Qian Renxue's angel body is only a single color of golden color, while Duan Yufan's Seraphim body is wearing a light yellow long skirt, with two blue silk ribbons on the left and right from the waist.

The Seraphim body wears a necklace pendant in the shape of a cross, and the hair is not golden, but dark purple. This outfit is more in line with the image in people's minds.

The Seraphim body is lifelike, as if a god appeared in front of everyone.

Because Duan Yufan's seventh soul ring is at the 100,000-year level, the Seraphim body is more than two meters taller than Qian Renxue's angel body.

Now the dozens of Titled Douluo watching from the sidelines can only be described as shocking and stunned. They are already very surprised by Qian Renxue's strength, but they are even more shocked by Duan Yufan's ability, who has a 100,000-year soul ring that they all envy.

"How is this possible."

"You are worthy of being the Holy Son of the Spirit Hall."

"Humph, not bad, it really makes me, your teacher, proud." Bibi Dong thought with relief in her heart.

"Your Holiness, how did the Holy Son suddenly have a 100,000-year spirit ring?" Ju Douluo asked Bibi Dong for an answer in surprise.

"Hmm!" Bibi Dong glanced at Ju Douluo indifferently.

"Uh, I won't ask anymore." Ju Douluo quickly shut up and had to keep the question to himself.

Duan Yufan's strength had reached an amazing effect. The amplification effect brought by the Seraphim's true body was higher than Qian Renxue's, after all, the spirit ring was a lot higher.

Hu Liena realized that she had greatly underestimated Duan Yufan's strength and Qian Renxue's strength.

"This is impossible." Qian Renxue said in disbelief and difficulty accepting.

She looked up at the Seraphim's true body, which was taller than her own angel's true body, and also looked at the bright red spirit ring like her grandfather's. It overshadowed everything about her, including the spirit power level, spirit ring, martial spirit true body, and even the age was much younger than her.

Qian Renxue's self-confidence or conceited heart was vulnerable in front of Duan Yufan and was severely shattered by Duan Yufan. At this moment, Qian Renxue lost all her confidence.

"Hey! I hope Xue'er (she) can withstand this blow." Qian Daoliu and Bibi Dong said in their hearts at the same time, and naturally noticed the changes in Qian Renxue's expression on the field.

They also knew how conceited and arrogant Qian Renxue was. Since she awakened the six-winged angel martial spirit, she has been practicing all the way to now, and it can be said that it has been smooth sailing, and there is no bottleneck at all.

"Do you want to continue?" Duan Yufan also rose to the same height as Qian Renxue, looking at Qian Renxue, who was originally full of confidence. At this time, she was as withered as a withered flower, and her expression was trance.

"Yes, of course, even if I can't beat you, I have to know how far the gap between us is, and you are just a support system, I may not lose." Fortunately, Qian Renxue's character is also firm. After a moment of loss, she immediately cheered up and said.

"Then let's attack." Duan Yufan's heart dropped as he watched Qian Renxue come back to her senses.

"Hmph, don't be careless, Angel Domain." After Qian Renxue readjusted, she instantly opened an area of ​​golden light, covering the battlefield.

"I also have the Seraphim Domain." Seeing this, Duan Yufan also opened a domain confrontation and squeezed Qian Renxue's Angel Domain.

"Domain Skill - Angel Descends." That's right, after Qian Renxue reached the Soul Saint level, the Angel Domain evolved for the second time, and there was one more skill.

Two golden angels descended in the domain, and at most two golden angels could be condensed at a time. They could only continue to condense after they dissipated, and the attack had a stun effect.

"Third soul skill, Seraphim Holy Light Guardian, second soul skill, Seraphim Courage Blessing."

Duan Yufan calmly added soul skills to himself, and the Seraphim real body behind him made corresponding soul skill movements according to Duan Yufan's thoughts.

Duan Yufan took on Qian Renxue's domain skill golden angel attack without any injury, and the protective shield attached to the third soul skill did not cause any ripples.

