targon being located in some unknown secret place, or in an inaccessible Jedi land.

But the land of the far north.


Ning Fengzhi admitted that he was really scared: Mr. Luo's sect really makes Ning...

What is the Far North?

Apart from a vast expanse of white, what else is there?

Leaving aside the issue of lack of supplies, can people really live in that kind of place?

Ning Fengzhi has read many classics, and they contain records of the Far North.

The Far North is located in the northern border of the Tiandou Empire. It is one of the restricted areas for humans. It contains extremely powerful spirit beasts and extremely cold temperatures that ordinary people cannot withstand.

Not only that, the closer the cold air in the extreme north is to the core area, the closer the temperature will be to the temperature of extreme ice, and even extremely cold things such as ten thousand years of black ice marrow will appear in the core area.

One can imagine what kind of barren land the Far North is.

That's right.

Luo Chen added: For thousands of years, I, the Giant God Peak, have been living in seclusion in the core area of ​​the Far North.


At this moment, not only Ning Fengzhi, but also Sword Bone Douluo and the two Tiandou princes took a breath of air.

They couldn't imagine that there was something wrong with this disciple of the Giant God's Peak that he would actually establish a sect in that kind of place.

Moreover, Luochen said ‘for thousands of years’.

Could it be that Mount Targon has been living in seclusion in the core area of ​​the Far North for tens of thousands of years? !

‘It’s so terrifying! ’

Ning Fengzhi looked at Luo Chen in surprise and said, So the purpose of Mr. Luo's trip is to travel around the Douluo Continent to find a new sect headquarters that can bring the Giant God Peak back to the world?


Luo Chen didn't care about Ning Fengzhi's speculation. Anyway, it was just an excuse to play with them.

Of course, Mount Targon will definitely be built.

Luochen went to the core area of ​​the Far North this time just to allow Tianmeng to build a real Titan Peak and complete the integration of the rules of the star realm and the Douluo Continent.

Ning is looking forward to the day when Mount Titan appears.

When the time comes, please ask Mr. Luo to give Ning a chance, Ning Fengzhi stretched out his hand to Luo Chen: Let me show off the style of the sect that has been hidden in the far north for thousands of years.


And with Luo Chen's agreement, everyone did not separate immediately, but started chatting again.

During this period, Ning Fengzhi also hosted a banquet for Luo Chen, others, and the two princes at the most upscale hotel in Tiandou City.

He originally wanted to take the opportunity to ease the relationship between Tang Hao and Luo Chen.

But Tang Hao's wife was abducted by Luo Chen.

This kind of hatred for seizing his wife will inevitably lead to an unending outcome, and there is no room for maneuver at all.

Fortunately, Ning Fengzhi is a realistic person.

Comparing Tang Hao and Luo Chen, the former lost to the latter, so does he still need to consider who Ning Fengzhi wants to invest in?

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