The battle between Duan Yufan and Qian Renxue came as planned. Both of them are the most important people in the Spirit Hall, and they are also the two most brilliant people in the Spirit Hall.

So the seven great priests and nine elders of the Spirit Hall came to the place where Duan Yufan and Qian Renxue agreed to meet, at the gate of the Worship Hall.

Of course, except for these dozens of Title Douluo, others are not qualified to come here to watch, and the Soul Douluo-level Platinum Bishop is no exception.

The Title Douluo level in the Spirit Hall, as long as they are in the Spirit City, came here to gather, plus Bibi Dong, Qian Daoliu and Hu Liena, there are a total of 20 people present, after all, one is the disciple of the current Pope and the other is the granddaughter of the Great Priest of the Worship Hall, and no one dared to be absent.

Dozens of Title Douluo surrounded a circle a few meters apart, and the middle area was a hundred square meters. Bibi Dong was still surrounded by two familiar elders, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo, and the other elders lined up around Bibi Dong.

Qian Daoliu was surrounded by two of the highest soul power levels, the 98th-level second-level worshippers, the Golden Crocodile Douluo, and the 97th-level third-level worshipper, the Holy Dragon Douluo. The other four 96th-level worshippers were also lined up next to Qian Daoliu, so it was said that they surrounded the city in an oval shape.

So except for those who were on missions outside, the rest of the Titled Douluo were here, which means that the top combat power of the Spirit Hall was all concentrated here today.

"Great worshiper, don't you do something for this match? After all, it was your granddaughter who first proposed to challenge my disciple." Bibi Dong said calmly to Qian Daoliu, who was dozens of meters in front of her.

"Haha, that's good. The breath of the two should not be exposed. I will leave a protective shield to block the breath in this area, so that they can rest assured and fight a fair fight." Qian Daoliu stood up and said after hearing what Bibi Dong said.

Then, soul rings appeared one after another on his body. The first one to appear was a black 10,000-year soul ring, followed by another black 10,000-year soul ring. The first eight were all 10,000-year soul rings, until the last one, a scarlet 100,000-year soul ring, stopped.

This is the 99th-level Extreme Douluo Qian Daoliu, who has eight black and one red. It is shocking. If people from the outside world see Qian Daoliu's soul rings, they will definitely doubt their lives and drop their jaws in shock.

However, although Qian Daoliu released his soul rings, he could not feel the fluctuations of his soul power, just like an ordinary person, as if all this was an illusion. It can be said that Qian Daoliu's use of soul power has returned to its original simplicity.


Qian Daoliu compressed and condensed a ball of golden soul power in the palm of his hand and threw it to the middle of the sky above the crowd. The golden soul power light ball spread around and slowly formed a protective shield to cover everyone, and then turned into an invisible protective shield, as if nothing existed.

"This old guy is really strong, and his use of soul power has reached the pinnacle. I have to admit that I am not as good as him in the use of soul power." Bibi Dong thought secretly, admitting her own shortcomings.

No wonder Bibi Dong's level 99 soul power is the result of dozens of soul rings of the twin martial souls, or it can be said that it is pushed to the level of level 99 soul power.

In other words, the quality of Bibi Dong's level 99 soul power is naturally not as good as Qian Daoliu's pure soul power of level 99, so Bibi Dong still has a long way to go.

"Haha, now they can relax and play." Qian Daoliu smiled generously, sat in his seat and said with satisfaction.

"Let Xiaofan come out."

"Let Xueer come out."

After everything was prepared, Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu explained to the people around them.

Today's two protagonists appeared, Duan Yufan walked out of the gate behind Bibi Dong, and Qian Renxue walked out of the worship hall.

Duan Yufan looked at the dozen people in the field and could only say, wow, with so many Title Douluo, they should have flattened everything and unified the Douluo Continent long ago. I wonder what they are waiting for.

The Title Douluo present knew a little about Duan Yufan, but knew very little about Qian Renxue. They only knew that she was the granddaughter of Qian Daoliu and her martial spirit was a six-winged angel.

Duan Yufan and Qian Renxue walked to the middle of an area reserved for the two of them under the gaze of everyone, about two meters apart.

"I have been waiting for this day for three years. I have been thinking about it day and night since the last failure." Qian Renxue said very calmly at this time.

"Hey, it's really my honor to have you, a big beauty, thinking about me, but why bother? We are born from the same root, so why rush to fight each other? You know that your attack can't do much to me, and I happen to have multiple defensive soul skills. Like last time, you can't even break my defense." The same root that Duan Yufan said was a sun origin.

"Physical attacks are no good, but mental attacks can't be defended." Qian Renxue said calmly.

"What are you going to do? You want to make me an idiot and support me, and you want to attack me mentally." Duan Yufan was happy. Since he understood the Tai Chi concept, he was least afraid of mental attacks.

"Yes, if you really become an idiot, it's not impossible to support you." Qian Renxue smiled.

"Wow! Femme Fatale, you are really vicious, but your wishful thinking is not very good." Duan Yufan also said calmly.

The two chatted casually, like flirting, and they didn't open their martial spirits for a long time. The people outside the field didn't urge them, but Hu Liena's mind became active.

"Humph, this woman really has ulterior motives. She uses the name of a challenge to get close to my Xiaofan." Hu Liena muttered in dissatisfaction in her heart.

Qian Daoliu watched the two chatting, happy, not anxious at all, and even hoped to chat until tomorrow.

"Stop talking nonsense and start!" Qian Renxue said in a deep voice, jumping about two meters behind her.

"Since you are so eager to win, why bother being polite."

Duan Yufan also took a few steps back after saying that, and the distance between the two was about ten meters.

"Hmph, the seventh soul skill, the angel's true body." Qian Renxue did not hesitate to release the six-winged angel's martial soul's true body.

A huge six-winged angel appeared behind Qian Renxue, and Qian Renxue's original golden clothes and light golden hair turned into pure golden color at this moment, like a god. Qian Renxue's angel's true body was eight meters high.

After releasing the martial soul's true body, Qian Renxue's aura was not weaker than that of an ordinary Title Douluo, which surprised the Title Douluo outside the field. As a god-level martial soul, the increase brought by the martial soul's true body was extremely terrifying, far exceeding other martial souls.

"It's really amazing. You used your strongest trump card as soon as you made a move. It's a pity that your seventh soul ring is only a ten thousand year soul ring, otherwise it can be improved a little bit, and the soul power is only level 73."

Yes, for some reason, Qian Renxue upgraded another level overnight, but Qian Renxue was too conservative. The soul ring was just the best configuration.

"You haven't made a move yet, let me see what strength you have in three years." Qian Renxue stood in the air, looking at calmly at a height of about two meters, but the next moment Qian Renxue was stunned.

As soon as Qian Renxue finished speaking, Duan Yufan released his soul ring. In full view of everyone, seven soul rings appeared on his body: yellow, purple, purple, black, dark red, black, and red.

"Good boy, a 100,000 year soul ring and a level 74 soul saint." Qian Daoliu was also a little surprised by Duan Yufan's strength.

"Seventh soul skill, Seraphim's true body." An angel with six wings also appeared behind Duan Yufan, but the difference was that the true body was dressed differently.

"Follow God's will, victory will eventually belong to us." When Duan Yufan released the true form of the Seraph, a voice rang in everyone's mind.

I don't know what to say,

Apo Klei,

It's almost the 100th chapter, I guess there will be another chapter today to celebrate

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