"Damn it! It seems that I can only try to use mental attack, idiots are idiots." Qian Renxue was embarrassed, her domain skills did not work at all.

This is also because of Duan Yufan's defensive ability, otherwise if it was replaced by an ordinary soul douluo, he would be seriously injured by Qian Renxue in minutes.

"Sixth soul skill, Angel's Roar." Qian Renxue thought about it and used the sixth soul skill she had used before.

However, because of the increase in soul power level and martial soul true body, it was not the same as before, and the power increased several times.

However, Qian Renxue miscalculated again. Mental attack was useless to Duan Yufan, but the shock wave blew Duan Yufan's flowing hair.

"It doesn't work again, come again, I don't believe it, soul bone skill-Angel God." A golden soul bone appeared on Qian Renxue's forehead.

It turned out that Qian Renxue leveled up in one night because she absorbed the second soul bone of the angel soul bone set, the angel skull of the angel god suit.

Angel God Suit Soul Bone is exclusive to the Six-winged Angel Martial Soul. Each soul bone is 99,999. Only when Qian Renxue absorbs all of them can it evolve into a true artifact Angel Holy Armor Set. However, the last piece requires Qian Renxue to reach level 100 to absorb.

"Well, soul bone skills, the sixth soul skill, Seraphim Holy Light Blessing."

Duan Yufan's Holy Light Blessing has also improved the defense of the second and third soul skills. With the damage reduction of the Seraphim field, it can be said that Duan Yufan himself does not know how much defense he has, anyway, it is over 100.

Then after the state is attached, like a defensive soul master, let Qian Renxue attack, and quietly watch Qian Renxue's performance.

"Are you tired? Do you want to rest?"

Duan Yufan had no intention of mocking, he just watched Qian Renxue release so many soul skills, and they were high-level soul skills, which must have consumed a lot of soul power.

But what Qian Renxue heard was a mockery, and she was furious and launched another round of attacks.

In the next few minutes, Qian Renxue attacked alone, and Duan Yufan stood to defend. The two of them had reached a height of seven or eight meters, and the martial soul true body had already hit the blockade protection shield set up by Qian Daoliu.

"Domain skill-Angel Descends." Qian Renxue's soul power had reached the point of exhaustion, and finally released another golden angel attack.

"Soul bone skill, Holy Light Cross." Duan Yufan saw it and released the only attack in this battle.

The over 20-meter-long super-large golden cross attacked the golden angel and the domain.

With a bang, cracks appeared in Qian Renxue's domain and angel true body. Qian Renxue's soul power was exhausted and she could no longer maintain the martial soul true body and expand the domain.

After Qian Renxue's martial soul and domain disappeared, she could no longer stand in the air and fell down.

"Fourth soul skill, Seraph Healing Holy Light."

Seeing this, Duan Yufan immediately moved and hugged Qian Renxue, giving her a princess hug, and also used the fourth soul skill to instantly heal Qian Renxue's injuries.

"Are you okay?" After landing on the ground, Duan Yufan also collected his martial soul and said softly with a gentle smile.

"You won." Qian Renxue said with a slightly flushed face. For the first time, she smelled Duan Yufan's breath close to her. Her injuries were healed by Duan Yufan, but her soul power was exhausted.

"Haha! Thank you, thank you, your attack is very good." Duan Yufan smiled awkwardly and praised Qian Renxue.

"You can let me go. You won this time, and I will definitely win back."

"Welcome, welcome anytime." Duan Yufan let go and held Qian Renxue's slender waist.

"If you can, come to my room tonight." Qian Renxue whispered in Duan Yufan's ear, and then turned and walked towards the worship hall.

Duan Yufan was stunned and stood there, not understanding what Qian Renxue meant.

"But I won't go!" Duan Yufan muttered to himself.

Today is the third chapter, hey! I won't save the manuscript, I will post it as soon as I finish writing it. This chapter is to celebrate the breakthrough of 100 chapters.

But I have thought about the plot of the next chapter, and I feel that the scale is a bit large. I don't know if it will be blocked if I write it out and post it. . .

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